chore(deps): update major version dependencies (master) (major) #28

renovate wants to merge 1 commits from renovate/master-major-major-version-dependencies into master

This PR contains the following updates:

Package Type Update Change
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin (source) dependencies major ^6.21.0 -> ^8.26.0
@typescript-eslint/parser (source) dependencies major ^6.21.0 -> ^8.26.0
eslint (source) dependencies major ^8.57.1 -> ^9.22.0
eslint-config-prettier dependencies major ^9.1.0 -> ^10.1.1
eslint-plugin-cypress dependencies major ^2.15.2 -> ^4.2.0
eslint-plugin-jest dependencies major ^27.9.0 -> ^28.11.0
eslint-plugin-vue (source) dependencies major ^9.32.0 -> ^10.0.0

Release Notes

typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint (@​typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin)


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🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [unified-signatures] support ignoring overload signatures with different JSDoc comments (#​10781)
  • eslint-plugin: [explicit-module-boundary-types] add an option to ignore overload implementations (#​10889)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unused-var] handle implicit exports in declaration files (#​10714)
  • support TypeScript 5.8 (#​10903)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-parameters] special case tuples and parameter location arrays as single-use (#​9536)
🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-assertion] handle unknown (#​10875)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-invalid-void-type] report accessor properties with an invalid void type (#​10864)
  • eslint-plugin: [unified-signatures] does not differentiate truly private methods (#​10806)
❤️ Thank You

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🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [no-misused-spread] add suggestions (#​10719)
🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-nullish-coalescing] report on chain expressions in a ternary (#​10708)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-deprecated] report usage of deprecated private identifiers (#​10844)
  • eslint-plugin: [unified-signatures] handle getter-setter (#​10818)
❤️ Thank You

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🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [class-methods-use-this] check accessor methods with a function initializer (#​10796)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-misused-promises] don't report on static accessor properties (#​10814)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-deprecated] don't report on deprecated accessor property declaration (#​10813)
  • eslint-plugin: [explicit-member-accessibility] check accessor class properties for missing accessibility modifier (#​10805)
  • eslint-plugin: [explicit-module-boundary-types] check accessor class properties with a function initializer (#​10804)
  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-return-this-type] check accessor properties with a function initializer (#​10794)
  • eslint-plugin: [consistent-generic-constructors] check accessor class properties (#​10789)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unsafe-assignment] report on an any value assigned as an initializer of an accessor property (#​10785)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-template-expression] ignore enum and enum members (#​10782)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-inferrable-types] handle accessor (#​10780)
❤️ Thank You
  • Ronen Amiel
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-condition] make allowConstantLoopConditions more granular (#​10639)
🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-misused-spread] correct and elaborate string spread report message (#​10751)
  • eslint-plugin: [restrict-plus-operands] report adding bigints to strings when allowNumberAndString is false (#​10737)
❤️ Thank You
  • Josh Goldberg
  • noah
  • Ronen Amiel

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-boolean-literal-compare] enforce strictNullChecks (#​10712)
🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-shadow] ignore declare variables in definition files shadowing global variables (#​10710)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-restricted-imports] support regex option (#​10699)
  • eslint-plugin: [dot-notation] handle noPropertyAccessFromIndexSignature true (#​10644)
  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-nullish-coalescing] fix missing return (#​10732)
  • bump ts-api-utils to ^2.0.1 (#​10761)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-template-expression] allow interpolating type parameter in type context (#​10739)
  • eslint-plugin: [switch-exhaustiveness-check] suggest with qualified name (#​10697)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-assertion] should report readonly class properties with a literal initializer (#​10618)
❤️ Thank You

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🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-template-expression] handle template literal type (#​10612)
  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-readonly] autofixer doesn't add type to property that is mutated in the constructor (#​10552)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-extraneous-class] handle accessor keyword (#​10678)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-shadow] don't report unnecessarily on valid ways of using module augmentation (#​10616)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-duplicate-type-constituents] handle nested types (#​10638)
  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-nullish-coalescing] doesn't report on ternary but on equivalent || (#​10517)
❤️ Thank You

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🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-duplicate-enum-values] handle template literal (#​10675)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-base-to-string] don't crash for recursive array or tuple types (#​10633)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-for-in-array] report on any type which may be an array or array-like (#​10535)
  • eslint-plugin: check JSX spread elements for misused spread usage (#​10653)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-arguments] handle type args on jsx (#​10630)
❤️ Thank You

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🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [consistent-type-assertions] add arrayLiteralTypeAssertions options (#​10565)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-deprecated] add allow options (#​10585)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-misused-spread] add new rule (#​10551)
🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-condition] don't flag optional chaining for union types with an unconstrained type parameters (#​10602)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-shadow] ignore ordering of type declarations (#​10593)
❤️ Thank You

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🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-assertion] handle literal types (#​10523)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-deprecated] doesn't report on shorthand property in an object expression (#​10550)
  • eslint-plugin: [strict-boolean-expressions] remove remaining (unsafe) autofixes (#​10548)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-shadow] report correctly on parameters of functions declared with the declare keyword (#​10543)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-base-to-string] check array generic type (#​10437)
❤️ Thank You
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • mdm317
  • Ronen Amiel
  • Yukihiro Hasegawa @​y-hsgw

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [strict-boolean-expressions] check array predicate functions' return statements (#​10106)
🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [member-ordering] ignore method overloading (#​10536)
  • eslint-plugin: [consistent-indexed-object-style] don't report on indirect circular references (#​10537)
  • eslint-plugin: [array-type] autofix with conditional types needs parentheses (#​10522)
  • eslint-plugin: add getConstraintInfo to handle generic constraints better (#​10496)
❤️ Thank You

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🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-condition] handle noUncheckedIndexedAccess true (#​10514)
  • eslint-plugin: [consistent-type-assertions] allow default assertionStyle option (#​10512)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-arguments] handle type/value context (#​10503)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unsafe-type-assertion] fix for unsafe assertion to a constrained type parameter (#​10461)
  • eslint-plugin: [consistent-indexed-object-style] use a suggestion over an auto-fix if can't reliably determine that produced index signature is valid (#​10490)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-condition] don't flag values of an unconstrained or valid type parameter (#​10473)
  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-reduce-type-parameter] don't report cases in which the fix results in a type error (#​10494)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-deprecated] not reporting usages of deprecated declared constants as object value (#​10498)
❤️ Thank You

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🩹 Fixes
  • scope-manager: visit params decorator before nest scope (#​10475)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-condition] better message when comparing between literal types (#​10454)
  • eslint-plugin: use consistent naming for asserting types and casting values (#​10472)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-boolean-literal-compare] flag values of a type parameter with boolean type constraints (#​10474)
  • eslint-plugin: handle string like index type (#​10460)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-template-expression] don't report when an expression includes comment (#​10444)
❤️ Thank You

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🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [switch-exhaustiveness-check] add support for "no default" comment (#​10218)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-deprecated] report on super call of deprecated constructor (#​10397)
🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [use-unknown-in-catch-callback-variable] only flag function literals (#​10436)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-base-to-string] handle more robustly when multiple toString() declarations are present for a type (#​10432)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-deprecated] check if a JSX attribute is deprecated (#​10374)
  • typescript peer dependency (#​10373)
❤️ Thank You

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🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-promise-reject-errors] options to allow any and unknown (#​10392)
🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [promise-function-async] handle function overloading (#​10304)
  • eslint-plugin: remove references to "extendDefaults" in no-restricted-types (#​10401)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-template-expressions] allow template expressions used to make trailing whitespace visible (#​10363)
❤️ Thank You

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🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [no-base-to-string] check Array.prototype.join (#​10287)
  • eslint-plugin: [max-params] add function overload and function type support (#​10312)
❤️ Thank You

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🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-nullish-coalescing] fix detection of ignoreConditionalTests involving boolean ! operator (#​10299)
  • eslint-plugin: new rule no-unsafe-type-assertion (#​10051)
  • eslint-plugin: added related-getter-setter-pairs rule (#​10192)
🩹 Fixes
  • utils: add defaultOptions to meta in rule (#​10339)
  • eslint-plugin: report deprecations used in default export (#​10330)
  • eslint-plugin: [explicit-module-boundary-types] and [explicit-function-return-type] don't report on as const satisfies (#​10315)
  • eslint-plugin: [await-thenable, return-await] don't flag awaiting unconstrained type parameter as unnecessary (#​10314)
  • eslint-plugin: [consistent-indexed-object-style] handle circular mapped types (#​10301)
❤️ Thank You

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🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [await-thenable] report unnecessary await using statements (#​10209)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-confusing-void-expression] add an option to ignore void<->void (#​10067)
🩹 Fixes
  • scope-manager: fix asserted increments not being marked as write references (#​10271)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-misused-promises] improve report loc for methods (#​10216)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-condition] improve error message for literal comparisons (#​10194)
❤️ Thank You

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🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [only-throw-error] add allow option (#​10221)
  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-nullish-coalescing] add option ignoreBooleanCoercion (#​9924)
  • eslint-plugin: disable no-class-assign rule in eslint-recommended config (#​10250)
🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [switch-exhaustiveness-check] add support for covering a missing property with undefined (#​10232)
  • eslint-plugin: [consistent-type-definitions] don't leave trailing parens when fixing type to interface (#​10235)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-deprecated] report when exported class implements/extends deprecated entity (#​10259)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-deprecated] report on deprecated variables used inside dynamic imports (#​10261)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-condition] falsey bigint should be falsey (#​10205)
❤️ Thank You

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [switch-exhaustiveness-check] invert considerDefaultExhaustiveForUnions (#​10223)
❤️ Thank You

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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This was a version bump only for eslint-plugin to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [no-base-to-string] handle String() (#​10005)
  • eslint-plugin: [switch-exhaustiveness-check] add allowDefaultCaseMatchUnionMember option (#​9954)
  • eslint-plugin: [consistent-indexed-object-style] report mapped types (#​10160)
  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-nullish-coalescing] add support for assignment expressions (#​10152)
❤️ Thank You

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-parameters] add suggestion fixer (#​10149)
  • eslint-plugin: [no-base-to-string] add support for catching toLocaleString (#​10138)
🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [class-literal-property-style] don't report nodes with override keyword (#​10135)
❤️ Thank You

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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🚀 Features
❤️ Thank You
  • Josh Goldberg

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-parameters] cannot assume variables are either type or value

  • scope-manager: [no-use-before-define] do not treat nested namespace aliases as variable references

  • eslint-plugin: [return-await] sync the behavior with await-thenable

  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-literal-enum-member] report a different error message when allowBitwiseExpressions is enabled

  • eslint-plugin: [no-loop-func] sync from upstream base rule

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unused-vars] never report the naming of an enum member

  • eslint-plugin: correct use-at-your-own-risk type definitions

  • eslint-plugin: handle unions in await...for

❤️ Thank You
  • Abraham Guo
  • Anna Bocharova
  • Arya Emami
  • auvred
  • Joshua Chen
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • Lotfi Meklati
  • mdm317
  • Ronen Amiel
  • Sukka
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: stop warning on @​ts-nocheck comments which aren't at the beginning of the file
❤️ Thank You
  • Brad Zacher
  • Ronen Amiel
  • WhitePiano

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-condition] add checkTypePredicates

  • eslint-plugin: [return-await] check for-await loop iteree

🩹 Fixes
  • remove export type * in d.ts to support TS<5.0

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-template-expression] should underline template syntax with squiggly lines

  • type-utils: check for type parameters on isBuiltinSymbolLikeRecurser()

  • eslint-plugin: [no-deprecated] max callstack exceeded when class implements itself

  • eslint-plugin: [no-misused-promises] check contextual type

  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-literal-enum-member] allow nested bitwise operations

❤️ Thank You
  • auvred
  • Josh Goldberg
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • Ronen Amiel
  • Tarun Chauhan
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unsafe-call] check calls of Function

  • eslint-plugin: [consistent-type-exports] check export * exports to see if all exported members are types

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: properly coerce all types to string in getStaticMemberAccessValue

  • eslint-plugin: [no-deprecated] report on imported deprecated variables

  • eslint-plugin: [no-confusing-non-null-assertion] check !in and !instanceof

❤️ Thank You
  • Abraham Guo
  • auvred
  • Brian Donovan
  • Kirk Waiblinger

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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🚀 Features
  • add allow option for restrict-template-expressions

  • type-utils: isNullableType add Void logic

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-condition] check switch cases

  • eslint-plugin: [no-misused-promises] check array predicate return

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-deprecated] don't report recursive types in destructuring assignment twice

  • eslint-plugin: [no-deprecated] report on deprecated variables used in destructuring assignment

  • eslint-plugin: [no-deprecated] report on deprecated properties with function-like types

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-condition] properly reflect multiple negations in message

❤️ Thank You
  • Abraham Guo
  • auvred
  • Josh Goldberg
  • Kim Sang Du
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [no-duplicate-type-constituents] prevent unnecessary `

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unsafe-argument] differentiate error types

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-assertion] fix TSNonNullExpression fixer

  • eslint-plugin: [no-misused-promises] handle static method

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-parameters] fix AST quick path scope analysis

  • eslint-plugin: [consistent-type-assertions] access parser services lazily

❤️ Thank You
  • f44da95
  • Josh Goldberg
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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This was a version bump only for eslint-plugin to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [no-deprecation] add rule
🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-template-expression] add missing parentheses in autofix

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-parameters] check mapped alias type arguments

  • utils: add TSDeclareFunction to functionTypeTypes

  • ast-spec: use Expression in argument of ThrowStatement

❤️ Thank You
  • Abraham Guo
  • Daichi Kamiyama
  • Josh Goldberg
  • Kim Sang Du
  • Sukka
  • Vida Xie

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: add suggestion to require-await to remove async keyword
🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [use-unknown-in-catch-callback-variable] flag second argument of .then

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-assertion] conflict with TS for variables used before assignment

  • eslint-plugin: delete [] in message if ReadOnly<string[]> is detected

  • eslint-plugin: [no-redundant-type-constituents] differentiate a types-error any from a true any

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-parameters] check mapped constraint types if necessary

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unsafe-enum-comparison] add logic to see through intersections

❤️ Thank You
  • Abraham Guo
  • Dave
  • Jake Bailey
  • James
  • Josh Goldberg
  • liuxingbaoyu
  • Yukihiro Hasegawa
  • Yutong Zhu

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [no-floating-promises] enable "add await" suggestion if ignoreVoid is true

  • typescript-estree: restrict variable declarator definite/init combinations

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unsafe-return] check promise any

  • eslint-plugin: [no-misused-promises] check subtype methods against heritage type methods

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unsafe-enum-comparison] typo in test

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-parameters] skip checking function bodies for AST references

  • eslint-plugin: [member-ordering] get accessor member name & take into account abstract and decorator

  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-optional-chain] wrong parenthesis fix output

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-parameters] clarify message

❤️ Thank You
  • Aly Thobani
  • Brad Zacher
  • James
  • Josh Goldberg
  • Joshua Chen
  • Olivier Zalmanski
  • YeonJuan
  • Yukihiro Hasegawa

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unused-vars] ignore imports used only as types
❤️ Thank You
  • Jake Bailey

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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🚀 Features
  • stricter parent types for the AST

  • typescript-estree: split TSMappedType typeParameter into constraint and key

  • eslint-plugin: remove formatting/layout rules

  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-nullish-coalescing] change ignoreConditionalTests default to true

  • eslint-plugin: deprecate no-loss-of-precision extension rule

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unused-vars] align catch behavior to ESLint 9

  • typescript-estree: rename automaticSingleRunInference to disallowAutomaticSingleRunInference

  • utils: allow specifying additional rule in RuleCreator

  • eslint-plugin: split no-empty-object-type out from ban-types and no-empty-interfaces

  • rule-tester: support multipass fixes

  • typescript-estree: stabilize EXPERIMENTAL_useProjectService as projectService

  • eslint-plugin: remove deprecated no-throw-literal rule

  • eslint-plugin: apply initial config changes for v8

  • eslint-plugin: remove no-useless-template-literals

  • eslint-plugin: [no-floating-promises] add 'allowForKnownSafeCalls' option

  • eslint-plugin: replace ban-types with no-restricted-types, no-unsafe-function-type, no-wrapper-object-types

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unused-vars] add reportUnusedIgnorePattern option

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unused-vars] support ignoreClassWithStaticInitBlock

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unused-vars] handle comma operator for assignments, treat for-of the same as for-in

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unused-vars] report if var used only in typeof

  • eslint-plugin: [no-floating-promises] disable checkThenables by default for v8

  • rule-tester: switched to flat config

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-parameters] promote to strict

🩹 Fixes
  • correct eslint-plugin's peerDependency on parser@8

  • disable projectService in disabled-type-checked shared config

  • typescript-estree: add TSEnumBody node for TSEnumDeclaration body

  • eslint-plugin: include alpha pre-releases in parser peer dependency

  • eslint-plugin: correct rules.d.ts types to not rely on non-existent imports

  • eslint-plugin: remove duplicate import RuleModuleWithMetaDocs

  • type-utils: also check declared modules for package names in TypeOrValueSpecifier

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-template-expression] do not render escaped strings in autofixes

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unused-vars] incorporate upstream changes around caught errors report messages

  • eslint-plugin: [no-misused-promises] perf: avoid getting types of variables/functions if the annotated type is obviously not a function

  • rule-tester: provide Linter a cwd in its constructor

❤️ Thank You
  • Abraham Guo
  • Alfred Ringstad
  • auvred
  • Brad Zacher
  • Christopher Aubut
  • Collin Bachman
  • James Henry
  • Josh Goldberg
  • Josh Goldberg
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • StyleShit
  • Victor Lin
  • Yukihiro Hasegawa

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.18.0 (2024-07-29)

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-assertion] prevent runtime error when asserting a variable declared in default TS lib

  • eslint-plugin: [unbound-method] report on destructuring in function parameters

  • eslint-plugin: [no-duplicate-type-constituents] shouldn't report on error types

  • eslint-plugin: [strict-boolean-expressions] support branded booleans

❤️ Thank You
  • auvred
  • Oliver Salzburg
  • Vinccool96
  • Yukihiro Hasegawa

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.17.0 (2024-07-22)

🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: backport no-unsafe-function type, no-wrapper-object-types from v8 to v7

  • eslint-plugin: [return-await] add option to report in error-handling scenarios only, and deprecate "never"

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-floating-promises] check top-level type assertions (and more)

  • eslint-plugin: [strict-boolean-expressions] consider assertion function argument a boolean context

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-condition] false positive on optional private field

❤️ Thank You
  • Armano
  • Josh Goldberg
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • StyleShit

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.16.1 (2024-07-15)

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-parameters] descend into all parts of mapped types in no-unnecessary-type-parameters
❤️ Thank You
  • Dan Vanderkam

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.16.0 (2024-07-08)

🚀 Features
  • rule-tester: stricter rule test validations

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-parameter-property-assignment] add new rule

  • eslint-plugin: add support for nested namespaces to unsafe-member-access

  • eslint-plugin: [no-floating-promises] add checkThenables option

🩹 Fixes
  • deps: update dependency @​eslint-community/regexpp to v4.11.0

  • eslint-plugin: [no-floating-promises] add suggestions to tests from #​9263 checkThenables

  • website: react key error on internal pages of website

  • eslint-plugin: [restrict-template-expressions] don't report tuples if allowArray option is enabled

❤️ Thank You
  • Abraham Guo
  • auvred
  • Josh Goldberg
  • Juan Sanchez
  • Vinccool96
  • YeonJuan
  • Yukihiro Hasegawa

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.15.0 (2024-07-01)

🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [array-type] detect Readonly<string[]> case

  • eslint-plugin: back-port new rules around empty object types from v8

🩹 Fixes
  • disable EXPERIMENTAL_useProjectService in disabled-type-checked shared config

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unsafe-return] differentiate a types-error any from a true any

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unsafe-call] differentiate a types-error any from a true any

❤️ Thank You
  • auvred
  • Kim Sang Du
  • rgehbt
  • Vinccool96

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.14.1 (2024-06-24)

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-nullish-coalescing] treat enums and literals as their underlying primitive types

  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-nullish-coalescing] ensure ternary fix does not remove parens

❤️ Thank You
  • Jake Bailey

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.14.0 (2024-06-24)

🚀 Features
  • support TypeScript 5.5
🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-extraneous-class] handle abstract members

  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-nullish-coalescing] handle intersected primitive types

  • eslint-plugin: [no-invalid-this] support AccessorProperty

❤️ Thank You
  • Brad Zacher
  • cm-ayf
  • Jake Bailey
  • James Zhan
  • Joshua Chen
  • yoshi2no

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.13.1 (2024-06-17)

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-readonly] refine report locations

  • eslint-plugin: [return-await] support explicit resource management

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unsafe-member-access] differentiate a types-error any from a true any

❤️ Thank You
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • Yukihiro Hasegawa

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.13.0 (2024-06-10)

🚀 Features
  • typescript-estree: require import = require() argument to be a string literal

  • typescript-estree: forbid .body, .async, .generator on declare function

  • eslint-plugin: [no-dynamic-delete] allow all string literals as index

🩹 Fixes
  • ast-spec: function-call-like callee should be Expression not LeftHandSideExpression

  • scope-manager: handle index signature in class

  • eslint-plugin: [init-declarations] refine report locations

  • eslint-plugin: [no-base-to-string] make error message more nuanced

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unsafe-assignment] be more specific about error types

  • eslint-plugin: [no-magic-numbers] fix implementation of the ignore option

❤️ Thank You
  • Fotis Papadogeorgopoulos
  • Joshua Chen
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • Tobiloba Adedeji
  • Vinccool96
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.12.0 (2024-06-03)

🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [no-useless-template-literals] rename to no-useless-template-expression (deprecate no-useless-template-literals)

  • rule-tester: check for parsing errors in suggestion fixes

  • rule-tester: port checkDuplicateTestCases from ESLint

  • eslint-plugin: [no-floating-promises] add option 'allowForKnownSafePromises'

🩹 Fixes
  • no-useless-template-expression -> no-unnecessary-template-expression

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-assertion] combine template literal check with const variable check

  • eslint-plugin: [dot-notation] fix false positive when accessing private/protected property with optional chaining

  • eslint-plugin: [explicit-member-accessibility] refine report locations

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-assertion] declares are always defined, so always check declares

  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-literal-enum-member] allow using member it self on allowBitwiseExpressions

  • eslint-plugin: [return-await] clean up in-try-catch detection and make autofixes safe

  • eslint-plugin: [member-ordering] also TSMethodSignature can be get/set

❤️ Thank You
  • Abraham Guo
  • Han Yeong-woo
  • Joshua Chen
  • Kim Sang Du
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.11.0 (2024-05-27)

🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: deprecate prefer-ts-expect-error in favor of ban-ts-comment
🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [consistent-type-assertions] prevent syntax errors on arrow functions
❤️ Thank You
  • Abraham Guo
  • auvred
  • Dom Armstrong
  • Kirk Waiblinger

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.10.0 (2024-05-20)

🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [sort-type-constituents] support case sensitive sorting
🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-regexp-exec] fix heuristic to check whether regex may contain global flag
❤️ Thank You
  • auvred
  • Emanuel Hoogeveen
  • jsfm01
  • Kirk Waiblinger

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.9.0 (2024-05-13)

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [explicit-function-return-types] fix false positive on default parameters
❤️ Thank You
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • Sheetal Nandi
  • Vinccool96

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.8.0 (2024-04-29)

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unsafe-argument] handle tagged templates

  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-optional-chain] suggests optional chaining during strict null equality check

  • eslint-plugin: [consistent-type-assertions] handle tagged templates

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unsafe-return] handle union types

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unused-vars] clear error report range

❤️ Thank You
  • auvred
  • Josh Goldberg
  • jsfm01
  • Kim Sang Du
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.7.1 (2024-04-22)

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unsafe-assignment] handle shorthand property assignment

  • eslint-plugin: [explicit-function-return-type] fix checking wrong ancestor's return type

  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-optional-chain] only look at left operand for requireNullish

  • eslint-plugin: [no-for-in-array] refine report location

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-assertion] allow non-null assertion for void type

❤️ Thank You
  • Abraham Guo
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.7.0 (2024-04-15)

🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: replace no-new-symbol with no-new-native-nonconstructor
❤️ Thank You
  • Dave
  • Josh Goldberg

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.6.0 (2024-04-08)

🚀 Features
  • bump npm dependency ranges
❤️ Thank You
  • Abraham Guo
  • auvred
  • Brad Zacher

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.5.0 (2024-04-01)

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-floating-promises] handle TaggedTemplateExpression

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-assertion] handle exactOptionalPropertyTypes compiler option

❤️ Thank You
  • Brad Zacher
  • Kim Sang Du
  • Mark de Dios
  • Naru
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.4.0 (2024-03-25)

🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [consistent-type-imports] ignore files with decorators, experimentalDecorators, and emitDecoratorMetadata

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-arguments] handle tagged templates

  • eslint-plugin: deprecate no-throw-literal and add a renamed only-throw-error

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-optional-chain] address multipart nullish checks false positive

  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-optional-chain] properly disambiguate between boolean and false

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-assertion] avoid remove const casting on template literals with expressions inside

❤️ Thank You
  • Abraham Guo
  • Brad Zacher
  • Josh Goldberg
  • Kim Sang Du
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • Marco Pasqualetti
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.3.1 (2024-03-18)

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-floating-promises] revert disable of ignoreVoid in strict config
❤️ Thank You
  • Josh Goldberg

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.3.0 (2024-03-18)

🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [restrict-template-expressions] add allowArray option

  • eslint-plugin: add setting for strict config options

  • eslint-plugin: add rule use-unknown-in-catch-callback-variables

  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-reduce-type-parameter] supports tuple, union, intersection

🩹 Fixes
  • correct engines.node constraints in package.json

  • eslint-plugin: [unbound-method] check method definition in object literal using longhand form

  • eslint-plugin: [consistent-type-imports] handle imports without specifiers

  • eslint-plugin: [no-redundant-type-constituents] incorrectly marks & string as redundant

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-qualifier] handle merge namespace with enum

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unused-expressions] false negatives when using assertions

  • eslint-plugin: [ban-ts-comment] more accurate handling of multiline comments

  • eslint-plugin: [explicit-function-return-type, explicit-module-boundary-types] improved checking for allowHigherOrderFunctions option

  • eslint-plugin: [class-literal-property-style] ignore property assigned in constructor

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-assertion] fix false negative for const variable declarations

❤️ Thank You
  • Abraham Guo
  • Alexu
  • Arka Pratim Chaudhuri
  • auvred
  • Derrick Isaacson
  • fnx
  • Josh Goldberg
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • Marta Cardoso
  • Michaël De Boey
  • Tristan Rasmussen
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.2.0 (2024-03-11)

🚀 Features
  • support TS 5.4

  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-string-starts-ends-with] add allowSingleElementEquality option

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: expose *-type-checked-only configs for extension

  • eslint-plugin: [member-ordering] report alphabetical sorting for all groups instead of just the first failing group

  • eslint-plugin: [no-var-requires, no-require-imports] support template literal

  • eslint-plugin: [no-useless-template-literals] detect TemplateLiteral

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-condition] handle union array and tuple type

  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-find] support ternary branches in prefer-find

❤️ Thank You
  • Arka Pratim Chaudhuri
  • auvred
  • Chris Plummer
  • Fotis Papadogeorgopoulos
  • Josh Goldberg
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • Wayne Zhang
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.1.1 (2024-03-04)

This was a version bump only for eslint-plugin to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.1.0 (2024-02-26)

🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: add *-type-checked-only configs

  • eslint-plugin: [naming-convention] support the auto-accessor syntax

  • eslint-plugin: [consistent-return] add new rule

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-optional-chan] allow typeof for avoiding reference error

  • eslint-plugin: [no-misused-promises] improve check union types

  • eslint-plugin: [no-use-before-define] fix false positive type reference in as, satisfies

❤️ Thank You
  • Arka Pratim Chaudhuri
  • Josh Goldberg
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.0.2 (2024-02-19)

🩹 Fixes
  • fix tsconfig-less check errors, fix @types/eslint incompatibilities, add tests
❤️ Thank You
  • Brad Zacher
  • Gareth Jones

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.0.1 (2024-02-12)

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: update peer dep for parser
❤️ Thank You
  • Tim Dorr

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-assertion] prevent runtime error when asserting a variable declared in default TS lib

  • eslint-plugin: [unbound-method] report on destructuring in function parameters

  • eslint-plugin: [no-duplicate-type-constituents] shouldn't report on error types

  • eslint-plugin: [strict-boolean-expressions] support branded booleans

❤️ Thank You
  • auvred
  • Oliver Salzburg
  • Vinccool96
  • Yukihiro Hasegawa

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: backport no-unsafe-function type, no-wrapper-object-types from v8 to v7

  • eslint-plugin: [return-await] add option to report in error-handling scenarios only, and deprecate "never"

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-floating-promises] check top-level type assertions (and more)

  • eslint-plugin: [strict-boolean-expressions] consider assertion function argument a boolean context

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-condition] false positive on optional private field

❤️ Thank You
  • Armano
  • Josh Goldberg
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • StyleShit

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-parameters] descend into all parts of mapped types in no-unnecessary-type-parameters
❤️ Thank You
  • Dan Vanderkam

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🚀 Features
  • rule-tester: stricter rule test validations

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-parameter-property-assignment] add new rule

  • eslint-plugin: add support for nested namespaces to unsafe-member-access

  • eslint-plugin: [no-floating-promises] add checkThenables option

🩹 Fixes
  • deps: update dependency @​eslint-community/regexpp to v4.11.0

  • eslint-plugin: [no-floating-promises] add suggestions to tests from #​9263 checkThenables

  • website: react key error on internal pages of website

  • eslint-plugin: [restrict-template-expressions] don't report tuples if allowArray option is enabled

❤️ Thank You
  • Abraham Guo
  • auvred
  • Josh Goldberg
  • Juan Sanchez
  • Vinccool96
  • YeonJuan
  • Yukihiro Hasegawa

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [array-type] detect Readonly<string[]> case

  • eslint-plugin: back-port new rules around empty object types from v8

🩹 Fixes
  • disable EXPERIMENTAL_useProjectService in disabled-type-checked shared config

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unsafe-return] differentiate a types-error any from a true any

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unsafe-call] differentiate a types-error any from a true any

❤️ Thank You
  • auvred
  • Kim Sang Du
  • rgehbt
  • Vinccool96

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-nullish-coalescing] treat enums and literals as their underlying primitive types

  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-nullish-coalescing] ensure ternary fix does not remove parens

❤️ Thank You
  • Jake Bailey

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🚀 Features
  • support TypeScript 5.5
🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-extraneous-class] handle abstract members

  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-nullish-coalescing] handle intersected primitive types

  • eslint-plugin: [no-invalid-this] support AccessorProperty

❤️ Thank You
  • Brad Zacher
  • cm-ayf
  • Jake Bailey
  • James Zhan
  • Joshua Chen
  • yoshi2no

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-readonly] refine report locations

  • eslint-plugin: [return-await] support explicit resource management

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unsafe-member-access] differentiate a types-error any from a true any

❤️ Thank You
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • Yukihiro Hasegawa

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🚀 Features
  • typescript-estree: require import = require() argument to be a string literal

  • typescript-estree: forbid .body, .async, .generator on declare function

  • eslint-plugin: [no-dynamic-delete] allow all string literals as index

🩹 Fixes
  • ast-spec: function-call-like callee should be Expression not LeftHandSideExpression

  • scope-manager: handle index signature in class

  • eslint-plugin: [init-declarations] refine report locations

  • eslint-plugin: [no-base-to-string] make error message more nuanced

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unsafe-assignment] be more specific about error types

  • eslint-plugin: [no-magic-numbers] fix implementation of the ignore option

❤️ Thank You
  • Fotis Papadogeorgopoulos
  • Joshua Chen
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • Tobiloba Adedeji
  • Vinccool96
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [no-useless-template-literals] rename to no-useless-template-expression (deprecate no-useless-template-literals)

  • rule-tester: check for parsing errors in suggestion fixes

  • rule-tester: port checkDuplicateTestCases from ESLint

  • eslint-plugin: [no-floating-promises] add option 'allowForKnownSafePromises'

🩹 Fixes
  • no-useless-template-expression -> no-unnecessary-template-expression

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-assertion] combine template literal check with const variable check

  • eslint-plugin: [dot-notation] fix false positive when accessing private/protected property with optional chaining

  • eslint-plugin: [explicit-member-accessibility] refine report locations

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-assertion] declares are always defined, so always check declares

  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-literal-enum-member] allow using member it self on allowBitwiseExpressions

  • eslint-plugin: [return-await] clean up in-try-catch detection and make autofixes safe

  • eslint-plugin: [member-ordering] also TSMethodSignature can be get/set

❤️ Thank You
  • Abraham Guo
  • Han Yeong-woo
  • Joshua Chen
  • Kim Sang Du
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: deprecate prefer-ts-expect-error in favor of ban-ts-comment
🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [consistent-type-assertions] prevent syntax errors on arrow functions
❤️ Thank You
  • Abraham Guo
  • auvred
  • Dom Armstrong
  • Kirk Waiblinger

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [sort-type-constituents] support case sensitive sorting
🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-regexp-exec] fix heuristic to check whether regex may contain global flag
❤️ Thank You
  • auvred
  • Emanuel Hoogeveen
  • jsfm01
  • Kirk Waiblinger

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [explicit-function-return-types] fix false positive on default parameters
❤️ Thank You
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • Sheetal Nandi
  • Vinccool96

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unsafe-argument] handle tagged templates

  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-optional-chain] suggests optional chaining during strict null equality check

  • eslint-plugin: [consistent-type-assertions] handle tagged templates

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unsafe-return] handle union types

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unused-vars] clear error report range

❤️ Thank You
  • auvred
  • Josh Goldberg
  • jsfm01
  • Kim Sang Du
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unsafe-assignment] handle shorthand property assignment

  • eslint-plugin: [explicit-function-return-type] fix checking wrong ancestor's return type

  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-optional-chain] only look at left operand for requireNullish

  • eslint-plugin: [no-for-in-array] refine report location

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-assertion] allow non-null assertion for void type

❤️ Thank You
  • Abraham Guo
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: replace no-new-symbol with no-new-native-nonconstructor
❤️ Thank You
  • Dave
  • Josh Goldberg

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🚀 Features
  • bump npm dependency ranges
❤️ Thank You
  • Abraham Guo
  • auvred
  • Brad Zacher

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-floating-promises] handle TaggedTemplateExpression

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-assertion] handle exactOptionalPropertyTypes compiler option

❤️ Thank You
  • Brad Zacher
  • Kim Sang Du
  • Mark de Dios
  • Naru
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [consistent-type-imports] ignore files with decorators, experimentalDecorators, and emitDecoratorMetadata

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-arguments] handle tagged templates

  • eslint-plugin: deprecate no-throw-literal and add a renamed only-throw-error

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-optional-chain] address multipart nullish checks false positive

  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-optional-chain] properly disambiguate between boolean and false

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-assertion] avoid remove const casting on template literals with expressions inside

❤️ Thank You
  • Abraham Guo
  • Brad Zacher
  • Josh Goldberg
  • Kim Sang Du
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • Marco Pasqualetti
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-floating-promises] revert disable of ignoreVoid in strict config
❤️ Thank You
  • Josh Goldberg

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [restrict-template-expressions] add allowArray option

  • eslint-plugin: add setting for strict config options

  • eslint-plugin: add rule use-unknown-in-catch-callback-variables

  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-reduce-type-parameter] supports tuple, union, intersection

🩹 Fixes
  • correct engines.node constraints in package.json

  • eslint-plugin: [unbound-method] check method definition in object literal using longhand form

  • eslint-plugin: [consistent-type-imports] handle imports without specifiers

  • eslint-plugin: [no-redundant-type-constituents] incorrectly marks & string as redundant

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-qualifier] handle merge namespace with enum

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unused-expressions] false negatives when using assertions

  • eslint-plugin: [ban-ts-comment] more accurate handling of multiline comments

  • eslint-plugin: [explicit-function-return-type, explicit-module-boundary-types] improved checking for allowHigherOrderFunctions option

  • eslint-plugin: [class-literal-property-style] ignore property assigned in constructor

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-assertion] fix false negative for const variable declarations

❤️ Thank You
  • Abraham Guo
  • Alexu
  • Arka Pratim Chaudhuri
  • auvred
  • Derrick Isaacson
  • fnx
  • Josh Goldberg
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • Marta Cardoso
  • Michaël De Boey
  • Tristan Rasmussen
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🚀 Features
  • support TS 5.4

  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-string-starts-ends-with] add allowSingleElementEquality option

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: expose *-type-checked-only configs for extension

  • eslint-plugin: [member-ordering] report alphabetical sorting for all groups instead of just the first failing group

  • eslint-plugin: [no-var-requires, no-require-imports] support template literal

  • eslint-plugin: [no-useless-template-literals] detect TemplateLiteral

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-condition] handle union array and tuple type

  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-find] support ternary branches in prefer-find

❤️ Thank You
  • Arka Pratim Chaudhuri
  • auvred
  • Chris Plummer
  • Fotis Papadogeorgopoulos
  • Josh Goldberg
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • Wayne Zhang
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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This was a version bump only for eslint-plugin to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: add *-type-checked-only configs

  • eslint-plugin: [naming-convention] support the auto-accessor syntax

  • eslint-plugin: [consistent-return] add new rule

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-optional-chan] allow typeof for avoiding reference error

  • eslint-plugin: [no-misused-promises] improve check union types

  • eslint-plugin: [no-use-before-define] fix false positive type reference in as, satisfies

❤️ Thank You
  • Arka Pratim Chaudhuri
  • Josh Goldberg
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🩹 Fixes
  • fix tsconfig-less check errors, fix @types/eslint incompatibilities, add tests
❤️ Thank You
  • Brad Zacher
  • Gareth Jones

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: update peer dep for parser
❤️ Thank You
  • Tim Dorr

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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🚀 Features
  • ⚠️ bump ESLint, NodeJS, and TS minimum version requirements

  • add support for flat configs

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-find] stop throwing type errors when converting symbols to numbers
⚠️ Breaking Changes
  • ⚠️ bump ESLint, NodeJS, and TS minimum version requirements
❤️ Thank You
  • Brad Zacher
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • StyleShit
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

6.21.0 (2024-02-05)

🚀 Features
  • export plugin metadata

  • allow parserOptions.project: false

  • eslint-plugin: add rule prefer-find

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unused-vars] don't report on types referenced in export assignment expression

  • eslint-plugin: [switch-exhaustiveness-check] better support for intersections, infinite types, non-union values

  • eslint-plugin: [consistent-type-imports] dont report on types used in export assignment expressions

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-condition] handle left-hand optional with exactOptionalPropertyTypes option

  • eslint-plugin: [class-literal-property-style] allow getter when same key setter exists

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-assertion] provide valid fixes for assertions with extra tokens before as keyword

❤️ Thank You
  • auvred
  • Brad Zacher
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • Pete Gonzalez
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

6.20.0 (2024-01-29)

🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [member-ordering] allow easy reuse of the default ordering
🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-useless-template-literals] incorrect bigint autofix result

  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-nullish-coalescing] treat any/unknown as non-nullable

  • eslint-plugin: [no-useless-template-literals] report Infinity & NaN

  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-readonly] disable checking accessors

❤️ Thank You
  • Alex Parloti
  • auvred
  • James Browning
  • StyleShit
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

6.19.1 (2024-01-22)

🩹 Fixes
  • type-utils: preventing isUnsafeAssignment infinite recursive calls

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-condition] fix false positive for type variable

❤️ Thank You
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

6.19.0 (2024-01-15)

🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-promise-reject-errors] add rule

  • eslint-plugin: [no-array-delete] add new rule

  • eslint-plugin: [no-useless-template-literals] add fix suggestions

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-type-assertion] detect unnecessary non-null-assertion on a call expression

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecesary-type-assertion] treat unknown/any as nullable

❤️ Thank You
  • auvred
  • Brad Zacher
  • Josh Goldberg
  • Joshua Chen
  • LJX
  • Steven
  • StyleShit

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

6.18.1 (2024-01-08)

🩹 Fixes
  • eslint-plugin: [no-non-null-assertion] provide valid fix when member access is on next line

  • eslint-plugin: [no-unnecessary-condition] improve checking optional callee

  • eslint-plugin: [prefer-readonly] support modifiers of unions and intersections

  • eslint-plugin: [switch-exhaustiveness-check] fix new allowDefaultCaseForExhaustiveSwitch option

❤️ Thank You
  • auvred
  • James
  • Josh Goldberg
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

6.18.0 (2024-01-06)

🚀 Features
  • typescript-estree: throw on invalid update expressions

  • eslint-plugin: [no-var-requires, no-require-imports] allow option

❤️ Thank You
  • auvred
  • Joshua Chen

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint (@​typescript-eslint/parser)


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🚀 Features
❤️ Thank You

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This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🚀 Features
  • parser: add standalone isolatedDeclarations option (#​10499)
❤️ Thank You
  • Josh Goldberg

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

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This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

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This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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🩹 Fixes
❤️ Thank You
  • rtritto

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🚀 Features
❤️ Thank You
  • Josh Goldberg

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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🚀 Features
❤️ Thank You
  • Josh Goldberg

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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🚀 Features
  • parser: always enable comment, loc, range, tokens

  • typescript-estree: stabilize EXPERIMENTAL_useProjectService as projectService

❤️ Thank You
  • Abraham Guo
  • Alfred Ringstad
  • auvred
  • Brad Zacher
  • Christopher Aubut
  • Collin Bachman
  • James Henry
  • Josh Goldberg
  • Josh Goldberg
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • StyleShit
  • Victor Lin
  • Yukihiro Hasegawa

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.18.0 (2024-07-29)

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.17.0 (2024-07-22)

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.16.1 (2024-07-15)

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.16.0 (2024-07-08)

🩹 Fixes
❤️ Thank You
  • Abraham Guo
  • auvred
  • Josh Goldberg
  • Juan Sanchez
  • Vinccool96
  • YeonJuan
  • Yukihiro Hasegawa

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.15.0 (2024-07-01)

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.14.1 (2024-06-24)

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.14.0 (2024-06-24)

🚀 Features
  • support TypeScript 5.5
❤️ Thank You
  • Brad Zacher
  • cm-ayf
  • Jake Bailey
  • James Zhan
  • Joshua Chen
  • yoshi2no

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.13.1 (2024-06-17)

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.13.0 (2024-06-10)

🚀 Features
  • parser, typescript-estree: export withoutProjectParserOptions utility
❤️ Thank You
  • Fotis Papadogeorgopoulos
  • Joshua Chen
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • Tobiloba Adedeji
  • Vinccool96
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.12.0 (2024-06-03)

🩹 Fixes
  • types: correct typing ParserOptions
❤️ Thank You
  • Abraham Guo
  • Han Yeong-woo
  • Joshua Chen
  • Kim Sang Du
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.11.0 (2024-05-27)

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.10.0 (2024-05-20)

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.9.0 (2024-05-13)

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.8.0 (2024-04-29)

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.7.1 (2024-04-22)

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.7.0 (2024-04-15)

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.6.0 (2024-04-08)

🚀 Features
  • bump npm dependency ranges
❤️ Thank You
  • Abraham Guo
  • auvred
  • Brad Zacher

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.5.0 (2024-04-01)

🩹 Fixes
  • parser: disallow errorOnTypeScriptSyntacticAndSemanticIssues
❤️ Thank You
  • Brad Zacher
  • Kim Sang Du
  • Mark de Dios
  • Naru
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.4.0 (2024-03-25)

🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [consistent-type-imports] ignore files with decorators, experimentalDecorators, and emitDecoratorMetadata
❤️ Thank You
  • Abraham Guo
  • Brad Zacher
  • Josh Goldberg
  • Kim Sang Du
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • Marco Pasqualetti
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.3.1 (2024-03-18)

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.3.0 (2024-03-18)

🩹 Fixes
  • correct engines.node constraints in package.json
❤️ Thank You
  • Abraham Guo
  • Alexu
  • Arka Pratim Chaudhuri
  • auvred
  • Derrick Isaacson
  • fnx
  • Josh Goldberg
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • Marta Cardoso
  • Michaël De Boey
  • Tristan Rasmussen
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.2.0 (2024-03-11)

🚀 Features
  • support TS 5.4
❤️ Thank You
  • Arka Pratim Chaudhuri
  • auvred
  • Chris Plummer
  • Fotis Papadogeorgopoulos
  • Josh Goldberg
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • Wayne Zhang
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.1.1 (2024-03-04)

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.1.0 (2024-02-26)

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.0.2 (2024-02-19)

🩹 Fixes
  • fix tsconfig-less check errors, fix @types/eslint incompatibilities, add tests
❤️ Thank You
  • Brad Zacher
  • Gareth Jones

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

7.0.1 (2024-02-12)

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🩹 Fixes
❤️ Thank You
  • Abraham Guo
  • auvred
  • Josh Goldberg
  • Juan Sanchez
  • Vinccool96
  • YeonJuan
  • Yukihiro Hasegawa

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🚀 Features
  • support TypeScript 5.5
❤️ Thank You
  • Brad Zacher
  • cm-ayf
  • Jake Bailey
  • James Zhan
  • Joshua Chen
  • yoshi2no

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🚀 Features
  • parser, typescript-estree: export withoutProjectParserOptions utility
❤️ Thank You
  • Fotis Papadogeorgopoulos
  • Joshua Chen
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • Tobiloba Adedeji
  • Vinccool96
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🩹 Fixes
  • types: correct typing ParserOptions
❤️ Thank You
  • Abraham Guo
  • Han Yeong-woo
  • Joshua Chen
  • Kim Sang Du
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


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This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🚀 Features
  • bump npm dependency ranges
❤️ Thank You
  • Abraham Guo
  • auvred
  • Brad Zacher

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🩹 Fixes
  • parser: disallow errorOnTypeScriptSyntacticAndSemanticIssues
❤️ Thank You
  • Brad Zacher
  • Kim Sang Du
  • Mark de Dios
  • Naru
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🚀 Features
  • eslint-plugin: [consistent-type-imports] ignore files with decorators, experimentalDecorators, and emitDecoratorMetadata
❤️ Thank You
  • Abraham Guo
  • Brad Zacher
  • Josh Goldberg
  • Kim Sang Du
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • Marco Pasqualetti
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🩹 Fixes
  • correct engines.node constraints in package.json
❤️ Thank You
  • Abraham Guo
  • Alexu
  • Arka Pratim Chaudhuri
  • auvred
  • Derrick Isaacson
  • fnx
  • Josh Goldberg
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • Marta Cardoso
  • Michaël De Boey
  • Tristan Rasmussen
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🚀 Features
  • support TS 5.4
❤️ Thank You
  • Arka Pratim Chaudhuri
  • auvred
  • Chris Plummer
  • Fotis Papadogeorgopoulos
  • Josh Goldberg
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • Wayne Zhang
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🩹 Fixes
  • fix tsconfig-less check errors, fix @types/eslint incompatibilities, add tests
❤️ Thank You
  • Brad Zacher
  • Gareth Jones

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.


Compare Source

🚀 Features
  • ⚠️ bump ESLint, NodeJS, and TS minimum version requirements

  • add support for flat configs

⚠️ Breaking Changes
  • ⚠️ bump ESLint, NodeJS, and TS minimum version requirements
❤️ Thank You
  • Brad Zacher
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • StyleShit
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

6.21.0 (2024-02-05)

🚀 Features
  • allow parserOptions.project: false
❤️ Thank You
  • auvred
  • Brad Zacher
  • Kirk Waiblinger
  • Pete Gonzalez
  • YeonJuan

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

6.20.0 (2024-01-29)

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

6.19.1 (2024-01-22)

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

6.19.0 (2024-01-15)

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

6.18.1 (2024-01-08)

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

6.18.0 (2024-01-06)

This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes.

You can read about our versioning strategy and releases on our website.

eslint/eslint (eslint)


Compare Source


  • 7ddb095 feat: Export defineConfig, globalIgnores (#​19487) (Nicholas C. Zakas)

Bug Fixes

  • 19c0127 fix: improve message for no-console suggestions (#​19483) (Francesco Trotta)
  • 49e624f fix: improve error message for falsy parsed JS AST (#​19458) (Josh Goldberg )


  • 86c5f37 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • fbdeff0 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • c9e8510 docs: generate deprecation notice in TSDoc comments from rule metadata (#​19461) (Francesco Trotta)
  • 2f386ad docs: replace var with const in rule examples (#​19469) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • 0e688e3 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • 06b596d docs: Restore the carrot to the position where the search input was lost (#​19459) (Amaresh S M)



Compare Source


Bug Fixes

  • db5340d fix: update missing plugin message template (#​19445) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • d8ffdd4 fix: do not exit process on rule crash (#​19436) (Francesco Trotta)


  • c5561ea docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • 80b0485 docs: replace var with let and const in rule example (#​19434) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • f67d5e8 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • 75afc61 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • 0636cab docs: Update Eleventy from v2 to v3 (#​19415) (Amaresh S M)
  • dd7d930 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)


  • a8c9a9f chore: update @eslint/eslintrc and @eslint/js (#​19453) (Francesco Trotta)
  • 265e0cf chore: package.json update for @​eslint/js release (Jenkins)
  • 3401b85 test: add test for Rule.ReportDescriptor type (#​19449) (Francesco Trotta)
  • e497aa7 chore: update rewrite dependencies (#​19448) (Francesco Trotta)
  • dab5478 chore: better error message for missing plugin in config (#​19402) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • ebfe2eb chore: set js language for bug report issue config block (#​19439) (Josh Goldberg )
  • 5fd211d test: processors can return subpaths (#​19425) (Milos Djermanovic)


Compare Source

Bug Fixes


  • fe3ccb2 docs: allow typing in search box while dropdown is open (#​19424) (Amaresh S M)
  • 93c78a5 docs: Add instructions for pnpm compat (#​19422) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • b476a93 docs: Fix Keyboard Navigation for Search Results (#​19416) (Amaresh S M)
  • ccb60c0 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)


Compare Source


  • e89a54a feat: change behavior of inactive flags (#​19386) (Milos Djermanovic)

Bug Fixes

  • 91d4d9f fix: Bring types in sync with @​eslint/core (#​19157) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • fa25c7a fix: Emit warning when empty config file is used (#​19399) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 31a9fd0 fix: Clearer error message for wrong plugin format (#​19380) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 61d99e3 fix: Better error message for unserializable parser (#​19384) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • db1b9a6 fix: Ensure module scope is checked for references in consistent-this (#​19383) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 8bcd820 fix: arrow-body-style crash with single-token body (#​19379) (Milos Djermanovic)


  • b7012c8 docs: rewrite examples with var using let and const (#​19407) (Mueez Javaid Hashmi)
  • 6406376 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • 350f2b9 docs: rewrite some examples with var using let and const (#​19404) (Mueez Javaid Hashmi)
  • 93c325a docs: rewrite examples with var using let and const (#​19398) (Mueez Javaid Hashmi)
  • 56ff404 docs: replace var with let or const in rules docs (#​19396) (Daniel Harbrueger)
  • 4053226 docs: change sourceType in no-eval examples (#​19393) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 1324af0 docs: replace var with let and const in rules docs (#​19392) (Daniel Harbrueger)
  • 8b87e00 docs: replace var with const and let in rules (#​19389) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • 758c66b docs: Explain what frozen rules mean (#​19382) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 0ef8bb8 docs: additional checks for rule examples (#​19358) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 58ab2f6 docs: fix order of installation steps in getting started (#​19326) (Tanuj Kanti)



Compare Source


  • 1637b8e feat: add --report-unused-inline-configs (#​19201) (Josh Goldberg )

Bug Fixes

  • aae6717 fix: sync rule type header comments automatically (#​19276) (Francesco Trotta)


  • cfea9ab docs: Clarify overrideConfig option (#​19370) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 2b84f66 docs: Update README (#​19362) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 044f93c docs: clarify frozen rule description (#​19351) (Pavel)
  • 797ee7c docs: fix Bluesky links (#​19368) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 81a9c0e docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • 093fb3d docs: replace var with let and const in rule examples (#​19365) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • 417de32 docs: replace var with const in rule examples (#​19352) (jj)
  • 17f2aae docs: update getting-started config to match default generated config (#​19308) (0xDev)
  • 8a0a5a8 docs: better global ignores instruction (#​19297) (Jacopo Marrone)
  • 6671a2c docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • e39d3f2 docs: fix divider for rule category (#​19264) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • e0cf53f docs: fix search result box position for small screens (#​19328) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • f92a680 docs: replace var with let or const in rule examples (#​19331) (Ravi Teja Kolla)
  • b04b84b docs: revert accidental changes in TS config files docs (#​19336) (Francesco Trotta)



Compare Source


  • e84e6e2 feat: Report allowed methods for no-console rule (#​19306) (Anna Bocharova)
  • 8efc2d0 feat: unflag TypeScript config files (#​19266) (Francesco Trotta)
  • 87a9352 feat: check imports and class names in no-shadow-restricted-names (#​19272) (Milos Djermanovic)

Bug Fixes


  • d9c23c5 docs: replace var with const in rule examples (#​19325) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • 8e1a898 docs: add tabs to cli code blocks (#​18784) (Jay)
  • f3aeefb docs: rewrite using let and const in rule examples (#​19320) (PoloSpark)
  • 0b680b3 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • 98c86a9 docs: Edit this page button link to different branches (#​19228) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • 6947901 docs: remove hardcoded edit link (#​19323) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 03f2f44 docs: rewrite var with const in rules examples (#​19317) (Thiago)
  • 26c3003 docs: Clarify dangers of eslint:all (#​19318) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • c038257 docs: add eqeqeq in related rules to no-eq-null (#​19310) (루밀LuMir)
  • 89c8fc5 docs: rewrite examples with var using let and const (#​19315) (Amaresh S M)
  • db574c4 docs: add missing backticks to no-void (#​19313) (루밀LuMir)
  • 8d943c3 docs: add missing backticks to default-case-last (#​19311) (루밀LuMir)
  • 36ef8bb docs: rewrite examples with var using let and const (#​19298) (Amaresh S M)
  • 1610c9e docs: add missing backticks to no-else-return (#​19309) (루밀LuMir)
  • df409d8 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • 2e84213 docs: Fix Horizontal Scroll Overflow in Rule Description on Mobile View (#​19304) (Amaresh S M)
  • 6e7361b docs: replace var with let and const in rule example (#​19302) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • 069af5e docs: rewrite var using const in rule examples (#​19303) (Kim GyeonWon)
  • 064e35d docs: remove 'I hope to' comments from scope-manager-interface (#​19300) (Josh Goldberg )
  • 8e00305 docs: replace var with const in rule examples (#​19299) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • a559009 docs: Add warning about extending core rules (#​19295) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 0bfdf6c docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • ce0b9ff docs: add navigation link for code explorer (#​19285) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • e255cc9 docs: add bluesky icon to footer (#​19290) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • 5d64851 docs: remove outdated info about environments (#​19296) (Francesco Trotta)
  • eec01f0 docs: switch rule examples config format to languageOptions (#​19277) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • b36ca0a docs: Fixing Focus Order by Rearranging Element Sequence (#​19241) (Amaresh S M)
  • d122c8a docs: add missing backticks to sort-imports (#​19282) (루밀LuMir)
  • 0367a70 docs: update custom parser docs (#​19288) (Francesco Trotta)
  • 8c07ebb docs: add border-radius to hX:target selector styles (#​19270) (루밀LuMir)
  • eff7c57 docs: add limitation section in no-loop-func (#​19287) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • 5db226f docs: add missing backticks in various parts of the documentation (#​19269) (루밀LuMir)
  • 789edbb docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • 613c06a docs: mark rules that are frozen with ❄️ (#​19231) (Amaresh S M)
  • 43172ec docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • ac8b3c4 docs: fix description of overrideConfigFile option (#​19262) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • bbb9b46 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • 995b492 docs: fix inconsistent divider in rule categories box (#​19249) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • f76d05d docs: Refactor search result handling with better event listener cleanup (#​19252) (Amaresh S M)
  • c5f3d7d docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)



Compare Source


Bug Fixes

  • 67d683d fix: fix crash when message.fix is nullish (#​19168) (ntnyq)
  • c618707 fix: ignore vars with non-identifier references in no-useless-assignment (#​19200) (YeonJuan)


  • 3c22d2a docs: update yoda to Yoda in for consistency (#​19230) (루밀LuMir)
  • e0a2203 docs: add missing backticks to no-sequences (#​19233) (루밀LuMir)
  • 4cc4881 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • 3db6fdf docs: [no-await-in-loop] expand on benefits and inapplicability (#​19211) (Kirk Waiblinger)
  • bf2a4f6 docs: add missing backticks to func-style (#​19227) (루밀LuMir)
  • ba098bd docs: add missing header to prefer-spread (#​19224) (루밀LuMir)
  • b607ae6 docs: update description of no-param-reassign (#​19220) (루밀LuMir)
  • 1eb424d docs: add missing backticks to prefer-destructuring (#​19223) (루밀LuMir)
  • 85998d1 docs: add missing backticks to no-unneeded-ternary (#​19222) (루밀LuMir)
  • b75b32c docs: add missing backticks to no-new-func (#​19219) (루밀LuMir)
  • a7700bc docs: add missing backticks to id-length (#​19217) (루밀LuMir)
  • e2bb429 docs: add missing backticks to (#​19214) (루밀LuMir)
  • 045d716 docs: add missing ) to id-denylist (#​19213) (루밀LuMir)
  • 7fe4114 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • c743ba6 docs: add CSS language to no-restricted-syntax (#​19208) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 1416d70 docs: add missing backticks to eqeqeq (#​19207) (루밀LuMir)
  • b950c1b docs: add missing backticks to prefer-object-spread (#​19206) (루밀LuMir)
  • 8a941cb docs: update docs and description of require-unicode-regexp (#​19205) (루밀LuMir)
  • cbab228 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • f2257ce docs: update comments and description of no-script-url (#​19203) (루밀LuMir)
  • 365f0f4 docs: add missing backtick to default-case-last (#​19202) (루밀LuMir)
  • e6b84f5 docs: add missing punctuation in document (#​19161) (루밀LuMir)
  • c88708e docs: replace quote with backtick in description of for-direction (#​19199) (루밀LuMir)
  • a76f233 docs: use higher contrast color tokens for code comments (#​19187) (Josh Goldberg )
  • db19502 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)


  • cc243c9 chore: upgrade to @eslint/js@9.17.0 (#​19242) (Francesco Trotta)
  • 84c5787 chore: package.json update for @​eslint/js release (Jenkins)
  • 4c4f53b chore: add missing backticks to flags.js (#​19226) (루밀LuMir)
  • 4b3132c chore: update dependency eslint-plugin-expect-type to ^0.6.0 (#​19221) (renovate[bot])
  • 9bf2204 chore: add type definitions for the eslint-config-eslint package (#​19050) (Arya Emami)
  • ee8c220 chore: fix incorrect name property in integration-tutorial-code (#​19218) (루밀LuMir)
  • cca801d chore: Upgrade cross-spawn to 7.0.6 (#​19185) (folortin)


Compare Source


  • 8f70eb1 feat: Add ignoreComputedKeys option in sort-keys rule (#​19162) (Milos Djermanovic)


  • 9eefc8f docs: fix typos in use-isnan (#​19190) (루밀LuMir)
  • 0c8cea8 docs: switch the order of words in no-unreachable (#​19189) (루밀LuMir)
  • 0c19417 docs: add missing backtick to no-async-promise-executor (#​19188) (루밀LuMir)
  • 8df9276 docs: add backtick in -0 in description of no-compare-neg-zero (#​19186) (루밀LuMir)
  • 7e16e3f docs: fix caseSensitive option's title of sort-keys (#​19183) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • 0c6b842 docs: fix typos in (#​19180) (루밀LuMir)
  • 353266e docs: fix a typo in (#​19179) (루밀LuMir)
  • 5ff318a docs: delete unnecessary horizontal rule(---) in nodejs-api (#​19175) (루밀LuMir)
  • 576bcc5 docs: mark more rules as handled by TypeScript (#​19164) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • 742d054 docs: note that no-restricted-syntax can be used with any language (#​19148) (Milos Djermanovic)



Compare Source


  • 01557ce feat: Implement Language#normalizeLanguageOptions() (#​19104) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 2edc0e2 feat: add meta.defaultOptions (#​17656) (Josh Goldberg )
  • bdec50e feat: fix no-useless-computed-key false negative with __proto__ (#​19123) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 3087c9e feat: add meta object to @eslint/js plugin (#​19095) (Francesco Trotta)

Bug Fixes


  • d927920 docs: fix styles in no-js mode (#​18916) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • 09bc2a8 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • 39089c8 docs: add no-useless-computed-key examples with object patterns (#​19109) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 895c60f docs: add missing messageId property and suggestion properties (#​19122) (fnx)
  • 298625e docs: Change CLI -c to use flat config (#​19103) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 522d8a3 docs: add deprecation on indent, quotes and semi rule types (#​19090) (Marco Pasqualetti)



Compare Source


  • 3fa009f feat: add support for Import Attributes and RegExp Modifiers (#​19076) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • b0faee3 feat: add types for the @eslint/js package (#​19010) (Nitin Kumar)

Bug Fixes

  • 24d0172 fix: enable retry concurrency limit for readFile() (#​19077) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • b442067 fix: Don't crash when directory is deleted during traversal. (#​19067) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • d474443 fix: avoid call stack overflow while processing globs (#​19035) (Livia Medeiros)




Compare Source


Bug Fixes


  • abdbfa8 docs: mark LintMessage#nodeType as deprecated (#​19019) (Nitin Kumar)
  • 19e68d3 docs: update deprecated rules type definitions (#​19018) (Nitin Kumar)
  • 7dd402d docs: Update examples of passing multiple values to a CLI option (#​19006) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 5dcbc51 docs: Add example with side-effect imports to no-restricted-imports (#​18997) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 1ee87ca docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • 2c3dbdc docs: Use prerendered sponsors for README (#​18988) (Milos Djermanovic)



Compare Source


Bug Fixes


  • ecbd522 docs: Mention code explorer (#​18978) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 7ea4ecc docs: Clarifying the Use of Meta Objects (#​18697) (Amaresh S M)
  • d3e4b2e docs: Clarify how to exclude .js files (#​18976) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 57232ff docs: Mention plugin-kit in language docs (#​18973) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • b80ed00 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • cb69ab3 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • 7fb0d95 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • 493348a docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • 87a582c docs: fix typo in id-match rule (#​18944) (Jay)



Compare Source

Bug Fixes

  • 20fd916 fix: add @eslint/core, @types/estree, & @types/json-schema deps (#​18938) (Nitin Kumar)
  • 2738322 fix: add missing types for require-atomic-updates rule (#​18937) (Kristóf Poduszló)
  • d71ff30 fix: add missing types for object-shorthand rule (#​18935) (Kristóf Poduszló)
  • 561cadc fix: add missing types for no-unsafe-negation rule (#​18932) (Kristóf Poduszló)
  • 8843656 fix: add missing types for no-underscore-dangle rule (#​18931) (Kristóf Poduszló)
  • 92cde5c fix: add missing types for no-shadow rule (#​18930) (Kristóf Poduszló)
  • b3cbe11 fix: add missing types for no-sequences rule (#​18929) (Kristóf Poduszló)
  • 976f77f fix: add missing types for no-unused-expressions rule (#​18933) (Kristóf Poduszló)


  • 3eff709 docs: replace deprecated Linter.FlatConfig type with Linter.Config (#​18941) (Carlos Meira)



Compare Source


  • ec30c73 feat: add "eslint/universal" to export Linter (#​18883) (唯然)
  • c591da6 feat: Add language to types (#​18917) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 492eb8f feat: limit the name given to ImportSpecifier in id-length (#​18861) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • 19c6856 feat: Add no-useless-constructor suggestion (#​18799) (Jordan Thomson)
  • a48f8c2 feat: add type FormatterFunction, update LoadedFormatter (#​18872) (Francesco Trotta)

Bug Fixes

  • 5e5f39b fix: add missing types for no-restricted-exports rule (#​18914) (Kristóf Poduszló)
  • 8f630eb fix: add missing types for no-param-reassign options (#​18906) (Kristóf Poduszló)
  • d715781 fix: add missing types for no-extra-boolean-cast options (#​18902) (Kristóf Poduszló)
  • 2de5742 fix: add missing types for no-misleading-character-class options (#​18905) (Kristóf Poduszló)
  • c153084 fix: add missing types for no-implicit-coercion options (#​18903) (Kristóf Poduszló)
  • fa11b2e fix: add missing types for no-empty-function options (#​18901) (Kristóf Poduszló)
  • a0deed1 fix: add missing types for camelcase options (#​18897) (Kristóf Poduszló)


  • e4e5709 docs: correct prefer-object-has-own type definition comment (#​18924) (Nitin Kumar)
  • 91cbd18 docs: add unicode abbreviations in no-irregular-whitespace rule (#​18894) (Alix Royere)
  • 59cfc0f docs: clarify resultsMeta in LoadedFormatter type (#​18881) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • adcc50d docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • 4edac1a docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • 959d360 build: Support updates to previous major versions (#​18871) (Milos Djermanovic)



Compare Source


  • 301b90d feat: Add types (#​18854) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • bcf0df5 feat: limit namespace import identifier in id-length rule (#​18849) (ChaedongIm)
  • 45c18e1 feat: add requireFlag option to require-unicode-regexp rule (#​18836) (Brett Zamir)
  • 183b459 feat: add error message for duplicate flags in no-invalid-regexp (#​18837) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • c69b406 feat: report duplicate allowed flags in no-invalid-regexp (#​18754) (Tanuj Kanti)


  • bee0e7a docs: update README (#​18865) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 5d80b59 docs: specify that ruleId can be null in custom formatter docs (#​18857) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 156b1c3 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • f6fdef9 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • a20c870 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • 90e699b docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)



Compare Source

Bug Fixes

  • 9bde90c fix: add logic to handle fixTypes in lintText() (#​18736) (Amaresh S M)




Compare Source


  • 41d0206 feat: Add support for TS config files (#​18134) (Arya Emami)
  • 3a4eaf9 feat: add suggestion to require-await to remove async keyword (#​18716) (Dave)


  • 9fe068c docs: how to author plugins with configs that extend other configs (#​18753) (Alec Gibson)
  • 48117b2 docs: add version support page in the side navbar (#​18738) (Amaresh S M)
  • fec2951 docs: add version support page to the dropdown (#​18730) (Amaresh S M)
  • 38a0661 docs: Fix typo (#​18735) (Zaina Al Habash)
  • 3c32a9e docs: Update yarn command for creating ESLint config (#​18739) (Temitope Ogunleye)
  • f9ac978 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)



Compare Source


  • 13d0bd3 feat: Add and use SourceCode#getLoc/getRange (#​18703) (Nicholas C. Zakas)

Bug Fixes

  • ab0ff27 fix: Throw error when invalid flags passed (#​18705) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 70dc803 fix: basePath directory can never be ignored (#​18711) (Milos Djermanovic)




Compare Source


  • 7bd9839 feat: add support for es2025 duplicate named capturing groups (#​18630) (Yosuke Ota)
  • 1381394 feat: add regex option in no-restricted-imports (#​18622) (Nitin Kumar)

Bug Fixes

  • 14e9f81 fix: destructuring in catch clause in no-unused-vars (#​18636) (Francesco Trotta)


  • 9f416db docs: Add Powered by Algolia label to the search. (#​18633) (Amaresh S M)
  • c8d26cb docs: Open JS Foundation -> OpenJS Foundation (#​18649) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 6e79ac7 docs: loadESLint does not support option cwd (#​18641) (Francesco Trotta)



Compare Source


  • e2b16e2 feat: Implement feature flags (#​18516) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 8824aa1 feat: add ecmaVersion: 2025, parsing duplicate named capturing groups (#​18596) (Milos Djermanovic)

Bug Fixes

  • 1613e2e fix: Allow escaping characters in config patterns on Windows (#​18628) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 21d3766 fix: no-unused-vars include caught errors pattern in report message (#​18609) (Kirk Waiblinger)
  • d7a7736 fix: improve no-unused-vars message on unused caught errors (#​18608) (Kirk Waiblinger)
  • f9e95d2 fix: correct locations of invalid /* eslint */ comments (#​18593) (Milos Djermanovic)


  • 13dbecd docs: Limit search to just docs (#​18627) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 375227f docs: Update - add pnpm to init eslint config (#​18599) (Kostiantyn Ochenash)
  • 44915bb docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • d50db7b docs: Update vscode-eslint info (#​18595) (Nicholas C. Zakas)



Compare Source


  • b2d256c feat: no-sparse-arrays report on "comma" instead of the whole array (#​18579) (fisker Cheung)

Bug Fixes

  • 6880286 fix: treat * as a universal pattern (#​18586) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 7fbe211 fix: message template for all files ignored (#​18564) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 469cb36 fix: Don't lint the same file multiple times (#​18552) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 5cff638 fix: improve message for ignored files without a matching config (#​18404) (Francesco Trotta)


  • 455f7fd docs: add section about including .gitignore files (#​18590) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 721eafe docs: update info about universal files patterns (#​18587) (Francesco Trotta)
  • 8127127 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • 55c2a66 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • eb76282 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • ff6e96e docs: baseConfig and overrideConfig can be arrays (#​18571) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • d2d83e0 docs: Add mention of eslint-transforms to v9 migration guide (#​18566) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 9ce6832 docs: add callout box for unintuitive behavior (#​18567) (Ben McCann)
  • b8db99c docs: Add VS Code info to config migration guide (#​18555) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 518a35c docs: Mention config migrator (#​18561) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • eb440fc docs: specifying files with arbitrary or no extension (#​18539) (Francesco Trotta)
  • 38c159e docs: Provide example of reading package.json for plugins meta (#​18530) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • d16a659 docs: add link to migration guide for --ext CLI option (#​18537) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 73408de docs: add link to configuration file docs before examples (#​18535) (Milos Djermanovic)



Compare Source


  • 89a4a0a feat: ignore IIFE's in the no-loop-func rule (#​17528) (Nitin Kumar)

Bug Fixes

  • f6534d1 fix: skip processor code blocks that match only universal patterns (#​18507) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 7226ebd fix: allow implicit undefined return in no-constructor-return (#​18515) (Ali Rezvani)
  • 389744b fix: use @eslint/config-inspector@latest (#​18483) (唯然)
  • 70118a5 fix: func-style false positive with arrow functions and super (#​18473) (Milos Djermanovic)




Compare Source


  • b32153c feat: add overrides.namedExports to func-style rule (#​18444) (Percy Ma)
  • b67eba4 feat: add restrictedNamedExportsPattern to no-restricted-exports (#​18431) (Akul Srivastava)
  • 069aa68 feat: add option allowEscape to no-misleading-character-class rule (#​18208) (Francesco Trotta)
  • 05ef92d feat: deprecate multiline-comment-style & line-comment-position (#​18435) (唯然)
  • db0b174 feat: add enforceForInnerExpressions option to no-extra-boolean-cast (#​18222) (Kirk Waiblinger)

Bug Fixes

  • 8db0eff fix: Improve config error messages (#​18457) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 5c28d9a fix: don't remove comments between key and value in object-shorthand (#​18442) (Kuba Jastrzębski)
  • 39fb0ee fix: object-shorthand loses type parameters when auto-fixing (#​18438) (dalaoshu)
  • 37eba48 fix: don't crash when fs.readFile returns promise from another realm (#​18416) (Milos Djermanovic)


  • ceada8c docs: explain how to use "tsc waiting" label (#​18466) (Francesco Trotta)
  • 62e686c docs: Add troubleshooting info for plugin compatibility (#​18451) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • e17e1c0 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • 2465a1e docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • d23574c docs: Clarify usage of no-unreachable with TypeScript (#​18445) (benj-dobs)
  • 1db9bae docs: Fix typos (#​18443) (Frieder Bluemle)
  • 7065196 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • 04e7c6e docs: update deprecation notice of no-return-await (#​18433) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • e763512 docs: Link global ignores section in config object property list (#​18430) (MaoShizhong)
  • ac7f718 docs: reflect release of v9 in config migration guide (#​18412) (Peter Briggs)
  • 0de0909 docs: fix grammar in configuration file resolution (#​18419) (Mike McCready)



Compare Source


  • 8485d76 feat: no-case-declarations add suggestions (#​18388) (Josh Goldberg )
  • a498f35 feat: update Unicode letter detection in capitalized-comments rule (#​18375) (Francesco Trotta)

Bug Fixes

  • eeec413 fix: do not throw when defining a global named defineSetter (#​18364) (唯然)


  • 0f5df50 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • 1579ce0 docs: update wording regarding indirect eval (#​18394) (Kirk Waiblinger)
  • f12a02c docs: update to eslint v9 in custom-rule-tutorial (#​18383) (唯然)



Compare Source

Bug Fixes


Compare Source


Bug Fixes

  • 8d18958 fix: Remove name from eslint/js packages (#​18368) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 594eb0e fix: do not crash on error in fs.walk filter (#​18295) (Francesco Trotta)
  • 0d8cf63 fix: EMFILE errors (#​18313) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • e1ac0b5 fix: --inspect-config only for flat config and respect -c (#​18306) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 09675e1 fix: --no-ignore should not apply to non-global ignores (#​18334) (Milos Djermanovic)


  • fb50077 docs: include notes about globals in migration-guide (#​18356) (Gabriel Rohden)
  • 71c771f docs: Fix missing accessible name for scroll-to-top link (#​18329) (Germán Freixinós)
  • 200fd4e docs: indicate eslintrc mode for .eslintignore (#​18285) (Francesco Trotta)
  • 16b6a8b docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • df5f8a9 docs: paths and patterns difference in no-restricted-imports (#​18273) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • c537d76 docs: update npm init @&#8203;eslint/config generated file names (#​18298) (唯然)
  • e1e305d docs: fix linebreak-style examples (#​18262) (Francesco Trotta)
  • 113f51e docs: Mention package.json config support dropped (#​18305) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 5c35321 docs: add eslintrc-only note to --rulesdir (#​18281) (Adam Lui 刘展鹏)
  • 1fa6622 build: do not use --force flag to install dependencies (#​18284) (Francesco Trotta)



Compare Source

Breaking Changes

  • b7cf3bd fix!: correct camelcase rule schema for allow option (#​18232) (eMerzh)
  • 09bd7fe feat!: move AST traversal into SourceCode (#​18167) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 79a95eb feat!: disallow multiple configuration comments for same rule (#​18157) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 9163646 feat!: Rule Tester checks for missing placeholder data in the message (#​18073) (fnx)
  • 3c4d51d feat!: default for enforceForClassMembers in no-useless-computed-key (#​18054) (Francesco Trotta)
  • 47e60f8 feat!: Stricter rule test validations (#​17654) (fnx)
  • 1a94589 feat!: no-unused-vars default caughtErrors to 'all' (#​18043) (Josh Goldberg )
  • 57089cb feat!: no-restricted-imports allow multiple config entries for same path (#​18021) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 2e1d549 feat!: detect duplicate test cases (#​17955) (Bryan Mishkin)
  • 701f1af feat!: no-inner-declaration new default behaviour and option (#​17885) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • bde5105 fix!: handle --output-file for empty output when saving to disk (#​17957) (Nitin Kumar)
  • 07107a5 fix!: upgrade eslint-scope@8.0.0 (#​17942) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 3ee0f6c fix!: no-unused-vars varsIgnorePattern behavior with catch arguments (#​17932) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • 51f8bc8 fix!: configuration comments with just severity should retain options (#​17945) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • d191bdd feat!: Remove CodePath#currentSegments (#​17936) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 946ae00 feat!: FlatRuleTester -> RuleTester (#​17922) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • baff28c feat!: remove no-inner-declarations from eslint:recommended (#​17920) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • cadfbcd feat!: Rename FlatESLint to ESLint (#​17914) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • d1018fc feat!: skip running warnings in --quiet mode (#​17274) (Maddy Miller)
  • fb81b1c feat!: Set default schema: [], drop support for function-style rules (#​17792) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 0b21e1f feat!: add two more cases to no-implicit-coercion (#​17832) (Gürgün Dayıoğlu)
  • 2916c63 feat!: Switch Linter to flat config by default (#​17851) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 200518e fix!: Parsing 'exported' comment using parseListConfig (#​17675) (amondev)
  • bdd6ba1 feat!: Remove valid-jsdoc and require-jsdoc (#​17694) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 12be307 fix!: Behavior of CLI when no arguments are passed (#​17644) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 8fe8c56 feat!: Update shouldUseFlatConfig and CLI so flat config is default (#​17748) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 60dea3e feat!: deprecate no-new-symbol, recommend no-new-native-nonconstructor (#​17710) (Francesco Trotta)
  • 5aa9c49 feat!: check for parsing errors in suggestion fixes (#​16639) (Bryan Mishkin)
  • b3e0bb0 feat!: assert suggestion messages are unique in rule testers (#​17532) (Josh Goldberg )
  • e563c52 feat!: no-invalid-regexp make allowConstructorFlags case-sensitive (#​17533) (Josh Goldberg )
  • e5f02c7 fix!: no-sequences rule schema correction (#​17878) (MHO)
  • 6ee3e9e feat!: Update eslint:recommended configuration (#​17716) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • c2cf85a feat!: drop support for string configurations in flat config array (#​17717) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • c314fd6 feat!: Remove SourceCode#getComments() (#​17715) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • ae78ff1 feat!: Remove deprecated context methods (#​17698) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • f71c328 feat!: Swap FlatESLint-ESLint, FlatRuleTester-RuleTester in API (#​17823) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 5304da0 feat!: remove formatters except html, json(-with-metadata), and stylish (#​17531) (Josh Goldberg )
  • e1e827f feat!: Require Node.js ^18.18.0 || ^20.9.0 || >=21.1.0 (#​17725) (Milos Djermanovic)


  • d54a412 feat: Add --inspect-config CLI flag (#​18270) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 97ce45b feat: Add reportUsedIgnorePattern option to no-unused-vars rule (#​17662) (Pearce Ropion)
  • 3e9fcea feat: Show config names in error messages (#​18256) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • de40874 feat: Rule Performance Statistics for flat ESLint (#​17850) (Mara Kiefer)
  • d85c436 feat: use-isnan report NaN in indexOf and lastIndexOf with fromIndex (#​18225) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • b8fb572 feat: add reportUnusedFallthroughComment option to no-fallthrough rule (#​18188) (Kirk Waiblinger)
  • 1c173dc feat: add ignoreClassWithStaticInitBlock option to no-unused-vars (#​18170) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • a451b32 feat: make no-misleading-character-class report more granular errors (#​18082) (Francesco Trotta)
  • c49ed63 feat: update complexity rule for optional chaining & default values (#​18152) (Mathias Schreck)
  • 11144a2 feat: no-restricted-imports option added allowImportNames (#​16196) (M Pater)
  • 74124c2 feat: add suggestions to use-isnan in indexOf & lastIndexOf calls (#​18063) (StyleShit)
  • 53f0f47 feat: Add loadESLint() API method for v9 (#​18097) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 2d11d46 feat: add suggestions to use-isnan in binary expressions (#​17996) (StyleShit)
  • 26093c7 feat: fix false negatives in no-this-before-super (#​17762) (Yosuke Ota)
  • 5471e43 feat: convert unsafe autofixes to suggestions in no-implicit-coercion (#​17985) (Gürgün Dayıoğlu)
  • e3051be feat: emit warning when .eslintignore file is detected (#​17952) (Nitin Kumar)
  • a630edd feat: maintain latest ecma version in ESLint (#​17958) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • b4e0503 feat: add no-useless-assignment rule (#​17625) (Yosuke Ota)
  • 287c4b7 feat: no-misleading-character-class granular errors (#​17515) (Josh Goldberg )
  • 8792464 feat: Enable eslint.config.mjs and eslint.config.cjs (#​17909) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 24ce927 feat: warn by default for unused disable directives (#​17879) (Bryan Mishkin)

Bug Fixes

  • 610c148 fix: Support using declarations in no-lone-blocks (#​18269) (Kirk Waiblinger)
  • e508800 fix: rule tester ignore irrelevant test case properties (#​18235) (fnx)
  • a129acb fix: flat config name on ignores object (#​18258) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • dadc5bf fix: constructor-super false positives with loops (#​18226) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • ae8103d fix: load plugins in the CLI in flat config mode (#​18185) (Francesco Trotta)
  • e37153f fix: improve error message for invalid rule config (#​18147) (Nitin Kumar)
  • af6e170 fix: stop linting files after an error (#​18155) (Francesco Trotta)
  • 0cb4914 fix: validate options when comment with just severity enables rule (#​18133) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • c4d26fd fix: use-isnan doesn't report on SequenceExpressions (#​18059) (StyleShit)
  • 39076fb fix: handle absolute file paths in RuleTester (#​17989) (Nitin Kumar)
  • 6d11f3d fix: Ensure config keys are printed for config errors (#​17980) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 806f708 fix: no-misleading-character-class edge cases with granular errors (#​17970) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • f182114 fix: deep merge behavior in flat config (#​17906) (Francesco Trotta)
  • b577e8a fix: allow circular references in config (#​17752) (Francesco Trotta)


  • e151050 docs: update get-started to the new @eslint/create-config (#​18217) (唯然)
  • 94178ad docs: mention about name field in flat config (#​18252) (Anthony Fu)
  • 1765c24 docs: add Troubleshooting page (#​18181) (Josh Goldberg )
  • 96607d0 docs: version selectors synchronization (#​18260) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 651ec91 docs: remove /* eslint-env */ comments from rule examples (#​18249) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 950c4f1 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • 12f5746 docs: add info about dot files and dir in flat config (#​18239) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • b93f408 docs: update shared settings example (#​18251) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • 26384d3 docs: fix ecmaVersion in one example, add checks (#​18241) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 7747097 docs: Update PR review process (#​18233) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • b07d427 docs: fix typo (#​18246) (Kirill Gavrilov)
  • 778082d docs: add Glossary page (#​18187) (Josh Goldberg )
  • 239a7e2 docs: Clarify the description of sort-imports options (#​18198) (gyeongwoo park)
  • 4769c86 docs: fix incorrect example in no-lone-blocks (#​18215) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • 5251327 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • 1dc8618 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • ba1c1bb docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • 337cdf9 docs: Explain limitations of RuleTester fix testing (#​18175) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • c7abd89 docs: Explain Node.js version support (#​18176) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • d961eeb docs: show red underlines in examples in rules docs (#​18041) (Yosuke Ota)
  • 558274a docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • 2908b9b docs: Update release documentation (#​18174) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 1f1260e docs: replace HackerOne link with GitHub advisory (#​18165) (Francesco Trotta)
  • e5ef3cd docs: add inline cases condition in no-fallthrough (#​18158) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • 450d0f0 docs: fix ignore option docs (#​18154) (Francesco Trotta)
  • 5fe095c docs: show v8.57.0 as latest version in dropdown (#​18142) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 7db5bb2 docs: Show prerelease version in dropdown (#​18135) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 73a5f06 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • f95cd27 docs: Disallow multiple rule configuration comments in the same example (#​18116) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • d8068ec docs: Update link for schema examples (#​18112) (Svetlana)
  • f1c7e6f docs: Switch to Ethical Ads (#​18090) (Strek)
  • 15c143f docs: JS Foundation -> OpenJS Foundation in PR template (#​18092) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 6ea339e docs: add stricter rule test validations to v9 migration guide (#​18085) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 3c816f1 docs: use relative link from CLI to core concepts (#​18083) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 9458735 docs: fix malformed eslint config comments in rule examples (#​18078) (Francesco Trotta)
  • 07a1ada docs: link from --fix CLI doc to the relevant core concept (#​18080) (Bryan Mishkin)
  • b844324 docs: Update team responsibilities (#​18048) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • aadfb60 docs: document languageOptions and other v9 changes for context (#​18074) (fnx)
  • 857e242 docs: tweak explanation for rule properties (#​18057) (Bryan Mishkin)
  • 10485e8 docs: recommend messageId over message for reporting rule violations (#​18050) (Bryan Mishkin)
  • 98b5ab4 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • 505fbf4 docs: update no-restricted-imports rule (#​18015) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • c25b4af docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • 33d1ab0 docs: add more examples to flat config ignores docs (#​18020) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • e6eebca docs: Update sort-keys options properties count (#​18025) (LB (Ben Johnston))
  • 1fedfd2 docs: Improve flat config ignores docs (#​17997) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 38b9b06 docs: update valid-typeof rule (#​18001) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • b4abfea docs: Update note about ECMAScript support (#​17991) (Francesco Trotta)
  • 6788873 docs: Update release blog post template (#​17994) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 1f37442 docs: Add sections on non-npm plugin configuration (#​17984) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 96307da docs: migration guide entry for no-inner-declarations (#​17977) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • 40be60e docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • d31c180 docs: fix number of code-path events on custom rules page (#​17969) (Richard Hunter)
  • 1529ab2 docs: reorder entries in v9 migration guide (#​17967) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 9507525 docs: Explain how to combine configs (#​17947) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 7c78576 docs: Add more removed context methods to migrate to v9 guide (#​17951) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 3a877d6 docs: Update removed CLI flags migration (#​17939) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 4a9cd1e docs: Update Linter API for v9 (#​17937) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 2a8eea8 docs: update docs for v9.0.0-alpha.0 (#​17929) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 7f0ba51 docs: show NEXT in version selectors (#​17911) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 0a7911e docs: add flat config default to v9 migration guide (#​17927) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 94f8065 docs: Add CLI updates to migrate to v9 guide (#​17924) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 16187f2 docs: Add exported and string config notes to migrate to v9 guide (#​17926) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 3ae50cc docs: Add RuleTester changes to migrate to v9 guide (#​17923) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 0831b58 docs: add rule changes to v9 migration guide (#​17925) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 037abfc docs: update API docs (#​17919) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • afc3c03 docs: add function-style and meta.schema changes to v9 migration guide (#​17912) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 1da0723 docs: update eslint:recommended section in Migrate to v9.x (#​17908) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • f55881f docs: remove (#​17907) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 63ae191 docs: Migrate to v9.0.0 (#​17905) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • e708496 docs: Switch to flat config by default (#​17840) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • fdf0424 docs: Update Create a Plugin for flat config (#​17826) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • e6a91bd docs: Switch shareable config docs to use flat config (#​17827) (Nicholas C. Zakas)
  • 3831fb7 docs: updated examples of max-lines rule (#​17898) (Tanuj Kanti)
  • cd1ac20 docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot)
  • 26010c2 Build: changelog update for 9.0.0-rc.0 (Jenkins)
  • b91f9dc build: fix TypeError in prism-eslint-hooks.js (#​18209) (Francesco Trotta)
  • d7ec0d1 Build: changelog update for 9.0.0-beta.2 (Jenkins)
  • fd9c0a9 Build: changelog update for 9.0.0-beta.1 (Jenkins)
  • c9f2f33 build: changelog update for 8.57.0 (#​18144) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • 1bbc495 Build: changelog update for 9.0.0-beta.0 (Jenkins)
  • 96f8877 Build: changelog update for 9.0.0-alpha.2 (Jenkins)
  • 52d5e7a Build: changelog update for 9.0.0-alpha.1 (Jenkins)
  • c2bf27d build: update docs files when publishing prereleases (#​17940) (Milos Djermanovic)
  • e91d85d Build: changelog update for 9.0.0-alpha.0 (Jenkins)


prettier/eslint-config-prettier (eslint-config-prettier)


Compare Source

Patch Changes
  • #​309 eb56a5e Thanks @​JounQin! - fix: separate the /flat entry for compatibility

    For flat config users, the previous "eslint-config-prettier" entry still works, but "eslint-config-prettier/flat" adds a new name property for config-inspector, we just can't add it for the default entry for compatibility.

    See also #​308

    // before
    import eslintConfigPrettier from "eslint-config-prettier";
    // after
    import eslintConfigPrettier from "eslint-config-prettier/flat";


Compare Source

Minor Changes


Compare Source

Patch Changes


Compare Source

Patch Changes


Compare Source



What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog:


Compare Source

Major Changes
cypress-io/eslint-plugin-cypress (eslint-plugin-cypress)


Compare Source

Bug Fixes
  • add rule disallow usage of cypress-xpath (1ae902a)


Compare Source

  • docs: publish updated readme (2bc8d5a)


Compare Source

  • minimum version eslint v9 (b50181a)
  • Support ESLint v9 and above only

Support for ESlint v7 & v8 is removed
languageOptions ecmaVersion: 2019 and sourceType: module are removed from eslint-plugin-cypress/flat config
globals is updated to 15.11.0
eslint-plugin-n is updated to 17.11.1


Compare Source

  • publish eslint v8 deprecation (44a7722)


Compare Source



Compare Source

  • add name to configs (for tooling) (d2f8406)


Compare Source

  • add flat configurations (0e434c7)


Compare Source



Compare Source

Bug Fixes
  • issue with unsafe to chain command that is not an action (93824e4)


Compare Source

  • apply no-pause rule recursively (f725f55)


Compare Source

Bug Fixes
  • deps: update semantic-release to 23.0.8 (b3c2425)


Compare Source

Bug Fixes
  • convert deprecated context calls (d3d333a)


Compare Source

Bug Fixes
  • enable cypress/no-async-before (b57bf97)


Compare Source

  • Support for ESlint v3, v4, v5 & v6 is removed (bafb3b6)
  • Support ESLint v7 and v8 only (ESLint v9 is not yet supported)
jest-community/eslint-plugin-jest (eslint-plugin-jest)


Compare Source

  • valid-expect: allow calling expect with no arguments (#​1688) (ff0349e)

28.10.1 (2025-01-15)

Bug Fixes


Compare Source

Bug Fixes


Compare Source

  • unbound-method: ignore functions passed to jest.mocked (#​1681) (d868636)


Compare Source


28.8.3 (2024-09-04)

Bug Fixes
  • prefer-importing-jest-globals: don't add imports in the middle of statements (#​1645) (9c4197c)

28.8.2 (2024-09-02)

Performance Improvements
  • prefer-importing-jest-globals: stop collecting import specifiers for no reason (#​1646) (0660242)

28.8.1 (2024-08-29)

Bug Fixes
  • prefer-importing-jest-globals: support typescript-eslint parser (#​1639) (307f6a7)


Compare Source

Bug Fixes
  • prefer-importing-jest-globals: don't add imports in the middle of statements (#​1645) (9c4197c)


Compare Source

Performance Improvements
  • prefer-importing-jest-globals: stop collecting import specifiers for no reason (#​1646) (0660242)


Compare Source

Bug Fixes
  • prefer-importing-jest-globals: support typescript-eslint parser (#​1639) (307f6a7)


Compare Source

  • import formatting rules from eslint-plugin-jest-formatting (#​1563) (74078ee)


Compare Source

  • allow [@typescript-eslint]( v8 (#​1636) (fb43171)


Compare Source



Compare Source

  • allow @typescript-eslint/utils v7 as a direct dependency (#​1567) (1476f10)


Compare Source

  • valid-expect: supporting automatically fixing missing await in some cases (#​1574) (a407098)


Compare Source



Compare Source


28.1.1 (2024-04-06)

Bug Fixes
  • max-expects: properly reset counter when exiting a test case (#​1550) (b4b7cbc)


Compare Source

Bug Fixes
  • max-expects: properly reset counter when exiting a test case (#​1550) (b4b7cbc)


Compare Source



Compare Source

Bug Fixes
  • Node v19 is no longer supported
  • removed unneeded snapshot processor and flat/snapshot config
  • dropped support for @typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin v5
  • dropped support for Node v14
  • removed no-if in favor of no-conditional-in-test
vuejs/eslint-plugin-vue (eslint-plugin-vue)


Compare Source

💥 Breaking changes


⚙️ Updates

  • #​2171 Updated resources.
  • #​2675 Deprecated Vue 2 only rules. They will be removed in eslint-plugin-vue v11.

Full Changelog:


Compare Source


🐛 Bug Fixes

Full Changelog:


📅 Schedule: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined).

🚦 Automerge: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied.

Rebasing: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox.

👻 Immortal: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get config help if that's undesired.

  • If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box

This PR has been generated by Renovate Bot.

This PR contains the following updates: | Package | Type | Update | Change | |---|---|---|---| | [@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin]( ([source]( | dependencies | major | [`^6.21.0` -> `^8.26.0`]( | | [@typescript-eslint/parser]( ([source]( | dependencies | major | [`^6.21.0` -> `^8.26.0`]( | | [eslint]( ([source]( | dependencies | major | [`^8.57.1` -> `^9.22.0`]( | | [eslint-config-prettier]( | dependencies | major | [`^9.1.0` -> `^10.1.1`]( | | [eslint-plugin-cypress]( | dependencies | major | [`^2.15.2` -> `^4.2.0`]( | | [eslint-plugin-jest]( | dependencies | major | [`^27.9.0` -> `^28.11.0`]( | | [eslint-plugin-vue]( ([source]( | dependencies | major | [`^9.32.0` -> `^10.0.0`]( | --- ### Release Notes <details> <summary>typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint (@&#8203;typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin)</summary> ### [`v8.26.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[unified-signatures] support ignoring overload signatures with different JSDoc comments ([#&#8203;10781]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[explicit-module-boundary-types] add an option to ignore overload implementations ([#&#8203;10889]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unused-var] handle implicit exports in declaration files ([#&#8203;10714]( - support TypeScript 5.8 ([#&#8203;10903]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-parameters] special case tuples and parameter location arrays as single-use ([#&#8203;9536]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-assertion] handle unknown ([#&#8203;10875]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-invalid-void-type] report `accessor` properties with an invalid `void` type ([#&#8203;10864]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[unified-signatures] does not differentiate truly private methods ([#&#8203;10806]( ##### ❤️ Thank You - Andrea Simone Costa [@&#8203;jfet97]( - Dirk Luijk [@&#8203;dirkluijk]( - Ronen Amiel - YeonJuan [@&#8203;yeonjuan]( - Yukihiro Hasegawa [@&#8203;y-hsgw]( You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.25.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-misused-spread] add suggestions ([#&#8203;10719]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-nullish-coalescing] report on chain expressions in a ternary ([#&#8203;10708]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-deprecated] report usage of deprecated private identifiers ([#&#8203;10844]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[unified-signatures] handle getter-setter ([#&#8203;10818]( ##### ❤️ Thank You - Olivier Zalmanski [@&#8203;OlivierZal]( - Ronen Amiel - YeonJuan [@&#8203;yeonjuan]( You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.24.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[class-methods-use-this] check `accessor` methods with a function initializer ([#&#8203;10796]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-misused-promises] don't report on `static` `accessor` properties ([#&#8203;10814]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-deprecated] don't report on deprecated `accessor` property declaration ([#&#8203;10813]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[explicit-member-accessibility] check `accessor` class properties for missing accessibility modifier ([#&#8203;10805]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[explicit-module-boundary-types] check `accessor` class properties with a function initializer ([#&#8203;10804]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-return-this-type] check `accessor` properties with a function initializer ([#&#8203;10794]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[consistent-generic-constructors] check `accessor` class properties ([#&#8203;10789]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unsafe-assignment] report on an `any` value assigned as an initializer of an `accessor` property ([#&#8203;10785]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-template-expression] ignore enum and enum members ([#&#8203;10782]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-inferrable-types] handle accessor ([#&#8203;10780]( ##### ❤️ Thank You - Ronen Amiel - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.24.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-condition] make `allowConstantLoopConditions` more granular ([#&#8203;10639]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-misused-spread] correct and elaborate string spread report message ([#&#8203;10751]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[restrict-plus-operands] report adding bigints to strings when `allowNumberAndString` is `false` ([#&#8203;10737]( ##### ❤️ Thank You - Josh Goldberg ✨ - noah - Ronen Amiel You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.23.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-boolean-literal-compare] enforce strictNullChecks ([#&#8203;10712]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-shadow] ignore declare variables in definition files shadowing global variables ([#&#8203;10710]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-restricted-imports] support regex option ([#&#8203;10699]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[dot-notation] handle noPropertyAccessFromIndexSignature true ([#&#8203;10644]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-nullish-coalescing] fix missing return ([#&#8203;10732]( - bump ts-api-utils to ^2.0.1 ([#&#8203;10761]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-template-expression] allow interpolating type parameter in type context ([#&#8203;10739]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[switch-exhaustiveness-check] suggest with qualified name ([#&#8203;10697]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-assertion] should report readonly class properties with a literal initializer ([#&#8203;10618]( ##### ❤️ Thank You - Josh Goldberg ✨ - Olivier Zalmanski [@&#8203;OlivierZal]( - Ryan Poon [@&#8203;sopa301]( - YeonJuan [@&#8203;yeonjuan]( - Yukihiro Hasegawa [@&#8203;y-hsgw]( You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.22.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-template-expression] handle template literal type ([#&#8203;10612]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-readonly] autofixer doesn't add type to property that is mutated in the constructor ([#&#8203;10552]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-extraneous-class] handle accessor keyword ([#&#8203;10678]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-shadow] don't report unnecessarily on valid ways of using module augmentation ([#&#8203;10616]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-duplicate-type-constituents] handle nested types ([#&#8203;10638]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-nullish-coalescing] doesn't report on ternary but on equivalent || ([#&#8203;10517]( ##### ❤️ Thank You - mdm317 - Olivier Zalmanski [@&#8203;OlivierZal]( - Ronen Amiel - YeonJuan [@&#8203;yeonjuan]( You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.21.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-duplicate-enum-values] handle template literal ([#&#8203;10675]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-base-to-string] don't crash for recursive array or tuple types ([#&#8203;10633]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-for-in-array] report on any type which may be an array or array-like ([#&#8203;10535]( - **eslint-plugin:** check JSX spread elements for misused spread usage ([#&#8203;10653]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-arguments] handle type args on jsx ([#&#8203;10630]( ##### ❤️ Thank You - Ronen Amiel - YeonJuan [@&#8203;yeonjuan]( You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.20.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[consistent-type-assertions] add arrayLiteralTypeAssertions options ([#&#8203;10565]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-deprecated] add allow options ([#&#8203;10585]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-misused-spread] add new rule ([#&#8203;10551]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-condition] don't flag optional chaining for union types with an unconstrained type parameters ([#&#8203;10602]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-shadow] ignore ordering of type declarations ([#&#8203;10593]( ##### ❤️ Thank You - Josh Goldberg ✨ - Ronen Amiel - YeonJuan [@&#8203;yeonjuan]( You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.19.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-assertion] handle literal types ([#&#8203;10523]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-deprecated] doesn't report on shorthand property in an object expression ([#&#8203;10550]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[strict-boolean-expressions] remove remaining (unsafe) autofixes ([#&#8203;10548]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-shadow] report correctly on parameters of functions declared with the `declare` keyword ([#&#8203;10543]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-base-to-string] check array generic type ([#&#8203;10437]( ##### ❤️ Thank You - Kirk Waiblinger - mdm317 - Ronen Amiel - Yukihiro Hasegawa [@&#8203;y-hsgw]( You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.19.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[strict-boolean-expressions] check array predicate functions' return statements ([#&#8203;10106]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[member-ordering] ignore method overloading ([#&#8203;10536]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[consistent-indexed-object-style] don't report on indirect circular references ([#&#8203;10537]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[array-type] autofix with conditional types needs parentheses ([#&#8203;10522]( - **eslint-plugin:** add getConstraintInfo to handle generic constraints better ([#&#8203;10496]( ##### ❤️ Thank You - Karl Werner - Kirk Waiblinger [@&#8203;kirkwaiblinger]( - Ronen Amiel - YeonJuan [@&#8203;yeonjuan]( You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.18.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-condition] handle noUncheckedIndexedAccess true ([#&#8203;10514]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[consistent-type-assertions] allow default assertionStyle option ([#&#8203;10512]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-arguments] handle type/value context ([#&#8203;10503]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unsafe-type-assertion] fix for unsafe assertion to a constrained type parameter ([#&#8203;10461]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[consistent-indexed-object-style] use a suggestion over an auto-fix if can't reliably determine that produced index signature is valid ([#&#8203;10490]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-condition] don't flag values of an unconstrained or valid type parameter ([#&#8203;10473]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-reduce-type-parameter] don't report cases in which the fix results in a type error ([#&#8203;10494]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-deprecated] not reporting usages of deprecated declared constants as object value ([#&#8203;10498]( ##### ❤️ Thank You - Luke Deen Taylor [@&#8203;controversial]( - Ronen Amiel - Scott O'Hara - YeonJuan [@&#8203;yeonjuan]( - Yukihiro Hasegawa [@&#8203;y-hsgw]( You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.18.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **scope-manager:** visit params decorator before nest scope ([#&#8203;10475]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-condition] better message when comparing between literal types ([#&#8203;10454]( - **eslint-plugin:** use consistent naming for asserting types and casting values ([#&#8203;10472]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-boolean-literal-compare] flag values of a type parameter with boolean type constraints ([#&#8203;10474]( - **eslint-plugin:** handle string like index type ([#&#8203;10460]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-template-expression] don't report when an expression includes comment ([#&#8203;10444]( ##### ❤️ Thank You - Kirk Waiblinger [@&#8203;kirkwaiblinger]( - Ronen Amiel - YeonJuan [@&#8203;yeonjuan]( You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.18.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[switch-exhaustiveness-check] add support for "no default" comment ([#&#8203;10218]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-deprecated] report on super call of deprecated constructor ([#&#8203;10397]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[use-unknown-in-catch-callback-variable] only flag function literals ([#&#8203;10436]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-base-to-string] handle more robustly when multiple `toString()` declarations are present for a type ([#&#8203;10432]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-deprecated] check if a JSX attribute is deprecated ([#&#8203;10374]( - typescript peer dependency ([#&#8203;10373]( ##### ❤️ Thank You - Kim Sang Du [@&#8203;developer-bandi]( - Kirk Waiblinger [@&#8203;kirkwaiblinger]( - mdm317 - rtritto You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.17.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-promise-reject-errors] options to allow any and unknown ([#&#8203;10392]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[promise-function-async] handle function overloading ([#&#8203;10304]( - **eslint-plugin:** remove references to "extendDefaults" in no-restricted-types ([#&#8203;10401]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-template-expressions] allow template expressions used to make trailing whitespace visible ([#&#8203;10363]( ##### ❤️ Thank You - Kim OhSeong [@&#8203;bkks1004]( - Kirk Waiblinger [@&#8203;kirkwaiblinger]( - Maria José Solano [@&#8203;MariaSolOs]( - Ronen Amiel You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.16.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-base-to-string] check Array.prototype.join ([#&#8203;10287]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[max-params] add function overload and function type support ([#&#8203;10312]( ##### ❤️ Thank You - Kim Sang Du [@&#8203;developer-bandi]( - YeonJuan [@&#8203;yeonjuan]( You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.15.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-nullish-coalescing] fix detection of `ignoreConditionalTests` involving boolean `!` operator ([#&#8203;10299]( - **eslint-plugin:** new rule `no-unsafe-type-assertion` ([#&#8203;10051]( - **eslint-plugin:** added related-getter-setter-pairs rule ([#&#8203;10192]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **utils:** add defaultOptions to meta in rule ([#&#8203;10339]( - **eslint-plugin:** report deprecations used in default export ([#&#8203;10330]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[explicit-module-boundary-types] and \[explicit-function-return-type] don't report on `as const satisfies` ([#&#8203;10315]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[await-thenable, return-await] don't flag awaiting unconstrained type parameter as unnecessary ([#&#8203;10314]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[consistent-indexed-object-style] handle circular mapped types ([#&#8203;10301]( ##### ❤️ Thank You - Josh Goldberg ✨ - Kim Sang Du [@&#8203;developer-bandi]( - Luis Sebastian Urrutia Fuentes [@&#8203;LuisUrrutia]( - Phillip Huang - Ronen Amiel - Szydlak [@&#8203;wszydlak]( You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.14.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[await-thenable] report unnecessary `await using` statements ([#&#8203;10209]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-confusing-void-expression] add an option to ignore void<->void ([#&#8203;10067]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **scope-manager:** fix asserted increments not being marked as write references ([#&#8203;10271]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-misused-promises] improve report loc for methods ([#&#8203;10216]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-condition] improve error message for literal comparisons ([#&#8203;10194]( ##### ❤️ Thank You - Gyumong [@&#8203;Gyumong]( - Jan Ochwat [@&#8203;janek515]( - Kirk Waiblinger [@&#8203;kirkwaiblinger]( - Ronen Amiel You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.13.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[only-throw-error] add allow option ([#&#8203;10221]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-nullish-coalescing] add option `ignoreBooleanCoercion` ([#&#8203;9924]( - **eslint-plugin:** disable `no-class-assign` rule in `eslint-recommended` config ([#&#8203;10250]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[switch-exhaustiveness-check] add support for covering a missing property with `undefined` ([#&#8203;10232]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[consistent-type-definitions] don't leave trailing parens when fixing type to interface ([#&#8203;10235]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-deprecated] report when exported class implements/extends deprecated entity ([#&#8203;10259]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-deprecated] report on deprecated variables used inside dynamic imports ([#&#8203;10261]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-condition] falsey bigint should be falsey ([#&#8203;10205]( ##### ❤️ Thank You - auvred [@&#8203;auvred]( - Kim Sang Du [@&#8203;developer-bandi]( - Kirk Waiblinger [@&#8203;kirkwaiblinger]( - Mark de Dios [@&#8203;peanutenthusiast]( - Ronen Amiel - YeonJuan [@&#8203;yeonjuan]( You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.12.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[switch-exhaustiveness-check] invert `considerDefaultExhaustiveForUnions` ([#&#8203;10223]( ##### ❤️ Thank You - Kirk Waiblinger [@&#8203;kirkwaiblinger]( You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.12.1`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for eslint-plugin to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.12.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-base-to-string] handle String() ([#&#8203;10005]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[switch-exhaustiveness-check] add allowDefaultCaseMatchUnionMember option ([#&#8203;9954]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[consistent-indexed-object-style] report mapped types ([#&#8203;10160]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-nullish-coalescing] add support for assignment expressions ([#&#8203;10152]( ##### ❤️ Thank You - Abraham Guo - Kim Sang Du [@&#8203;developer-bandi]( - Kirk Waiblinger [@&#8203;kirkwaiblinger]( - YeonJuan [@&#8203;yeonjuan]( You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.11.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-parameters] add suggestion fixer ([#&#8203;10149]( - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-base-to-string] add support for catching toLocaleString ([#&#8203;10138]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[class-literal-property-style] don't report nodes with `override` keyword ([#&#8203;10135]( ##### ❤️ Thank You - Kirk Waiblinger [@&#8203;kirkwaiblinger]( - Yukihiro Hasegawa [@&#8203;y-hsgw]( You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.10.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - support TypeScript 5.6 ([#&#8203;9972]( ##### ❤️ Thank You - Josh Goldberg ✨ You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.9.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-parameters] cannot assume variables are either type or value - **scope-manager:** \[no-use-before-define] do not treat nested namespace aliases as variable references - **eslint-plugin:** \[return-await] sync the behavior with await-thenable - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-literal-enum-member] report a different error message when `allowBitwiseExpressions` is enabled - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-loop-func] sync from upstream base rule - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unused-vars] never report the naming of an enum member - **eslint-plugin:** correct use-at-your-own-risk type definitions - **eslint-plugin:** handle unions in await...for ##### ❤️ Thank You - Abraham Guo - Anna Bocharova - Arya Emami - auvred - Joshua Chen - Kirk Waiblinger - Lotfi Meklati - mdm317 - Ronen Amiel - Sukka - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.8.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** stop warning on [@&#8203;ts-nocheck]( comments which aren't at the beginning of the file ##### ❤️ Thank You - Brad Zacher - Ronen Amiel - WhitePiano You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.8.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-condition] add checkTypePredicates - **eslint-plugin:** \[return-await] check for-await loop iteree ##### 🩹 Fixes - remove `export type *` in d.ts to support TS<5.0 - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-template-expression] should underline template syntax with squiggly lines - **type-utils:** check for type parameters on `isBuiltinSymbolLikeRecurser()` - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-deprecated] max callstack exceeded when class implements itself - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-misused-promises] check contextual type - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-literal-enum-member] allow nested bitwise operations ##### ❤️ Thank You - auvred - Josh Goldberg ✨ - Kirk Waiblinger - Ronen Amiel - Tarun Chauhan - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.7.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unsafe-call] check calls of Function - **eslint-plugin:** \[consistent-type-exports] check `export *` exports to see if all exported members are types ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** properly coerce all types to string in `getStaticMemberAccessValue` - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-deprecated] report on imported deprecated variables - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-confusing-non-null-assertion] check !in and !instanceof ##### ❤️ Thank You - Abraham Guo - auvred - Brian Donovan - Kirk Waiblinger You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.6.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - add `allow` option for `restrict-template-expressions` - **type-utils:** isNullableType add Void logic - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-condition] check switch cases - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-misused-promises] check array predicate return ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-deprecated] don't report recursive types in destructuring assignment twice - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-deprecated] report on deprecated variables used in destructuring assignment - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-deprecated] report on deprecated properties with function-like types - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-condition] properly reflect multiple negations in message ##### ❤️ Thank You - Abraham Guo - auvred - Josh Goldberg ✨ - Kim Sang Du - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.5.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-duplicate-type-constituents] prevent unnecessary \` - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unsafe-argument] differentiate error types ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-assertion] fix TSNonNullExpression fixer - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-misused-promises] handle static method - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-parameters] fix AST quick path scope analysis - **eslint-plugin:** \[consistent-type-assertions] access parser services lazily ##### ❤️ Thank You - [`f44da95`]( - Josh Goldberg ✨ - Kirk Waiblinger - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.4.0`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for eslint-plugin to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.3.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-deprecation] add rule ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-template-expression] add missing parentheses in autofix - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-parameters] check mapped alias type arguments - **utils:** add `TSDeclareFunction` to `functionTypeTypes` - **ast-spec:** use `Expression` in argument of `ThrowStatement` ##### ❤️ Thank You - Abraham Guo - Daichi Kamiyama - Josh Goldberg ✨ - Kim Sang Du - Sukka - Vida Xie You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.2.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** add suggestion to `require-await` to remove `async` keyword ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[use-unknown-in-catch-callback-variable] flag second argument of `.then` - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-assertion] conflict with TS for variables used before assignment - **eslint-plugin:** delete \[] in message if ReadOnly\<string\[]> is detected - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-redundant-type-constituents] differentiate a types-error any from a true any - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-parameters] check mapped constraint types if necessary - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unsafe-enum-comparison] add logic to see through intersections ##### ❤️ Thank You - Abraham Guo - Dave - Jake Bailey - James - Josh Goldberg ✨ - liuxingbaoyu - Yukihiro Hasegawa - Yutong Zhu You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-floating-promises] enable "add await" suggestion if ignoreVoid is true - **typescript-estree:** restrict variable declarator definite/init combinations - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unsafe-return] check promise any - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-misused-promises] check subtype methods against heritage type methods ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unsafe-enum-comparison] typo in test - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-parameters] skip checking function bodies for AST references - **eslint-plugin:** \[member-ordering] get accessor member name & take into account `abstract` and decorator - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-optional-chain] wrong parenthesis fix output - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-parameters] clarify message ##### ❤️ Thank You - Aly Thobani - Brad Zacher - James - Josh Goldberg ✨ - Joshua Chen - Olivier Zalmanski - YeonJuan - Yukihiro Hasegawa You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unused-vars] ignore imports used only as types ##### ❤️ Thank You - Jake Bailey You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - stricter parent types for the AST - **typescript-estree:** split TSMappedType typeParameter into constraint and key - **eslint-plugin:** remove formatting/layout rules - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-nullish-coalescing] change ignoreConditionalTests default to true - **eslint-plugin:** deprecate no-loss-of-precision extension rule - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unused-vars] align catch behavior to ESLint 9 - **typescript-estree:** rename automaticSingleRunInference to disallowAutomaticSingleRunInference - **utils:** allow specifying additional rule in RuleCreator - **eslint-plugin:** split no-empty-object-type out from ban-types and no-empty-interfaces - **rule-tester:** support multipass fixes - **typescript-estree:** stabilize EXPERIMENTAL_useProjectService as projectService - **eslint-plugin:** remove deprecated no-throw-literal rule - **eslint-plugin:** apply initial config changes for v8 - **eslint-plugin:** remove no-useless-template-literals - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-floating-promises] add 'allowForKnownSafeCalls' option - **eslint-plugin:** replace ban-types with no-restricted-types, no-unsafe-function-type, no-wrapper-object-types - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unused-vars] add `reportUnusedIgnorePattern` option - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unused-vars] support `ignoreClassWithStaticInitBlock` - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unused-vars] handle comma operator for assignments, treat for-of the same as for-in - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unused-vars] report if var used only in typeof - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-floating-promises] disable checkThenables by default for v8 - **rule-tester:** switched to flat config - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-parameters] promote to strict ##### 🩹 Fixes - correct eslint-plugin's peerDependency on parser@8 - disable `projectService` in `disabled-type-checked` shared config - **typescript-estree:** add TSEnumBody node for TSEnumDeclaration body - **eslint-plugin:** include alpha pre-releases in parser peer dependency - **eslint-plugin:** correct rules.d.ts types to not rely on non-existent imports - **eslint-plugin:** remove duplicate import `RuleModuleWithMetaDocs` - **type-utils:** also check declared modules for package names in TypeOrValueSpecifier - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-template-expression] do not render escaped strings in autofixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unused-vars] incorporate upstream changes around caught errors report messages - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-misused-promises] perf: avoid getting types of variables/functions if the annotated type is obviously not a function - **rule-tester:** provide Linter a cwd in its constructor ##### ❤️ Thank You - Abraham Guo - Alfred Ringstad - auvred - Brad Zacher - Christopher Aubut - Collin Bachman - James Henry - Josh Goldberg - Josh Goldberg ✨ - Kirk Waiblinger - StyleShit - Victor Lin - Yukihiro Hasegawa You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.18.0 (2024-07-29) ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-assertion] prevent runtime error when asserting a variable declared in default TS lib - **eslint-plugin:** \[unbound-method] report on destructuring in function parameters - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-duplicate-type-constituents] shouldn't report on error types - **eslint-plugin:** \[strict-boolean-expressions] support branded booleans ##### ❤️ Thank You - auvred - Oliver Salzburg - Vinccool96 - Yukihiro Hasegawa You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.17.0 (2024-07-22) ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** backport no-unsafe-function type, no-wrapper-object-types from v8 to v7 - **eslint-plugin:** \[return-await] add option to report in error-handling scenarios only, and deprecate "never" ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-floating-promises] check top-level type assertions (and more) - **eslint-plugin:** \[strict-boolean-expressions] consider assertion function argument a boolean context - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-condition] false positive on optional private field ##### ❤️ Thank You - Armano - Josh Goldberg ✨ - Kirk Waiblinger - StyleShit You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.16.1 (2024-07-15) ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-parameters] descend into all parts of mapped types in no-unnecessary-type-parameters ##### ❤️ Thank You - Dan Vanderkam You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.16.0 (2024-07-08) ##### 🚀 Features - **rule-tester:** stricter rule test validations - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-parameter-property-assignment] add new rule - **eslint-plugin:** add support for nested namespaces to unsafe-member-access - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-floating-promises] add checkThenables option ##### 🩹 Fixes - **deps:** update dependency [@&#8203;eslint-community/regexpp]( to v4.11.0 - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-floating-promises] add `suggestions` to tests from [#&#8203;9263]( `checkThenables` - **website:** react key error on internal pages of website - **eslint-plugin:** \[restrict-template-expressions] don't report tuples if `allowArray` option is enabled ##### ❤️ Thank You - Abraham Guo - auvred - Josh Goldberg ✨ - Juan Sanchez - Vinccool96 - YeonJuan - Yukihiro Hasegawa You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.15.0 (2024-07-01) ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[array-type] detect `Readonly<string[]>` case - **eslint-plugin:** back-port new rules around empty object types from v8 ##### 🩹 Fixes - disable `EXPERIMENTAL_useProjectService` in `disabled-type-checked` shared config - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unsafe-return] differentiate a types-error any from a true any - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unsafe-call] differentiate a types-error any from a true any ##### ❤️ Thank You - auvred - Kim Sang Du - rgehbt - Vinccool96 You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.14.1 (2024-06-24) ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-nullish-coalescing] treat enums and literals as their underlying primitive types - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-nullish-coalescing] ensure ternary fix does not remove parens ##### ❤️ Thank You - Jake Bailey You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.14.0 (2024-06-24) ##### 🚀 Features - support TypeScript 5.5 ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-extraneous-class] handle abstract members - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-nullish-coalescing] handle intersected primitive types - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-invalid-this] support AccessorProperty ##### ❤️ Thank You - Brad Zacher - cm-ayf - Jake Bailey - James Zhan - Joshua Chen - yoshi2no You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.13.1 (2024-06-17) ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-readonly] refine report locations - **eslint-plugin:** \[return-await] support explicit resource management - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unsafe-member-access] differentiate a types-error any from a true any ##### ❤️ Thank You - Kirk Waiblinger - Yukihiro Hasegawa You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.13.0 (2024-06-10) ##### 🚀 Features - **typescript-estree:** require `import = require()` argument to be a string literal - **typescript-estree:** forbid `.body`, `.async`, `.generator` on `declare function` - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-dynamic-delete] allow all string literals as index ##### 🩹 Fixes - **ast-spec:** function-call-like callee should be Expression not LeftHandSideExpression - **scope-manager:** handle index signature in class - **eslint-plugin:** \[init-declarations] refine report locations - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-base-to-string] make error message more nuanced - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unsafe-assignment] be more specific about error types - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-magic-numbers] fix implementation of the `ignore` option ##### ❤️ Thank You - Fotis Papadogeorgopoulos - Joshua Chen - Kirk Waiblinger - Tobiloba Adedeji - Vinccool96 - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.12.0 (2024-06-03) ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-useless-template-literals] rename to `no-useless-template-expression` (deprecate `no-useless-template-literals`) - **rule-tester:** check for parsing errors in suggestion fixes - **rule-tester:** port `checkDuplicateTestCases` from ESLint - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-floating-promises] add option 'allowForKnownSafePromises' ##### 🩹 Fixes - no-useless-template-expression -> no-unnecessary-template-expression - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-assertion] combine template literal check with `const` variable check - **eslint-plugin:** \[dot-notation] fix false positive when accessing private/protected property with optional chaining - **eslint-plugin:** \[explicit-member-accessibility] refine report locations - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-assertion] declares are always defined, so always check `declare`s - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-literal-enum-member] allow using member it self on allowBitwiseExpressions - **eslint-plugin:** \[return-await] clean up in-try-catch detection and make autofixes safe - **eslint-plugin:** \[member-ordering] also TSMethodSignature can be get/set ##### ❤️ Thank You - Abraham Guo - Han Yeong-woo - Joshua Chen - Kim Sang Du - Kirk Waiblinger - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.11.0 (2024-05-27) ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** deprecate prefer-ts-expect-error in favor of ban-ts-comment ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[consistent-type-assertions] prevent syntax errors on arrow functions ##### ❤️ Thank You - Abraham Guo - auvred - Dom Armstrong - Kirk Waiblinger You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.10.0 (2024-05-20) ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[sort-type-constituents] support case sensitive sorting ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-regexp-exec] fix heuristic to check whether regex may contain global flag ##### ❤️ Thank You - auvred - Emanuel Hoogeveen - jsfm01 - Kirk Waiblinger You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.9.0 (2024-05-13) ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[explicit-function-return-types] fix false positive on default parameters ##### ❤️ Thank You - Kirk Waiblinger - Sheetal Nandi - Vinccool96 You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.8.0 (2024-04-29) ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unsafe-argument] handle tagged templates - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-optional-chain] suggests optional chaining during strict null equality check - **eslint-plugin:** \[consistent-type-assertions] handle tagged templates - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unsafe-return] handle union types - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unused-vars] clear error report range ##### ❤️ Thank You - auvred - Josh Goldberg ✨ - jsfm01 - Kim Sang Du - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.7.1 (2024-04-22) ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unsafe-assignment] handle shorthand property assignment - **eslint-plugin:** \[explicit-function-return-type] fix checking wrong ancestor's return type - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-optional-chain] only look at left operand for `requireNullish` - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-for-in-array] refine report location - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-assertion] allow non-null assertion for void type ##### ❤️ Thank You - Abraham Guo - Kirk Waiblinger - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.7.0 (2024-04-15) ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** replace `no-new-symbol` with `no-new-native-nonconstructor` ##### ❤️ Thank You - Dave - Josh Goldberg ✨ You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.6.0 (2024-04-08) ##### 🚀 Features - bump npm dependency ranges ##### ❤️ Thank You - Abraham Guo - auvred - Brad Zacher You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.5.0 (2024-04-01) ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-floating-promises] handle TaggedTemplateExpression - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-assertion] handle exactOptionalPropertyTypes compiler option ##### ❤️ Thank You - Brad Zacher - Kim Sang Du - Mark de Dios - Naru - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.4.0 (2024-03-25) ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[consistent-type-imports] ignore files with decorators, experimentalDecorators, and emitDecoratorMetadata - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-arguments] handle tagged templates - **eslint-plugin:** deprecate no-throw-literal and add a renamed only-throw-error ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-optional-chain] address multipart nullish checks false positive - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-optional-chain] properly disambiguate between `boolean` and `false` - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-assertion] avoid remove const casting on template literals with expressions inside ##### ❤️ Thank You - Abraham Guo - Brad Zacher - Josh Goldberg ✨ - Kim Sang Du - Kirk Waiblinger - Marco Pasqualetti - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.3.1 (2024-03-18) ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-floating-promises] revert disable of ignoreVoid in strict config ##### ❤️ Thank You - Josh Goldberg ✨ You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.3.0 (2024-03-18) ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[restrict-template-expressions] add `allowArray` option - **eslint-plugin:** add setting for strict config options - **eslint-plugin:** add rule `use-unknown-in-catch-callback-variables` - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-reduce-type-parameter] supports tuple, union, intersection ##### 🩹 Fixes - correct `engines.node` constraints in `package.json` - **eslint-plugin:** \[unbound-method] check method definition in object literal using longhand form - **eslint-plugin:** \[consistent-type-imports] handle imports without specifiers - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-redundant-type-constituents] incorrectly marks & string as redundant - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-qualifier] handle merge namespace with enum - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unused-expressions] false negatives when using assertions - **eslint-plugin:** \[ban-ts-comment] more accurate handling of multiline comments - **eslint-plugin:** \[explicit-function-return-type, explicit-module-boundary-types] improved checking for allowHigherOrderFunctions option - **eslint-plugin:** \[class-literal-property-style] ignore property assigned in constructor - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-assertion] fix false negative for const variable declarations ##### ❤️ Thank You - Abraham Guo - Alexu - Arka Pratim Chaudhuri - auvred - Derrick Isaacson - fnx - Josh Goldberg ✨ - Kirk Waiblinger - Marta Cardoso - Michaël De Boey - Tristan Rasmussen - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.2.0 (2024-03-11) ##### 🚀 Features - support TS 5.4 - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-string-starts-ends-with] add allowSingleElementEquality option ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** expose \*-type-checked-only configs for extension - **eslint-plugin:** \[member-ordering] report alphabetical sorting for all groups instead of just the first failing group - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-var-requires, no-require-imports] support template literal - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-useless-template-literals] detect TemplateLiteral - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-condition] handle union array and tuple type - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-find] support ternary branches in prefer-find ##### ❤️ Thank You - Arka Pratim Chaudhuri - auvred - Chris Plummer - Fotis Papadogeorgopoulos - Josh Goldberg ✨ - Kirk Waiblinger - Wayne Zhang - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.1.1 (2024-03-04) This was a version bump only for eslint-plugin to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.1.0 (2024-02-26) ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** add \*-type-checked-only configs - **eslint-plugin:** \[naming-convention] support the auto-accessor syntax - **eslint-plugin:** \[consistent-return] add new rule ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-optional-chan] allow typeof for avoiding reference error - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-misused-promises] improve check union types - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-use-before-define] fix false positive type reference in as, satisfies ##### ❤️ Thank You - Arka Pratim Chaudhuri - Josh Goldberg ✨ - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.0.2 (2024-02-19) ##### 🩹 Fixes - fix tsconfig-less check errors, fix `@types/eslint` incompatibilities, add tests ##### ❤️ Thank You - Brad Zacher - Gareth Jones You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.0.1 (2024-02-12) ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** update peer dep for parser ##### ❤️ Thank You - Tim Dorr You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.18.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-assertion] prevent runtime error when asserting a variable declared in default TS lib - **eslint-plugin:** \[unbound-method] report on destructuring in function parameters - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-duplicate-type-constituents] shouldn't report on error types - **eslint-plugin:** \[strict-boolean-expressions] support branded booleans ##### ❤️ Thank You - auvred - Oliver Salzburg - Vinccool96 - Yukihiro Hasegawa You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.17.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** backport no-unsafe-function type, no-wrapper-object-types from v8 to v7 - **eslint-plugin:** \[return-await] add option to report in error-handling scenarios only, and deprecate "never" ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-floating-promises] check top-level type assertions (and more) - **eslint-plugin:** \[strict-boolean-expressions] consider assertion function argument a boolean context - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-condition] false positive on optional private field ##### ❤️ Thank You - Armano - Josh Goldberg ✨ - Kirk Waiblinger - StyleShit You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.16.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-parameters] descend into all parts of mapped types in no-unnecessary-type-parameters ##### ❤️ Thank You - Dan Vanderkam You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.16.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **rule-tester:** stricter rule test validations - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-parameter-property-assignment] add new rule - **eslint-plugin:** add support for nested namespaces to unsafe-member-access - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-floating-promises] add checkThenables option ##### 🩹 Fixes - **deps:** update dependency [@&#8203;eslint-community/regexpp]( to v4.11.0 - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-floating-promises] add `suggestions` to tests from [#&#8203;9263]( `checkThenables` - **website:** react key error on internal pages of website - **eslint-plugin:** \[restrict-template-expressions] don't report tuples if `allowArray` option is enabled ##### ❤️ Thank You - Abraham Guo - auvred - Josh Goldberg ✨ - Juan Sanchez - Vinccool96 - YeonJuan - Yukihiro Hasegawa You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.15.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[array-type] detect `Readonly<string[]>` case - **eslint-plugin:** back-port new rules around empty object types from v8 ##### 🩹 Fixes - disable `EXPERIMENTAL_useProjectService` in `disabled-type-checked` shared config - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unsafe-return] differentiate a types-error any from a true any - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unsafe-call] differentiate a types-error any from a true any ##### ❤️ Thank You - auvred - Kim Sang Du - rgehbt - Vinccool96 You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.14.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-nullish-coalescing] treat enums and literals as their underlying primitive types - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-nullish-coalescing] ensure ternary fix does not remove parens ##### ❤️ Thank You - Jake Bailey You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.14.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - support TypeScript 5.5 ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-extraneous-class] handle abstract members - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-nullish-coalescing] handle intersected primitive types - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-invalid-this] support AccessorProperty ##### ❤️ Thank You - Brad Zacher - cm-ayf - Jake Bailey - James Zhan - Joshua Chen - yoshi2no You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.13.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-readonly] refine report locations - **eslint-plugin:** \[return-await] support explicit resource management - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unsafe-member-access] differentiate a types-error any from a true any ##### ❤️ Thank You - Kirk Waiblinger - Yukihiro Hasegawa You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.13.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **typescript-estree:** require `import = require()` argument to be a string literal - **typescript-estree:** forbid `.body`, `.async`, `.generator` on `declare function` - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-dynamic-delete] allow all string literals as index ##### 🩹 Fixes - **ast-spec:** function-call-like callee should be Expression not LeftHandSideExpression - **scope-manager:** handle index signature in class - **eslint-plugin:** \[init-declarations] refine report locations - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-base-to-string] make error message more nuanced - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unsafe-assignment] be more specific about error types - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-magic-numbers] fix implementation of the `ignore` option ##### ❤️ Thank You - Fotis Papadogeorgopoulos - Joshua Chen - Kirk Waiblinger - Tobiloba Adedeji - Vinccool96 - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.12.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-useless-template-literals] rename to `no-useless-template-expression` (deprecate `no-useless-template-literals`) - **rule-tester:** check for parsing errors in suggestion fixes - **rule-tester:** port `checkDuplicateTestCases` from ESLint - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-floating-promises] add option 'allowForKnownSafePromises' ##### 🩹 Fixes - no-useless-template-expression -> no-unnecessary-template-expression - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-assertion] combine template literal check with `const` variable check - **eslint-plugin:** \[dot-notation] fix false positive when accessing private/protected property with optional chaining - **eslint-plugin:** \[explicit-member-accessibility] refine report locations - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-assertion] declares are always defined, so always check `declare`s - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-literal-enum-member] allow using member it self on allowBitwiseExpressions - **eslint-plugin:** \[return-await] clean up in-try-catch detection and make autofixes safe - **eslint-plugin:** \[member-ordering] also TSMethodSignature can be get/set ##### ❤️ Thank You - Abraham Guo - Han Yeong-woo - Joshua Chen - Kim Sang Du - Kirk Waiblinger - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.11.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** deprecate prefer-ts-expect-error in favor of ban-ts-comment ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[consistent-type-assertions] prevent syntax errors on arrow functions ##### ❤️ Thank You - Abraham Guo - auvred - Dom Armstrong - Kirk Waiblinger You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.10.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[sort-type-constituents] support case sensitive sorting ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-regexp-exec] fix heuristic to check whether regex may contain global flag ##### ❤️ Thank You - auvred - Emanuel Hoogeveen - jsfm01 - Kirk Waiblinger You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.9.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[explicit-function-return-types] fix false positive on default parameters ##### ❤️ Thank You - Kirk Waiblinger - Sheetal Nandi - Vinccool96 You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.8.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unsafe-argument] handle tagged templates - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-optional-chain] suggests optional chaining during strict null equality check - **eslint-plugin:** \[consistent-type-assertions] handle tagged templates - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unsafe-return] handle union types - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unused-vars] clear error report range ##### ❤️ Thank You - auvred - Josh Goldberg ✨ - jsfm01 - Kim Sang Du - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.7.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unsafe-assignment] handle shorthand property assignment - **eslint-plugin:** \[explicit-function-return-type] fix checking wrong ancestor's return type - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-optional-chain] only look at left operand for `requireNullish` - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-for-in-array] refine report location - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-assertion] allow non-null assertion for void type ##### ❤️ Thank You - Abraham Guo - Kirk Waiblinger - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.7.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** replace `no-new-symbol` with `no-new-native-nonconstructor` ##### ❤️ Thank You - Dave - Josh Goldberg ✨ You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.6.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - bump npm dependency ranges ##### ❤️ Thank You - Abraham Guo - auvred - Brad Zacher You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.5.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-floating-promises] handle TaggedTemplateExpression - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-assertion] handle exactOptionalPropertyTypes compiler option ##### ❤️ Thank You - Brad Zacher - Kim Sang Du - Mark de Dios - Naru - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.4.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[consistent-type-imports] ignore files with decorators, experimentalDecorators, and emitDecoratorMetadata - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-arguments] handle tagged templates - **eslint-plugin:** deprecate no-throw-literal and add a renamed only-throw-error ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-optional-chain] address multipart nullish checks false positive - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-optional-chain] properly disambiguate between `boolean` and `false` - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-assertion] avoid remove const casting on template literals with expressions inside ##### ❤️ Thank You - Abraham Guo - Brad Zacher - Josh Goldberg ✨ - Kim Sang Du - Kirk Waiblinger - Marco Pasqualetti - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.3.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-floating-promises] revert disable of ignoreVoid in strict config ##### ❤️ Thank You - Josh Goldberg ✨ You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.3.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[restrict-template-expressions] add `allowArray` option - **eslint-plugin:** add setting for strict config options - **eslint-plugin:** add rule `use-unknown-in-catch-callback-variables` - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-reduce-type-parameter] supports tuple, union, intersection ##### 🩹 Fixes - correct `engines.node` constraints in `package.json` - **eslint-plugin:** \[unbound-method] check method definition in object literal using longhand form - **eslint-plugin:** \[consistent-type-imports] handle imports without specifiers - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-redundant-type-constituents] incorrectly marks & string as redundant - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-qualifier] handle merge namespace with enum - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unused-expressions] false negatives when using assertions - **eslint-plugin:** \[ban-ts-comment] more accurate handling of multiline comments - **eslint-plugin:** \[explicit-function-return-type, explicit-module-boundary-types] improved checking for allowHigherOrderFunctions option - **eslint-plugin:** \[class-literal-property-style] ignore property assigned in constructor - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-assertion] fix false negative for const variable declarations ##### ❤️ Thank You - Abraham Guo - Alexu - Arka Pratim Chaudhuri - auvred - Derrick Isaacson - fnx - Josh Goldberg ✨ - Kirk Waiblinger - Marta Cardoso - Michaël De Boey - Tristan Rasmussen - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.2.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - support TS 5.4 - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-string-starts-ends-with] add allowSingleElementEquality option ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** expose \*-type-checked-only configs for extension - **eslint-plugin:** \[member-ordering] report alphabetical sorting for all groups instead of just the first failing group - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-var-requires, no-require-imports] support template literal - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-useless-template-literals] detect TemplateLiteral - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-condition] handle union array and tuple type - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-find] support ternary branches in prefer-find ##### ❤️ Thank You - Arka Pratim Chaudhuri - auvred - Chris Plummer - Fotis Papadogeorgopoulos - Josh Goldberg ✨ - Kirk Waiblinger - Wayne Zhang - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.1.1`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for eslint-plugin to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** add \*-type-checked-only configs - **eslint-plugin:** \[naming-convention] support the auto-accessor syntax - **eslint-plugin:** \[consistent-return] add new rule ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-optional-chan] allow typeof for avoiding reference error - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-misused-promises] improve check union types - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-use-before-define] fix false positive type reference in as, satisfies ##### ❤️ Thank You - Arka Pratim Chaudhuri - Josh Goldberg ✨ - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.0.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - fix tsconfig-less check errors, fix `@types/eslint` incompatibilities, add tests ##### ❤️ Thank You - Brad Zacher - Gareth Jones You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** update peer dep for parser ##### ❤️ Thank You - Tim Dorr You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - ⚠️ bump ESLint, NodeJS, and TS minimum version requirements - add support for flat configs ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-find] stop throwing type errors when converting symbols to numbers ##### ⚠️ Breaking Changes - ⚠️ bump ESLint, NodeJS, and TS minimum version requirements ##### ❤️ Thank You - Brad Zacher - Kirk Waiblinger - StyleShit - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 6.21.0 (2024-02-05) ##### 🚀 Features - export plugin metadata - allow `parserOptions.project: false` - **eslint-plugin:** add rule prefer-find ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unused-vars] don't report on types referenced in export assignment expression - **eslint-plugin:** \[switch-exhaustiveness-check] better support for intersections, infinite types, non-union values - **eslint-plugin:** \[consistent-type-imports] dont report on types used in export assignment expressions - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-condition] handle left-hand optional with exactOptionalPropertyTypes option - **eslint-plugin:** \[class-literal-property-style] allow getter when same key setter exists - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-assertion] provide valid fixes for assertions with extra tokens before `as` keyword ##### ❤️ Thank You - auvred - Brad Zacher - Kirk Waiblinger - Pete Gonzalez - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 6.20.0 (2024-01-29) ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[member-ordering] allow easy reuse of the default ordering ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-useless-template-literals] incorrect bigint autofix result - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-nullish-coalescing] treat any/unknown as non-nullable - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-useless-template-literals] report Infinity & NaN - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-readonly] disable checking accessors ##### ❤️ Thank You - Alex Parloti - auvred - James Browning - StyleShit - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 6.19.1 (2024-01-22) ##### 🩹 Fixes - **type-utils:** preventing isUnsafeAssignment infinite recursive calls - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-condition] fix false positive for type variable ##### ❤️ Thank You - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 6.19.0 (2024-01-15) ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-promise-reject-errors] add rule - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-array-delete] add new rule - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-useless-template-literals] add fix suggestions ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-type-assertion] detect unnecessary non-null-assertion on a call expression - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecesary-type-assertion] treat unknown/any as nullable ##### ❤️ Thank You - auvred - Brad Zacher - Josh Goldberg ✨ - Joshua Chen - LJX - Steven - StyleShit You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 6.18.1 (2024-01-08) ##### 🩹 Fixes - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-non-null-assertion] provide valid fix when member access is on next line - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-unnecessary-condition] improve checking optional callee - **eslint-plugin:** \[prefer-readonly] support modifiers of unions and intersections - **eslint-plugin:** \[switch-exhaustiveness-check] fix new allowDefaultCaseForExhaustiveSwitch option ##### ❤️ Thank You - auvred - James - Josh Goldberg ✨ - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 6.18.0 (2024-01-06) ##### 🚀 Features - **typescript-estree:** throw on invalid update expressions - **eslint-plugin:** \[no-var-requires, no-require-imports] allow option ##### ❤️ Thank You - auvred - Joshua Chen You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. </details> <details> <summary>typescript-eslint/typescript-eslint (@&#8203;typescript-eslint/parser)</summary> ### [`v8.26.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - support TypeScript 5.8 ([#&#8203;10903]( ##### ❤️ Thank You - Dirk Luijk [@&#8203;dirkluijk]( You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.25.0`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.24.1`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.24.0`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.23.0`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.22.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **parser:** add standalone isolatedDeclarations option ([#&#8203;10499]( ##### ❤️ Thank You - Josh Goldberg ✨ You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.21.0`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.20.0`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.19.1`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.19.0`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.18.2`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.18.1`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.18.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - typescript peer dependency ([#&#8203;10373]( ##### ❤️ Thank You - rtritto You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.17.0`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.16.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - support TypeScript 5.7 ([#&#8203;10372]( ##### ❤️ Thank You - Josh Goldberg ✨ You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.15.0`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.14.0`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.13.0`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.12.2`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.12.1`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.12.0`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.11.0`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.10.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - support TypeScript 5.6 ([#&#8203;9972]( ##### ❤️ Thank You - Josh Goldberg ✨ You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.9.0`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.8.1`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.8.0`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.7.0`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.6.0`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.5.0`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.4.0`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.3.0`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.2.0`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v8.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **parser:** always enable comment, loc, range, tokens - **typescript-estree:** stabilize EXPERIMENTAL_useProjectService as projectService ##### ❤️ Thank You - Abraham Guo - Alfred Ringstad - auvred - Brad Zacher - Christopher Aubut - Collin Bachman - James Henry - Josh Goldberg - Josh Goldberg ✨ - Kirk Waiblinger - StyleShit - Victor Lin - Yukihiro Hasegawa You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.18.0 (2024-07-29) This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.17.0 (2024-07-22) This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.16.1 (2024-07-15) This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.16.0 (2024-07-08) ##### 🩹 Fixes - **deps:** update dependency [@&#8203;eslint-community/regexpp]( to v4.11.0 - **website:** react key error on internal pages of website ##### ❤️ Thank You - Abraham Guo - auvred - Josh Goldberg ✨ - Juan Sanchez - Vinccool96 - YeonJuan - Yukihiro Hasegawa You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.15.0 (2024-07-01) This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.14.1 (2024-06-24) This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.14.0 (2024-06-24) ##### 🚀 Features - support TypeScript 5.5 ##### ❤️ Thank You - Brad Zacher - cm-ayf - Jake Bailey - James Zhan - Joshua Chen - yoshi2no You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.13.1 (2024-06-17) This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.13.0 (2024-06-10) ##### 🚀 Features - **parser, typescript-estree:** export withoutProjectParserOptions utility ##### ❤️ Thank You - Fotis Papadogeorgopoulos - Joshua Chen - Kirk Waiblinger - Tobiloba Adedeji - Vinccool96 - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.12.0 (2024-06-03) ##### 🩹 Fixes - **types:** correct typing ParserOptions ##### ❤️ Thank You - Abraham Guo - Han Yeong-woo - Joshua Chen - Kim Sang Du - Kirk Waiblinger - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.11.0 (2024-05-27) This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.10.0 (2024-05-20) This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.9.0 (2024-05-13) This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.8.0 (2024-04-29) This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.7.1 (2024-04-22) This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.7.0 (2024-04-15) This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.6.0 (2024-04-08) ##### 🚀 Features - bump npm dependency ranges ##### ❤️ Thank You - Abraham Guo - auvred - Brad Zacher You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.5.0 (2024-04-01) ##### 🩹 Fixes - **parser:** disallow `errorOnTypeScriptSyntacticAndSemanticIssues` ##### ❤️ Thank You - Brad Zacher - Kim Sang Du - Mark de Dios - Naru - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.4.0 (2024-03-25) ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[consistent-type-imports] ignore files with decorators, experimentalDecorators, and emitDecoratorMetadata ##### ❤️ Thank You - Abraham Guo - Brad Zacher - Josh Goldberg ✨ - Kim Sang Du - Kirk Waiblinger - Marco Pasqualetti - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.3.1 (2024-03-18) This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.3.0 (2024-03-18) ##### 🩹 Fixes - correct `engines.node` constraints in `package.json` ##### ❤️ Thank You - Abraham Guo - Alexu - Arka Pratim Chaudhuri - auvred - Derrick Isaacson - fnx - Josh Goldberg ✨ - Kirk Waiblinger - Marta Cardoso - Michaël De Boey - Tristan Rasmussen - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.2.0 (2024-03-11) ##### 🚀 Features - support TS 5.4 ##### ❤️ Thank You - Arka Pratim Chaudhuri - auvred - Chris Plummer - Fotis Papadogeorgopoulos - Josh Goldberg ✨ - Kirk Waiblinger - Wayne Zhang - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.1.1 (2024-03-04) This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.1.0 (2024-02-26) This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.0.2 (2024-02-19) ##### 🩹 Fixes - fix tsconfig-less check errors, fix `@types/eslint` incompatibilities, add tests ##### ❤️ Thank You - Brad Zacher - Gareth Jones You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 7.0.1 (2024-02-12) This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.18.0`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.17.0`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.16.1`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.16.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **deps:** update dependency [@&#8203;eslint-community/regexpp]( to v4.11.0 - **website:** react key error on internal pages of website ##### ❤️ Thank You - Abraham Guo - auvred - Josh Goldberg ✨ - Juan Sanchez - Vinccool96 - YeonJuan - Yukihiro Hasegawa You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.15.0`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.14.1`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.14.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - support TypeScript 5.5 ##### ❤️ Thank You - Brad Zacher - cm-ayf - Jake Bailey - James Zhan - Joshua Chen - yoshi2no You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.13.1`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.13.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **parser, typescript-estree:** export withoutProjectParserOptions utility ##### ❤️ Thank You - Fotis Papadogeorgopoulos - Joshua Chen - Kirk Waiblinger - Tobiloba Adedeji - Vinccool96 - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.12.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **types:** correct typing ParserOptions ##### ❤️ Thank You - Abraham Guo - Han Yeong-woo - Joshua Chen - Kim Sang Du - Kirk Waiblinger - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.11.0`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.10.0`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.9.0`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.8.0`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.7.1`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.7.0`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.6.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - bump npm dependency ranges ##### ❤️ Thank You - Abraham Guo - auvred - Brad Zacher You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.5.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - **parser:** disallow `errorOnTypeScriptSyntacticAndSemanticIssues` ##### ❤️ Thank You - Brad Zacher - Kim Sang Du - Mark de Dios - Naru - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.4.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - **eslint-plugin:** \[consistent-type-imports] ignore files with decorators, experimentalDecorators, and emitDecoratorMetadata ##### ❤️ Thank You - Abraham Guo - Brad Zacher - Josh Goldberg ✨ - Kim Sang Du - Kirk Waiblinger - Marco Pasqualetti - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.3.1`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.3.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - correct `engines.node` constraints in `package.json` ##### ❤️ Thank You - Abraham Guo - Alexu - Arka Pratim Chaudhuri - auvred - Derrick Isaacson - fnx - Josh Goldberg ✨ - Kirk Waiblinger - Marta Cardoso - Michaël De Boey - Tristan Rasmussen - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.2.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - support TS 5.4 ##### ❤️ Thank You - Arka Pratim Chaudhuri - auvred - Chris Plummer - Fotis Papadogeorgopoulos - Josh Goldberg ✨ - Kirk Waiblinger - Wayne Zhang - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.1.1`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.0.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🩹 Fixes - fix tsconfig-less check errors, fix `@types/eslint` incompatibilities, add tests ##### ❤️ Thank You - Brad Zacher - Gareth Jones You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. ### [`v7.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### 🚀 Features - ⚠️ bump ESLint, NodeJS, and TS minimum version requirements - add support for flat configs ##### ⚠️ Breaking Changes - ⚠️ bump ESLint, NodeJS, and TS minimum version requirements ##### ❤️ Thank You - Brad Zacher - Kirk Waiblinger - StyleShit - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 6.21.0 (2024-02-05) ##### 🚀 Features - allow `parserOptions.project: false` ##### ❤️ Thank You - auvred - Brad Zacher - Kirk Waiblinger - Pete Gonzalez - YeonJuan You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 6.20.0 (2024-01-29) This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 6.19.1 (2024-01-22) This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 6.19.0 (2024-01-15) This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 6.18.1 (2024-01-08) This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. #### 6.18.0 (2024-01-06) This was a version bump only for parser to align it with other projects, there were no code changes. You can read about our [versioning strategy]( and [releases]( on our website. </details> <details> <summary>eslint/eslint (eslint)</summary> ### [`v9.22.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Features - [`7ddb095`]( feat: Export defineConfig, globalIgnores ([#&#8203;19487]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) #### Bug Fixes - [`19c0127`]( fix: improve message for `no-console` suggestions ([#&#8203;19483]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`49e624f`]( fix: improve error message for falsy parsed JS AST ([#&#8203;19458]( (Josh Goldberg ✨) #### Documentation - [`86c5f37`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`fbdeff0`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`c9e8510`]( docs: generate deprecation notice in TSDoc comments from rule metadata ([#&#8203;19461]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`2f386ad`]( docs: replace `var` with `const` in rule examples ([#&#8203;19469]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`0e688e3`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`06b596d`]( docs: Restore the carrot to the position where the search input was lost ([#&#8203;19459]( (Amaresh S M) #### Chores - [`97f788b`]( chore: upgrade [@&#8203;eslint/js]([@&#8203;9]( ([#&#8203;19489]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`eed409a`]( chore: package.json update for [@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (Jenkins) - [`f9a56d3`]( chore: upgrade eslint-scope@8.3.0 ([#&#8203;19488]( (Milos Djermanovic) ### [`v9.21.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Features - [`418717f`]( feat: introduce new deprecated types for rules ([#&#8203;19238]( (fnx) - [`5c5b802`]( feat: Add `--ext` CLI option ([#&#8203;19405]( (Milos Djermanovic) #### Bug Fixes - [`db5340d`]( fix: update missing plugin message template ([#&#8203;19445]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`d8ffdd4`]( fix: do not exit process on rule crash ([#&#8203;19436]( (Francesco Trotta) #### Documentation - [`c5561ea`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`80b0485`]( docs: replace `var` with `let` and `const` in rule example ([#&#8203;19434]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`f67d5e8`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`75afc61`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`0636cab`]( docs: Update Eleventy from v2 to v3 ([#&#8203;19415]( (Amaresh S M) - [`dd7d930`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) #### Chores - [`a8c9a9f`]( chore: update `@eslint/eslintrc` and `@eslint/js` ([#&#8203;19453]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`265e0cf`]( chore: package.json update for [@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (Jenkins) - [`3401b85`]( test: add test for `Rule.ReportDescriptor` type ([#&#8203;19449]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`e497aa7`]( chore: update rewrite dependencies ([#&#8203;19448]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`dab5478`]( chore: better error message for missing plugin in config ([#&#8203;19402]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`ebfe2eb`]( chore: set js language for bug report issue config block ([#&#8203;19439]( (Josh Goldberg ✨) - [`5fd211d`]( test: processors can return subpaths ([#&#8203;19425]( (Milos Djermanovic) ### [`v9.20.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### Bug Fixes - [`274f054`]( fix: fix `RuleContext` type ([#&#8203;19417]( (Francesco Trotta) #### Documentation - [`fe3ccb2`]( docs: allow typing in search box while dropdown is open ([#&#8203;19424]( (Amaresh S M) - [`93c78a5`]( docs: Add instructions for pnpm compat ([#&#8203;19422]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`b476a93`]( docs: Fix Keyboard Navigation for Search Results ([#&#8203;19416]( (Amaresh S M) - [`ccb60c0`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) ### [`v9.20.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Features - [`e89a54a`]( feat: change behavior of inactive flags ([#&#8203;19386]( (Milos Djermanovic) #### Bug Fixes - [`91d4d9f`]( fix: Bring types in sync with [@&#8203;eslint/core]( ([#&#8203;19157]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`fa25c7a`]( fix: Emit warning when empty config file is used ([#&#8203;19399]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`31a9fd0`]( fix: Clearer error message for wrong plugin format ([#&#8203;19380]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`61d99e3`]( fix: Better error message for unserializable parser ([#&#8203;19384]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`db1b9a6`]( fix: Ensure module scope is checked for references in `consistent-this` ([#&#8203;19383]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`8bcd820`]( fix: `arrow-body-style` crash with single-token body ([#&#8203;19379]( (Milos Djermanovic) #### Documentation - [`b7012c8`]( docs: rewrite examples with var using let and const ([#&#8203;19407]( (Mueez Javaid Hashmi) - [`6406376`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`350f2b9`]( docs: rewrite some examples with var using let and const ([#&#8203;19404]( (Mueez Javaid Hashmi) - [`93c325a`]( docs: rewrite examples with var using let and const ([#&#8203;19398]( (Mueez Javaid Hashmi) - [`56ff404`]( docs: replace var with let or const in rules docs ([#&#8203;19396]( (Daniel Harbrueger) - [`4053226`]( docs: change `sourceType` in `no-eval` examples ([#&#8203;19393]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`1324af0`]( docs: replace var with let and const in rules docs ([#&#8203;19392]( (Daniel Harbrueger) - [`8b87e00`]( docs: replace `var` with `const` and `let` in rules ([#&#8203;19389]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`758c66b`]( docs: Explain what frozen rules mean ([#&#8203;19382]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`0ef8bb8`]( docs: additional checks for rule examples ([#&#8203;19358]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`58ab2f6`]( docs: fix order of installation steps in getting started ([#&#8203;19326]( (Tanuj Kanti) #### Chores - [`979097a`]( chore: upgrade [@&#8203;eslint/js]([@&#8203;9]( ([#&#8203;19412]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`031734e`]( chore: package.json update for [@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (Jenkins) - [`d4c47c3`]( test: avoid empty config warning in test output ([#&#8203;19408]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`67dd82a`]( chore: update dependency [@&#8203;eslint/json]( to ^0.10.0 ([#&#8203;19387]( (renovate\[bot]) - [`15ac0e1`]( chore: add permissions: read-all to stale.yml workflow ([#&#8203;19374]( (Josh Goldberg ✨) ### [`v9.19.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Features - [`1637b8e`]( feat: add `--report-unused-inline-configs` ([#&#8203;19201]( (Josh Goldberg ✨) #### Bug Fixes - [`aae6717`]( fix: sync rule type header comments automatically ([#&#8203;19276]( (Francesco Trotta) #### Documentation - [`cfea9ab`]( docs: Clarify overrideConfig option ([#&#8203;19370]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`2b84f66`]( docs: Update README ([#&#8203;19362]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`044f93c`]( docs: clarify frozen rule description ([#&#8203;19351]( (Pavel) - [`797ee7c`]( docs: fix Bluesky links ([#&#8203;19368]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`81a9c0e`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`093fb3d`]( docs: replace `var` with `let` and `const` in rule examples ([#&#8203;19365]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`417de32`]( docs: replace var with const in rule examples ([#&#8203;19352]( (jj) - [`17f2aae`]( docs: update getting-started config to match default generated config ([#&#8203;19308]( (0xDev) - [`8a0a5a8`]( docs: better `global ignores` instruction ([#&#8203;19297]( (Jacopo Marrone) - [`6671a2c`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`e39d3f2`]( docs: fix divider for rule category ([#&#8203;19264]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`e0cf53f`]( docs: fix search result box position for small screens ([#&#8203;19328]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`f92a680`]( docs: replace var with let or const in rule examples ([#&#8203;19331]( (Ravi Teja Kolla) - [`b04b84b`]( docs: revert accidental changes in TS config files docs ([#&#8203;19336]( (Francesco Trotta) #### Chores - [`9b9cb05`]( chore: upgrade [@&#8203;eslint/js]([@&#8203;9]( ([#&#8203;19371]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`58560e7`]( chore: package.json update for [@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (Jenkins) - [`2089707`]( test: fix failing test in Node.js v22.13.0 ([#&#8203;19345]( (Francesco Trotta) ### [`v9.18.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Features - [`e84e6e2`]( feat: Report allowed methods for `no-console` rule ([#&#8203;19306]( (Anna Bocharova) - [`8efc2d0`]( feat: unflag TypeScript config files ([#&#8203;19266]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`87a9352`]( feat: check imports and class names in `no-shadow-restricted-names` ([#&#8203;19272]( (Milos Djermanovic) #### Bug Fixes - [`da768d4`]( fix: correct `overrideConfigFile` type ([#&#8203;19289]( (Francesco Trotta) #### Documentation - [`d9c23c5`]( docs: replace `var` with `const` in rule examples ([#&#8203;19325]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`8e1a898`]( docs: add tabs to cli code blocks ([#&#8203;18784]( (Jay) - [`f3aeefb`]( docs: rewrite using let and const in rule examples ([#&#8203;19320]( (PoloSpark) - [`0b680b3`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`98c86a9`]( docs: `Edit this page` button link to different branches ([#&#8203;19228]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`6947901`]( docs: remove hardcoded edit link ([#&#8203;19323]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`03f2f44`]( docs: rewrite var with const in rules examples ([#&#8203;19317]( (Thiago) - [`26c3003`]( docs: Clarify dangers of eslint:all ([#&#8203;19318]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`c038257`]( docs: add `eqeqeq` in related rules to `no-eq-null` ([#&#8203;19310]( (루밀LuMir) - [`89c8fc5`]( docs: rewrite examples with var using let and const ([#&#8203;19315]( (Amaresh S M) - [`db574c4`]( docs: add missing backticks to `no-void` ([#&#8203;19313]( (루밀LuMir) - [`8d943c3`]( docs: add missing backticks to `default-case-last` ([#&#8203;19311]( (루밀LuMir) - [`36ef8bb`]( docs: rewrite examples with var using let and const ([#&#8203;19298]( (Amaresh S M) - [`1610c9e`]( docs: add missing backticks to `no-else-return` ([#&#8203;19309]( (루밀LuMir) - [`df409d8`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`2e84213`]( docs: Fix Horizontal Scroll Overflow in Rule Description on Mobile View ([#&#8203;19304]( (Amaresh S M) - [`6e7361b`]( docs: replace `var` with `let` and `const` in rule example ([#&#8203;19302]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`069af5e`]( docs: rewrite `var` using `const` in rule examples ([#&#8203;19303]( (Kim GyeonWon) - [`064e35d`]( docs: remove 'I hope to' comments from scope-manager-interface ([#&#8203;19300]( (Josh Goldberg ✨) - [`8e00305`]( docs: replace `var` with `const` in rule examples ([#&#8203;19299]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`a559009`]( docs: Add warning about extending core rules ([#&#8203;19295]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`0bfdf6c`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`ce0b9ff`]( docs: add navigation link for `code explorer` ([#&#8203;19285]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`e255cc9`]( docs: add bluesky icon to footer ([#&#8203;19290]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`5d64851`]( docs: remove outdated info about environments ([#&#8203;19296]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`eec01f0`]( docs: switch rule examples config format to `languageOptions` ([#&#8203;19277]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`b36ca0a`]( docs: Fixing Focus Order by Rearranging Element Sequence ([#&#8203;19241]( (Amaresh S M) - [`d122c8a`]( docs: add missing backticks to `sort-imports` ([#&#8203;19282]( (루밀LuMir) - [`0367a70`]( docs: update custom parser docs ([#&#8203;19288]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`8c07ebb`]( docs: add `border-radius` to `hX:target` selector styles ([#&#8203;19270]( (루밀LuMir) - [`eff7c57`]( docs: add limitation section in `no-loop-func` ([#&#8203;19287]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`5db226f`]( docs: add missing backticks in various parts of the documentation ([#&#8203;19269]( (루밀LuMir) - [`789edbb`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`613c06a`]( docs: mark rules that are frozen with ❄️ ([#&#8203;19231]( (Amaresh S M) - [`43172ec`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`ac8b3c4`]( docs: fix description of `overrideConfigFile` option ([#&#8203;19262]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`bbb9b46`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`995b492`]( docs: fix inconsistent divider in rule categories box ([#&#8203;19249]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`f76d05d`]( docs: Refactor search result handling with better event listener cleanup ([#&#8203;19252]( (Amaresh S M) - [`c5f3d7d`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) #### Chores - [`c52be85`]( chore: upgrade to `@eslint/js@9.18.0` ([#&#8203;19330]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`362099c`]( chore: package.json update for [@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (Jenkins) - [`495aa49`]( chore: extract package `name` from `package.json` for public interface ([#&#8203;19314]( (루밀LuMir) - [`6fe0e72`]( chore: update dependency [@&#8203;eslint/json]( to ^0.9.0 ([#&#8203;19263]( (renovate\[bot]) ### [`v9.17.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Features - [`eed91d1`]( feat: add suggestions to `no-unused-vars` ([#&#8203;18352]( (Tanuj Kanti) #### Bug Fixes - [`67d683d`]( fix: fix crash when `message.fix` is nullish ([#&#8203;19168]( (ntnyq) - [`c618707`]( fix: ignore vars with non-identifier references in no-useless-assignment ([#&#8203;19200]( (YeonJuan) #### Documentation - [`3c22d2a`]( docs: update `yoda` to `Yoda` in `` for consistency ([#&#8203;19230]( (루밀LuMir) - [`e0a2203`]( docs: add missing backticks to `no-sequences` ([#&#8203;19233]( (루밀LuMir) - [`4cc4881`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`3db6fdf`]( docs: \[no-await-in-loop] expand on benefits and inapplicability ([#&#8203;19211]( (Kirk Waiblinger) - [`bf2a4f6`]( docs: add missing backticks to `func-style` ([#&#8203;19227]( (루밀LuMir) - [`ba098bd`]( docs: add missing header to `prefer-spread` ([#&#8203;19224]( (루밀LuMir) - [`b607ae6`]( docs: update description of `no-param-reassign` ([#&#8203;19220]( (루밀LuMir) - [`1eb424d`]( docs: add missing backticks to `prefer-destructuring` ([#&#8203;19223]( (루밀LuMir) - [`85998d1`]( docs: add missing backticks to `no-unneeded-ternary` ([#&#8203;19222]( (루밀LuMir) - [`b75b32c`]( docs: add missing backticks to `no-new-func` ([#&#8203;19219]( (루밀LuMir) - [`a7700bc`]( docs: add missing backticks to `id-length` ([#&#8203;19217]( (루밀LuMir) - [`e2bb429`]( docs: add missing backticks to `` ([#&#8203;19214]( (루밀LuMir) - [`045d716`]( docs: add missing `)` to `id-denylist` ([#&#8203;19213]( (루밀LuMir) - [`7fe4114`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`c743ba6`]( docs: add CSS language to `no-restricted-syntax` ([#&#8203;19208]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`1416d70`]( docs: add missing backticks to `eqeqeq` ([#&#8203;19207]( (루밀LuMir) - [`b950c1b`]( docs: add missing backticks to `prefer-object-spread` ([#&#8203;19206]( (루밀LuMir) - [`8a941cb`]( docs: update docs and `description` of `require-unicode-regexp` ([#&#8203;19205]( (루밀LuMir) - [`cbab228`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`f2257ce`]( docs: update comments and `description` of `no-script-url` ([#&#8203;19203]( (루밀LuMir) - [`365f0f4`]( docs: add missing backtick to `default-case-last` ([#&#8203;19202]( (루밀LuMir) - [`e6b84f5`]( docs: add missing punctuation in document ([#&#8203;19161]( (루밀LuMir) - [`c88708e`]( docs: replace quote with backtick in `description` of `for-direction` ([#&#8203;19199]( (루밀LuMir) - [`a76f233`]( docs: use higher contrast color tokens for code comments ([#&#8203;19187]( (Josh Goldberg ✨) - [`db19502`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) #### Chores - [`cc243c9`]( chore: upgrade to `@eslint/js@9.17.0` ([#&#8203;19242]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`84c5787`]( chore: package.json update for [@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (Jenkins) - [`4c4f53b`]( chore: add missing backticks to `flags.js` ([#&#8203;19226]( (루밀LuMir) - [`4b3132c`]( chore: update dependency eslint-plugin-expect-type to ^0.6.0 ([#&#8203;19221]( (renovate\[bot]) - [`9bf2204`]( chore: add type definitions for the `eslint-config-eslint` package ([#&#8203;19050]( (Arya Emami) - [`ee8c220`]( chore: fix incorrect `name` property in `integration-tutorial-code` ([#&#8203;19218]( (루밀LuMir) - [`cca801d`]( chore: Upgrade cross-spawn to 7.0.6 ([#&#8203;19185]( (folortin) ### [`v9.16.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Features - [`8f70eb1`]( feat: Add `ignoreComputedKeys` option in `sort-keys` rule ([#&#8203;19162]( (Milos Djermanovic) #### Documentation - [`9eefc8f`]( docs: fix typos in `use-isnan` ([#&#8203;19190]( (루밀LuMir) - [`0c8cea8`]( docs: switch the order of words in `no-unreachable` ([#&#8203;19189]( (루밀LuMir) - [`0c19417`]( docs: add missing backtick to `no-async-promise-executor` ([#&#8203;19188]( (루밀LuMir) - [`8df9276`]( docs: add backtick in `-0` in `description` of `no-compare-neg-zero` ([#&#8203;19186]( (루밀LuMir) - [`7e16e3f`]( docs: fix `caseSensitive` option's title of `sort-keys` ([#&#8203;19183]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`0c6b842`]( docs: fix typos in `` ([#&#8203;19180]( (루밀LuMir) - [`353266e`]( docs: fix a typo in `` ([#&#8203;19179]( (루밀LuMir) - [`5ff318a`]( docs: delete unnecessary horizontal rule(`---`) in `nodejs-api` ([#&#8203;19175]( (루밀LuMir) - [`576bcc5`]( docs: mark more rules as handled by TypeScript ([#&#8203;19164]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`742d054`]( docs: note that `no-restricted-syntax` can be used with any language ([#&#8203;19148]( (Milos Djermanovic) #### Chores - [`feb703b`]( chore: upgrade to `@eslint/js@9.16.0` ([#&#8203;19195]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`df9bf95`]( chore: package.json update for [@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (Jenkins) - [`f831893`]( chore: add type for `ignoreComputedKeys` option of `sort-keys` ([#&#8203;19184]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`3afb8a1`]( chore: update dependency [@&#8203;eslint/json]( to ^0.8.0 ([#&#8203;19177]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`1f77c53`]( chore: add `` property to `package.json` ([#&#8203;19165]( (루밀LuMir) - [`d460594`]( chore: update dependency [@&#8203;arethetypeswrong/cli]( to ^0.17.0 ([#&#8203;19147]( (renovate\[bot]) - [`45cd4ea`]( refactor: update default options in rules ([#&#8203;19136]( (Milos Djermanovic) ### [`v9.15.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Features - [`01557ce`]( feat: Implement Language#normalizeLanguageOptions() ([#&#8203;19104]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`2edc0e2`]( feat: add meta.defaultOptions ([#&#8203;17656]( (Josh Goldberg ✨) - [`bdec50e`]( feat: fix `no-useless-computed-key` false negative with `__proto__` ([#&#8203;19123]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`3087c9e`]( feat: add `meta` object to `@eslint/js` plugin ([#&#8203;19095]( (Francesco Trotta) #### Bug Fixes - [`fd33f13`]( fix: update types for `no-restricted-imports` rule ([#&#8203;19060]( (Nitin Kumar) - [`bd35098`]( fix: switch away from Node.js node:assert and AssertionError ([#&#8203;19082]( (Josh Goldberg ✨) - [`9db5b15`]( fix: unsafe report for `no-lonely-if` ([#&#8203;19087]( (Abraham Guo) - [`68fa497`]( fix: ignore files on a different drive on Windows ([#&#8203;19069]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`4ce625a`]( fix: upgrade [@&#8203;humanwhocodes/retry]([@&#8203;0]( to avoid debug logs ([#&#8203;19102]( (Milos Djermanovic) #### Documentation - [`d927920`]( docs: fix styles in no-js mode ([#&#8203;18916]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`09bc2a8`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`39089c8`]( docs: add `no-useless-computed-key` examples with object patterns ([#&#8203;19109]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`895c60f`]( docs: add missing messageId property and suggestion properties ([#&#8203;19122]( (fnx) - [`298625e`]( docs: Change CLI -c to use flat config ([#&#8203;19103]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`522d8a3`]( docs: add deprecation on `indent`, `quotes` and `semi` rule types ([#&#8203;19090]( (Marco Pasqualetti) #### Chores - [`2967d91`]( chore: upgrade [@&#8203;eslint/js]([@&#8203;9]( ([#&#8203;19133]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`b441bee`]( chore: package.json update for [@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (Jenkins) - [`7d6bf4a`]( chore: upgrade [@&#8203;eslint/core]([@&#8203;0]( ([#&#8203;19131]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`902e707`]( chore: upgrade [@&#8203;eslint/plugin-kit]([@&#8203;0]( ([#&#8203;19130]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`5ff6c1d`]( chore: bump cross-spawn ([#&#8203;19125]( (Ian Bobinac) - [`cceccc7`]( chore: update dependency [@&#8203;eslint/json]( to ^0.6.0 ([#&#8203;19117]( (renovate\[bot]) - [`0da3f73`]( chore: update algolia referrer ([#&#8203;19114]( (Strek) - [`4f08332`]( ci: unpin `trunk-io/trunk-action` ([#&#8203;19108]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`6b75683`]( perf: optimize `text-table` by replacing regex with `trimEnd` ([#&#8203;19061]( (Nitin Kumar) ### [`v9.14.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Features - [`3fa009f`]( feat: add support for Import Attributes and RegExp Modifiers ([#&#8203;19076]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`b0faee3`]( feat: add types for the `@eslint/js` package ([#&#8203;19010]( (Nitin Kumar) #### Bug Fixes - [`24d0172`]( fix: enable retry concurrency limit for readFile() ([#&#8203;19077]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`b442067`]( fix: Don't crash when directory is deleted during traversal. ([#&#8203;19067]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`d474443`]( fix: avoid call stack overflow while processing globs ([#&#8203;19035]( (Livia Medeiros) #### Documentation - [`151c965`]( docs: update `context.languageOptions.parser` description ([#&#8203;19084]( (Nitin Kumar) - [`dc34f94`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`f16e846`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`ee0a77e`]( docs: change link from [@&#8203;types/eslint]( to lib/types ([#&#8203;19049]( (Karl Horky) - [`50f03a1`]( docs: Clarify global ignores in config migration guide ([#&#8203;19032]( (Milos Djermanovic) #### Build Related - [`37c9177`]( build: update `@wdio/*` dependencies ([#&#8203;19068]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`35a8858`]( build: exclude flawed dendency versions ([#&#8203;19065]( (Francesco Trotta) #### Chores - [`f36cb16`]( chore: upgrade [@&#8203;eslint/js]([@&#8203;9]( ([#&#8203;19086]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`28be447`]( chore: package.json update for [@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (Jenkins) - [`f48a2a0`]( test: add `no-invalid-regexp` tests with RegExp Modifiers ([#&#8203;19075]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`425202e`]( perf: Fix caching in config loaders ([#&#8203;19042]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`3d44b3c`]( ci: run tests in Node.js 23 ([#&#8203;19055]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`7259627`]( test: ensure tmp directory cleanup in `check-emfile-handling.js` ([#&#8203;19036]( (Livia Medeiros) ### [`v9.13.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Features - [`381c32b`]( feat: Allow languages to provide `defaultLanguageOptions` ([#&#8203;19003]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`bf723bd`]( feat: Improve eslintrc warning message ([#&#8203;19023]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`1def4cd`]( feat: drop support for jiti v1.21 ([#&#8203;18996]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`f879be2`]( feat: export `ESLint.defaultConfig` ([#&#8203;18983]( (Nitin Kumar) #### Bug Fixes - [`78836d4`]( fix: update the `complexity` rule type ([#&#8203;19027]( (Nitin Kumar) - [`064c8b6`]( fix: update rule types ([#&#8203;18925]( (Nitin Kumar) #### Documentation - [`abdbfa8`]( docs: mark `LintMessage#nodeType` as deprecated ([#&#8203;19019]( (Nitin Kumar) - [`19e68d3`]( docs: update deprecated rules type definitions ([#&#8203;19018]( (Nitin Kumar) - [`7dd402d`]( docs: Update examples of passing multiple values to a CLI option ([#&#8203;19006]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`5dcbc51`]( docs: Add example with side-effect imports to no-restricted-imports ([#&#8203;18997]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`1ee87ca`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`2c3dbdc`]( docs: Use prerendered sponsors for README ([#&#8203;18988]( (Milos Djermanovic) #### Chores - [`68d2d9d`]( chore: upgrade to `@eslint/js@9.13.0` and `@eslint/core@^0.7.0` ([#&#8203;19034]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`2211f0a`]( chore: package.json update for [@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (Jenkins) - [`c7abaef`]( perf: using Node.js compile cache ([#&#8203;19012]( (唯然) - [`1d7c077`]( chore: add pkg.type "commonjs" ([#&#8203;19011]( (唯然) - [`468e3bd`]( test: fix `ESLint` tests ([#&#8203;19021]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`ed4635f`]( ci: upgrade knip@5.32.0 ([#&#8203;18992]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`efad767`]( chore: remove unused ignore dependency ([#&#8203;18993]( (Amaresh S M) ### [`v9.12.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Features - [`5a6a053`]( feat: update to `jiti` v2 ([#&#8203;18954]( (Arya Emami) - [`17a07fb`]( feat: Hooks for test cases (RuleTester) ([#&#8203;18771]( (Anna Bocharova) - [`2ff0e51`]( feat: Implement alternate config lookup ([#&#8203;18742]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`2d17453`]( feat: Implement modified cyclomatic complexity ([#&#8203;18896]( (Dmitry Pashkevich) #### Bug Fixes - [`ea380ca`]( fix: Upgrade retry to avoid EMFILE errors ([#&#8203;18986]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`fdd6319`]( fix: Issues with type definitions ([#&#8203;18940]( (Arya Emami) #### Documentation - [`ecbd522`]( docs: Mention code explorer ([#&#8203;18978]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`7ea4ecc`]( docs: Clarifying the Use of Meta Objects ([#&#8203;18697]( (Amaresh S M) - [`d3e4b2e`]( docs: Clarify how to exclude `.js` files ([#&#8203;18976]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`57232ff`]( docs: Mention plugin-kit in language docs ([#&#8203;18973]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`b80ed00`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`cb69ab3`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`7fb0d95`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`493348a`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`87a582c`]( docs: fix typo in `id-match` rule ([#&#8203;18944]( (Jay) #### Chores - [`555aafd`]( chore: upgrade to `@eslint/js@9.12.0` ([#&#8203;18987]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`873ae60`]( chore: package.json update for [@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (Jenkins) - [`d0a5414`]( refactor: replace strip-ansi with native module ([#&#8203;18982]( (Cristopher) - [`b827029`]( chore: Enable JSON5 linting ([#&#8203;18979]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`8f55ca2`]( chore: Upgrade espree, eslint-visitor-keys, eslint-scope ([#&#8203;18962]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`c1a2725`]( chore: update dependency mocha to ^10.7.3 ([#&#8203;18945]( (Milos Djermanovic) ### [`v9.11.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### Bug Fixes - [`20fd916`]( fix: add `@eslint/core`, `@types/estree`, & `@types/json-schema` deps ([#&#8203;18938]( (Nitin Kumar) - [`2738322`]( fix: add missing types for `require-atomic-updates` rule ([#&#8203;18937]( (Kristóf Poduszló) - [`d71ff30`]( fix: add missing types for `object-shorthand` rule ([#&#8203;18935]( (Kristóf Poduszló) - [`561cadc`]( fix: add missing types for `no-unsafe-negation` rule ([#&#8203;18932]( (Kristóf Poduszló) - [`8843656`]( fix: add missing types for `no-underscore-dangle` rule ([#&#8203;18931]( (Kristóf Poduszló) - [`92cde5c`]( fix: add missing types for `no-shadow` rule ([#&#8203;18930]( (Kristóf Poduszló) - [`b3cbe11`]( fix: add missing types for `no-sequences` rule ([#&#8203;18929]( (Kristóf Poduszló) - [`976f77f`]( fix: add missing types for `no-unused-expressions` rule ([#&#8203;18933]( (Kristóf Poduszló) #### Documentation - [`3eff709`]( docs: replace deprecated `Linter.FlatConfig` type with `Linter.Config` ([#&#8203;18941]( (Carlos Meira) #### Chores - [`df4a859`]( chore: upgrade [@&#8203;eslint/js]([@&#8203;9]( ([#&#8203;18943]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`36d8095`]( chore: package.json update for [@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (Jenkins) ### [`v9.11.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Features - [`ec30c73`]( feat: add "eslint/universal" to export `Linter` ([#&#8203;18883]( (唯然) - [`c591da6`]( feat: Add language to types ([#&#8203;18917]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`492eb8f`]( feat: limit the name given to `ImportSpecifier` in `id-length` ([#&#8203;18861]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`19c6856`]( feat: Add `no-useless-constructor` suggestion ([#&#8203;18799]( (Jordan Thomson) - [`a48f8c2`]( feat: add type `FormatterFunction`, update `LoadedFormatter` ([#&#8203;18872]( (Francesco Trotta) #### Bug Fixes - [`5e5f39b`]( fix: add missing types for `no-restricted-exports` rule ([#&#8203;18914]( (Kristóf Poduszló) - [`8f630eb`]( fix: add missing types for `no-param-reassign` options ([#&#8203;18906]( (Kristóf Poduszló) - [`d715781`]( fix: add missing types for `no-extra-boolean-cast` options ([#&#8203;18902]( (Kristóf Poduszló) - [`2de5742`]( fix: add missing types for `no-misleading-character-class` options ([#&#8203;18905]( (Kristóf Poduszló) - [`c153084`]( fix: add missing types for `no-implicit-coercion` options ([#&#8203;18903]( (Kristóf Poduszló) - [`fa11b2e`]( fix: add missing types for `no-empty-function` options ([#&#8203;18901]( (Kristóf Poduszló) - [`a0deed1`]( fix: add missing types for `camelcase` options ([#&#8203;18897]( (Kristóf Poduszló) #### Documentation - [`e4e5709`]( docs: correct `prefer-object-has-own` type definition comment ([#&#8203;18924]( (Nitin Kumar) - [`91cbd18`]( docs: add unicode abbreviations in no-irregular-whitespace rule ([#&#8203;18894]( (Alix Royere) - [`59cfc0f`]( docs: clarify `resultsMeta` in `LoadedFormatter` type ([#&#8203;18881]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`adcc50d`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`4edac1a`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) #### Build Related - [`959d360`]( build: Support updates to previous major versions ([#&#8203;18871]( (Milos Djermanovic) #### Chores - [`ca21a64`]( chore: upgrade [@&#8203;eslint/js]([@&#8203;9]( ([#&#8203;18927]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`a10f90a`]( chore: package.json update for [@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (Jenkins) - [`e4e02cc`]( refactor: Extract processor logic into ProcessorService ([#&#8203;18818]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`6d4484d`]( chore: updates for v8.57.1 release (Jenkins) - [`71f37c5`]( refactor: use optional chaining when validating config rules ([#&#8203;18893]( (lucasrmendonca) - [`2c2805f`]( chore: Add PR note to all templates ([#&#8203;18892]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`7b852ce`]( refactor: use `Directive` class from `@eslint/plugin-kit` ([#&#8203;18884]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`d594ddd`]( chore: update dependency [@&#8203;eslint/core]( to ^0.6.0 ([#&#8203;18863]( (renovate\[bot]) - [`78b2421`]( chore: Update change.yml ([#&#8203;18882]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`a416f0a`]( chore: enable `$ExpectType` comments in .ts files ([#&#8203;18869]( (Francesco Trotta) ### [`v9.10.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Features - [`301b90d`]( feat: Add types ([#&#8203;18854]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`bcf0df5`]( feat: limit namespace import identifier in id-length rule ([#&#8203;18849]( (ChaedongIm) - [`45c18e1`]( feat: add `requireFlag` option to `require-unicode-regexp` rule ([#&#8203;18836]( (Brett Zamir) - [`183b459`]( feat: add error message for duplicate flags in `no-invalid-regexp` ([#&#8203;18837]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`c69b406`]( feat: report duplicate allowed flags in `no-invalid-regexp` ([#&#8203;18754]( (Tanuj Kanti) #### Documentation - [`bee0e7a`]( docs: update README ([#&#8203;18865]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`5d80b59`]( docs: specify that `ruleId` can be `null` in custom formatter docs ([#&#8203;18857]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`156b1c3`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`f6fdef9`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`a20c870`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`90e699b`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) #### Chores - [`24c3ff7`]( chore: upgrade to [@&#8203;eslint/js]([@&#8203;9]( ([#&#8203;18866]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`1ebdde1`]( chore: package.json update for [@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (Jenkins) - [`e8fc5bd`]( chore: update dependency [@&#8203;eslint/core]( to ^0.5.0 ([#&#8203;18848]( (renovate\[bot]) - [`343f992`]( refactor: don't use `node.value` when removing unused directives ([#&#8203;18835]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`3db18b0`]( refactor: Extract FileContext into class ([#&#8203;18831]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`931d650`]( refactor: Use [@&#8203;eslint/plugin-kit]( ([#&#8203;18822]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`ed5cf0c`]( chore: update dependency [@&#8203;eslint/json]( to ^0.4.0 ([#&#8203;18829]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`d1f0831`]( chore: added missing ids ([#&#8203;18817]( (Strek) - [`ec92813`]( refactor: Config class ([#&#8203;18763]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) ### [`v9.9.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### Bug Fixes - [`9bde90c`]( fix: add logic to handle `fixTypes` in `lintText()` ([#&#8203;18736]( (Amaresh S M) #### Documentation - [`4840930`]( docs: Update README with version support and clean up content ([#&#8203;18804]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`f61f40d`]( docs: Update globals examples ([#&#8203;18805]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`241fcea`]( docs: Use and define languages ([#&#8203;18795]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`5dbdd63`]( docs: eslint-plugin-markdown -> [@&#8203;eslint/markdown]( ([#&#8203;18797]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`c6c8ddd`]( docs: update links to eslint-visitor-keys repo ([#&#8203;18796]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`f981d05`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`b516974`]( docs: update links to `eslint/js` repo ([#&#8203;18781]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`fb7a3f5`]( docs: update note for package managers ([#&#8203;18779]( (Jay) #### Chores - [`b0c34d0`]( chore: upgrade to [@&#8203;eslint/js]([@&#8203;9]( ([#&#8203;18809]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`cd5a0da`]( chore: package.json update for [@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (Jenkins) - [`e112642`]( refactor: Extract parsing logic from Linter ([#&#8203;18790]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`0f68a85`]( chore: use eslint-plugin-yml on yaml files only ([#&#8203;18801]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`f8d1b3c`]( chore: update dependencies for browser tests ([#&#8203;18794]( (Christian Bromann) - [`aed2624`]( chore: update dependency [@&#8203;eslint/config-array]( to ^0.18.0 ([#&#8203;18788]( (renovate\[bot]) - [`5c29128`]( chore: update dependency [@&#8203;eslint/core]( to ^0.4.0 ([#&#8203;18789]( (renovate\[bot]) - [`5d66fb2`]( chore: migrate linting workflow to use trunk check meta-linter ([#&#8203;18643]( (Chris Clearwater) - [`bf96855`]( chore: add ids to github issue templates ([#&#8203;18775]( (Strek) ### [`v9.9.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Features - [`41d0206`]( feat: Add support for TS config files ([#&#8203;18134]( (Arya Emami) - [`3a4eaf9`]( feat: add suggestion to `require-await` to remove `async` keyword ([#&#8203;18716]( (Dave) #### Documentation - [`9fe068c`]( docs: how to author plugins with configs that extend other configs ([#&#8203;18753]( (Alec Gibson) - [`48117b2`]( docs: add version support page in the side navbar ([#&#8203;18738]( (Amaresh S M) - [`fec2951`]( docs: add version support page to the dropdown ([#&#8203;18730]( (Amaresh S M) - [`38a0661`]( docs: Fix typo ([#&#8203;18735]( (Zaina Al Habash) - [`3c32a9e`]( docs: Update yarn command for creating ESLint config ([#&#8203;18739]( (Temitope Ogunleye) - [`f9ac978`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) #### Chores - [`461b2c3`]( chore: upgrade to `@eslint/js@9.9.0` ([#&#8203;18765]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`59dba1b`]( chore: package.json update for [@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (Jenkins) - [`fea8563`]( chore: update dependency [@&#8203;eslint/core]( to ^0.3.0 ([#&#8203;18724]( (renovate\[bot]) - [`aac191e`]( chore: update dependency [@&#8203;eslint/json]( to ^0.3.0 ([#&#8203;18760]( (renovate\[bot]) - [`b97fa05`]( chore: update wdio dependencies for more stable tests ([#&#8203;18759]( (Christian Bromann) ### [`v9.8.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Features - [`13d0bd3`]( feat: Add and use SourceCode#getLoc/getRange ([#&#8203;18703]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) #### Bug Fixes - [`ab0ff27`]( fix: Throw error when invalid flags passed ([#&#8203;18705]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`70dc803`]( fix: `basePath` directory can never be ignored ([#&#8203;18711]( (Milos Djermanovic) #### Documentation - [`282df1a`]( docs: Add system theme option ([#&#8203;18617]( (Amaresh S M) - [`53b1ff0`]( docs: Debug config docs ([#&#8203;18698]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`a7016a5`]( docs: fix search input stylings ([#&#8203;18682]( (Amaresh S M) #### Build Related - [`4514424`]( build: Enable JSON linting ([#&#8203;18681]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) #### Chores - [`deee448`]( chore: upgrade to `@eslint/js@9.8.0` ([#&#8203;18720]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`4aaf2b3`]( chore: package.json update for [@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (Jenkins) - [`8e1a627`]( chore: update dependency [@&#8203;eslint/core]( to ^0.2.0 ([#&#8203;18700]( (renovate\[bot]) ### [`v9.7.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Features - [`7bd9839`]( feat: add support for es2025 duplicate named capturing groups ([#&#8203;18630]( (Yosuke Ota) - [`1381394`]( feat: add `regex` option in `no-restricted-imports` ([#&#8203;18622]( (Nitin Kumar) #### Bug Fixes - [`14e9f81`]( fix: destructuring in catch clause in `no-unused-vars` ([#&#8203;18636]( (Francesco Trotta) #### Documentation - [`9f416db`]( docs: Add Powered by Algolia label to the search. ([#&#8203;18633]( (Amaresh S M) - [`c8d26cb`]( docs: Open JS Foundation -> OpenJS Foundation ([#&#8203;18649]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`6e79ac7`]( docs: `loadESLint` does not support option `cwd` ([#&#8203;18641]( (Francesco Trotta) #### Chores - [`793b718`]( chore: upgrade [@&#8203;eslint/js]([@&#8203;9]( ([#&#8203;18680]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`7ed6f9a`]( chore: package.json update for [@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (Jenkins) - [`7bcda76`]( refactor: Add type references ([#&#8203;18652]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`51bf57c`]( chore: add tech sponsors through actions ([#&#8203;18624]( (Strek) - [`6320732`]( refactor: don't use `parent` property in `NodeEventGenerator` ([#&#8203;18653]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`9e6d640`]( refactor: move "Parsing error" prefix adding to Linter ([#&#8203;18650]( (Milos Djermanovic) ### [`v9.6.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Features - [`e2b16e2`]( feat: Implement feature flags ([#&#8203;18516]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`8824aa1`]( feat: add `ecmaVersion: 2025`, parsing duplicate named capturing groups ([#&#8203;18596]( (Milos Djermanovic) #### Bug Fixes - [`1613e2e`]( fix: Allow escaping characters in config patterns on Windows ([#&#8203;18628]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`21d3766`]( fix: `no-unused-vars` include caught errors pattern in report message ([#&#8203;18609]( (Kirk Waiblinger) - [`d7a7736`]( fix: improve `no-unused-vars` message on unused caught errors ([#&#8203;18608]( (Kirk Waiblinger) - [`f9e95d2`]( fix: correct locations of invalid `/* eslint */` comments ([#&#8203;18593]( (Milos Djermanovic) #### Documentation - [`13dbecd`]( docs: Limit search to just docs ([#&#8203;18627]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`375227f`]( docs: Update - add pnpm to init eslint config ([#&#8203;18599]( (Kostiantyn Ochenash) - [`44915bb`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`d50db7b`]( docs: Update vscode-eslint info ([#&#8203;18595]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) #### Chores - [`b15ee30`]( chore: upgrade [@&#8203;eslint/js]([@&#8203;9]( ([#&#8203;18632]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`d655503`]( chore: package.json update for [@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (Jenkins) - [`7c78ad9`]( refactor: Use language.visitorKeys and check for non-JS SourceCode ([#&#8203;18625]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`69ff64e`]( refactor: Return value of applyInlineConfig() ([#&#8203;18623]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`d2d06f7`]( refactor: use `/` separator when adjusting `ignorePatterns` on Windows ([#&#8203;18613]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`6421973`]( refactor: fix disable directives for languages with 0-based lines ([#&#8203;18605]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`0a13539`]( refactor: Allow optional methods for languages ([#&#8203;18604]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`c7ddee0`]( chore: make internal-rules not being a package ([#&#8203;18601]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`3379164`]( chore: remove `.eslintrc.js` ([#&#8203;18011]( (唯然) - [`d0c3a32`]( chore: update knip (with webdriver-io plugin) ([#&#8203;18594]( (Lars Kappert) ### [`v9.5.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Features - [`b2d256c`]( feat: `no-sparse-arrays` report on "comma" instead of the whole array ([#&#8203;18579]( (fisker Cheung) #### Bug Fixes - [`6880286`]( fix: treat `*` as a universal pattern ([#&#8203;18586]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`7fbe211`]( fix: message template for all files ignored ([#&#8203;18564]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`469cb36`]( fix: Don't lint the same file multiple times ([#&#8203;18552]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`5cff638`]( fix: improve message for ignored files without a matching config ([#&#8203;18404]( (Francesco Trotta) #### Documentation - [`455f7fd`]( docs: add section about including `.gitignore` files ([#&#8203;18590]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`721eafe`]( docs: update info about universal `files` patterns ([#&#8203;18587]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`8127127`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`55c2a66`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`eb76282`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`ff6e96e`]( docs: `baseConfig` and `overrideConfig` can be arrays ([#&#8203;18571]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`d2d83e0`]( docs: Add mention of eslint-transforms to v9 migration guide ([#&#8203;18566]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`9ce6832`]( docs: add callout box for unintuitive behavior ([#&#8203;18567]( (Ben McCann) - [`b8db99c`]( docs: Add VS Code info to config migration guide ([#&#8203;18555]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`518a35c`]( docs: Mention config migrator ([#&#8203;18561]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`eb440fc`]( docs: specifying files with arbitrary or no extension ([#&#8203;18539]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`38c159e`]( docs: Provide example of reading package.json for plugins meta ([#&#8203;18530]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`d16a659`]( docs: add link to migration guide for `--ext` CLI option ([#&#8203;18537]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`73408de`]( docs: add link to configuration file docs before examples ([#&#8203;18535]( (Milos Djermanovic) #### Chores - [`f588160`]( chore: upgrade [@&#8203;eslint/js]([@&#8203;9]( ([#&#8203;18591]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`5890841`]( chore: package.json update for [@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (Jenkins) - [`e9f4ccd`]( chore: remove unused eslint-disable directive ([#&#8203;18589]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`4b23ffd`]( refactor: Move JS parsing logic into JS language ([#&#8203;18448]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`1495b93`]( chore: update WebdriverIO packages ([#&#8203;18558]( (Christian Bromann) - [`cea7ede`]( chore: add website donate link instead of opencollective ([#&#8203;18582]( (Strek) - [`ec94880`]( chore: package.json update for eslint-config-eslint release (Jenkins) - [`6912586`]( chore: extract formatting rules into separate config ([#&#8203;18560]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`9738f7e`]( ci: fix CLI flags for c8, raise thresholds ([#&#8203;18554]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`c6de7bb`]( chore: update dependency markdownlint-cli to ^0.41.0 ([#&#8203;18538]( (renovate\[bot]) - [`2c8fd34`]( ci: pin [@&#8203;wdio/browser-runner]( v8.36.0 ([#&#8203;18540]( (唯然) ### [`v9.4.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Features - [`89a4a0a`]( feat: ignore IIFE's in the `no-loop-func` rule ([#&#8203;17528]( (Nitin Kumar) #### Bug Fixes - [`f6534d1`]( fix: skip processor code blocks that match only universal patterns ([#&#8203;18507]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`7226ebd`]( fix: allow implicit undefined return in `no-constructor-return` ([#&#8203;18515]( (Ali Rezvani) - [`389744b`]( fix: use `@eslint/config-inspector@latest` ([#&#8203;18483]( (唯然) - [`70118a5`]( fix: `func-style` false positive with arrow functions and `super` ([#&#8203;18473]( (Milos Djermanovic) #### Documentation - [`d7ab6f5`]( docs: update theme when when `prefers-color-scheme` changes ([#&#8203;18510]( (Nitin Kumar) - [`525fdff`]( docs: fix components files ([#&#8203;18519]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`80747d2`]( docs: refactor `prefer-destructuring` rule ([#&#8203;18472]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`f06e0b5`]( docs: clarify func-style ([#&#8203;18477]( (Cameron Steffen) #### Chores - [`010dd2e`]( chore: upgrade to `@eslint/js@9.4.0` ([#&#8203;18534]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`5e1b5dc`]( chore: package.json update for [@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (Jenkins) - [`594145f`]( refactor: switch to `@eslint/config-array` ([#&#8203;18527]( (Francesco Trotta) ### [`v9.3.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Features - [`b32153c`]( feat: add `overrides.namedExports` to `func-style` rule ([#&#8203;18444]( (Percy Ma) - [`b67eba4`]( feat: add `restrictedNamedExportsPattern` to `no-restricted-exports` ([#&#8203;18431]( (Akul Srivastava) - [`069aa68`]( feat: add option `allowEscape` to `no-misleading-character-class` rule ([#&#8203;18208]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`05ef92d`]( feat: deprecate `multiline-comment-style` & `line-comment-position` ([#&#8203;18435]( (唯然) - [`db0b174`]( feat: add `enforceForInnerExpressions` option to `no-extra-boolean-cast` ([#&#8203;18222]( (Kirk Waiblinger) #### Bug Fixes - [`8db0eff`]( fix: Improve config error messages ([#&#8203;18457]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`5c28d9a`]( fix: don't remove comments between key and value in object-shorthand ([#&#8203;18442]( (Kuba Jastrzębski) - [`39fb0ee`]( fix: object-shorthand loses type parameters when auto-fixing ([#&#8203;18438]( (dalaoshu) - [`37eba48`]( fix: don't crash when `fs.readFile` returns promise from another realm ([#&#8203;18416]( (Milos Djermanovic) #### Documentation - [`ceada8c`]( docs: explain how to use "tsc waiting" label ([#&#8203;18466]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`62e686c`]( docs: Add troubleshooting info for plugin compatibility ([#&#8203;18451]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`e17e1c0`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`2465a1e`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`d23574c`]( docs: Clarify usage of `no-unreachable` with TypeScript ([#&#8203;18445]( (benj-dobs) - [`1db9bae`]( docs: Fix typos ([#&#8203;18443]( (Frieder Bluemle) - [`7065196`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`04e7c6e`]( docs: update deprecation notice of `no-return-await` ([#&#8203;18433]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`e763512`]( docs: Link global ignores section in config object property list ([#&#8203;18430]( (MaoShizhong) - [`ac7f718`]( docs: reflect release of v9 in config migration guide ([#&#8203;18412]( (Peter Briggs) - [`0de0909`]( docs: fix grammar in configuration file resolution ([#&#8203;18419]( (Mike McCready) #### Chores - [`58e2719`]( chore: update dependencies for v9.3.0 release ([#&#8203;18469]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`b681ecb`]( chore: package.json update for [@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (Jenkins) - [`06f1d1c`]( chore: update dependency [@&#8203;humanwhocodes/retry]( to ^0.3.0 ([#&#8203;18463]( (renovate\[bot]) - [`a63ed72`]( refactor: Use `node:` protocol for built-in Node.js modules ([#&#8203;18434]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`040700a`]( chore: update dependency markdownlint-cli to ^0.40.0 ([#&#8203;18425]( (renovate\[bot]) - [`f47847c`]( chore: update actions/stale action to v9 ([#&#8203;18426]( (renovate\[bot]) - [`c18ad25`]( chore: update actions/upload-artifact action to v4 ([#&#8203;18427]( (renovate\[bot]) - [`27e3060`]( chore: Disable documentation label ([#&#8203;18423]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) ### [`v9.2.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Features - [`8485d76`]( feat: `no-case-declarations` add suggestions ([#&#8203;18388]( (Josh Goldberg ✨) - [`a498f35`]( feat: update Unicode letter detection in capitalized-comments rule ([#&#8203;18375]( (Francesco Trotta) #### Bug Fixes - [`eeec413`]( fix: do not throw when defining a global named **defineSetter** ([#&#8203;18364]( (唯然) #### Documentation - [`0f5df50`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`1579ce0`]( docs: update wording regarding indirect eval ([#&#8203;18394]( (Kirk Waiblinger) - [`f12a02c`]( docs: update to eslint v9 in custom-rule-tutorial ([#&#8203;18383]( (唯然) #### Chores - [`b346605`]( chore: upgrade [@&#8203;eslint/js]([@&#8203;9]( ([#&#8203;18413]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`c4c18e0`]( chore: package.json update for [@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (Jenkins) - [`284722c`]( chore: package.json update for eslint-config-eslint release (Jenkins) - [`347d44f`]( chore: remove eslintrc export from eslint-config-eslint ([#&#8203;18400]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`f316e20`]( ci: run tests in Node.js 22 ([#&#8203;18393]( (Francesco Trotta) ### [`v9.1.1`]( [Compare Source]( #### Bug Fixes - [`a26b402`]( fix: use [@&#8203;eslint/create-config]( latest ([#&#8203;18373]( (唯然) ### [`v9.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Features - [`03068f1`]( feat: Provide helpful error message for nullish configs ([#&#8203;18357]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`751b518`]( feat: replace dependency graphemer with `Intl.Segmenter` ([#&#8203;18110]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`4d11e56`]( feat: add `name` to eslint configs ([#&#8203;18289]( (唯然) - [`1cbe1f6`]( feat: allow `while(true)` in `no-constant-condition` ([#&#8203;18286]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`0db676f`]( feat: add `Intl` in es6 globals ([#&#8203;18318]( (唯然) #### Bug Fixes - [`8d18958`]( fix: Remove name from eslint/js packages ([#&#8203;18368]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`594eb0e`]( fix: do not crash on error in `fs.walk` filter ([#&#8203;18295]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`0d8cf63`]( fix: EMFILE errors ([#&#8203;18313]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`e1ac0b5`]( fix: --inspect-config only for flat config and respect -c ([#&#8203;18306]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`09675e1`]( fix: `--no-ignore` should not apply to non-global ignores ([#&#8203;18334]( (Milos Djermanovic) #### Documentation - [`fb50077`]( docs: include notes about globals in migration-guide ([#&#8203;18356]( (Gabriel Rohden) - [`71c771f`]( docs: Fix missing accessible name for scroll-to-top link ([#&#8203;18329]( (Germán Freixinós) - [`200fd4e`]( docs: indicate eslintrc mode for `.eslintignore` ([#&#8203;18285]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`16b6a8b`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`df5f8a9`]( docs: `paths` and `patterns` difference in `no-restricted-imports` ([#&#8203;18273]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`c537d76`]( docs: update `npm init @&#8203;eslint/config` generated file names ([#&#8203;18298]( (唯然) - [`e1e305d`]( docs: fix `linebreak-style` examples ([#&#8203;18262]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`113f51e`]( docs: Mention package.json config support dropped ([#&#8203;18305]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`5c35321`]( docs: add eslintrc-only note to `--rulesdir` ([#&#8203;18281]( (Adam Lui 刘展鹏) #### Build Related - [`1fa6622`]( build: do not use `--force` flag to install dependencies ([#&#8203;18284]( (Francesco Trotta) #### Chores - [`d9a2983`]( chore: upgrade [@&#8203;eslint/js]( to v9.1.1 ([#&#8203;18367]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`50d406d`]( chore: package.json update for [@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (Jenkins) - [`155c71c`]( chore: package.json update for [@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (Jenkins) - [`0588fc5`]( refactor: Move directive gathering to SourceCode ([#&#8203;18328]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`9048e21`]( chore: lint `docs/src/_data` js files ([#&#8203;18335]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`4820790`]( chore: upgrade globals@15.0.0 dev dependency ([#&#8203;18332]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`698d9ff`]( chore: upgrade jsdoc & unicorn plugins in eslint-config-eslint ([#&#8203;18333]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`32c08cf`]( chore: drop Node < 18 and use [@&#8203;eslint/js]( v9 in eslint-config-eslint ([#&#8203;18323]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`a76fb55`]( chore: [@&#8203;eslint-community/eslint-plugin-eslint-comments]( v4.3.0 ([#&#8203;18319]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`78e45b1`]( chore: eslint-plugin-eslint-plugin v6.0.0 ([#&#8203;18316]( (唯然) - [`36103a5`]( chore: eslint-plugin-n v17.0.0 ([#&#8203;18315]( (唯然) ### [`v9.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### Breaking Changes - [`b7cf3bd`]( fix!: correct `camelcase` rule schema for `allow` option ([#&#8203;18232]( (eMerzh) - [`09bd7fe`]( feat!: move AST traversal into SourceCode ([#&#8203;18167]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`79a95eb`]( feat!: disallow multiple configuration comments for same rule ([#&#8203;18157]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`9163646`]( feat!: Rule Tester checks for missing placeholder data in the message ([#&#8203;18073]( (fnx) - [`3c4d51d`]( feat!: default for `enforceForClassMembers` in `no-useless-computed-key` ([#&#8203;18054]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`47e60f8`]( feat!: Stricter rule test validations ([#&#8203;17654]( (fnx) - [`1a94589`]( feat!: `no-unused-vars` default caughtErrors to 'all' ([#&#8203;18043]( (Josh Goldberg ✨) - [`57089cb`]( feat!: no-restricted-imports allow multiple config entries for same path ([#&#8203;18021]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`2e1d549`]( feat!: detect duplicate test cases ([#&#8203;17955]( (Bryan Mishkin) - [`701f1af`]( feat!: no-inner-declaration new default behaviour and option ([#&#8203;17885]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`bde5105`]( fix!: handle `--output-file` for empty output when saving to disk ([#&#8203;17957]( (Nitin Kumar) - [`07107a5`]( fix!: upgrade eslint-scope@8.0.0 ([#&#8203;17942]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`3ee0f6c`]( fix!: no-unused-vars `varsIgnorePattern` behavior with catch arguments ([#&#8203;17932]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`51f8bc8`]( fix!: configuration comments with just severity should retain options ([#&#8203;17945]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`d191bdd`]( feat!: Remove CodePath#currentSegments ([#&#8203;17936]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`946ae00`]( feat!: FlatRuleTester -> RuleTester ([#&#8203;17922]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`baff28c`]( feat!: remove `no-inner-declarations` from `eslint:recommended` ([#&#8203;17920]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`cadfbcd`]( feat!: Rename FlatESLint to ESLint ([#&#8203;17914]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`d1018fc`]( feat!: skip running warnings in --quiet mode ([#&#8203;17274]( (Maddy Miller) - [`fb81b1c`]( feat!: Set default `schema: []`, drop support for function-style rules ([#&#8203;17792]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`0b21e1f`]( feat!: add two more cases to `no-implicit-coercion` ([#&#8203;17832]( (Gürgün Dayıoğlu) - [`2916c63`]( feat!: Switch Linter to flat config by default ([#&#8203;17851]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`200518e`]( fix!: Parsing 'exported' comment using parseListConfig ([#&#8203;17675]( (amondev) - [`bdd6ba1`]( feat!: Remove valid-jsdoc and require-jsdoc ([#&#8203;17694]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`12be307`]( fix!: Behavior of CLI when no arguments are passed ([#&#8203;17644]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`8fe8c56`]( feat!: Update shouldUseFlatConfig and CLI so flat config is default ([#&#8203;17748]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`60dea3e`]( feat!: deprecate no-new-symbol, recommend no-new-native-nonconstructor ([#&#8203;17710]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`5aa9c49`]( feat!: check for parsing errors in suggestion fixes ([#&#8203;16639]( (Bryan Mishkin) - [`b3e0bb0`]( feat!: assert suggestion messages are unique in rule testers ([#&#8203;17532]( (Josh Goldberg ✨) - [`e563c52`]( feat!: `no-invalid-regexp` make allowConstructorFlags case-sensitive ([#&#8203;17533]( (Josh Goldberg ✨) - [`e5f02c7`]( fix!: no-sequences rule schema correction ([#&#8203;17878]( (MHO) - [`6ee3e9e`]( feat!: Update `eslint:recommended` configuration ([#&#8203;17716]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`c2cf85a`]( feat!: drop support for string configurations in flat config array ([#&#8203;17717]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`c314fd6`]( feat!: Remove `SourceCode#getComments()` ([#&#8203;17715]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`ae78ff1`]( feat!: Remove deprecated context methods ([#&#8203;17698]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`f71c328`]( feat!: Swap FlatESLint-ESLint, FlatRuleTester-RuleTester in API ([#&#8203;17823]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`5304da0`]( feat!: remove formatters except html, json(-with-metadata), and stylish ([#&#8203;17531]( (Josh Goldberg ✨) - [`e1e827f`]( feat!: Require Node.js `^18.18.0 || ^20.9.0 || >=21.1.0` ([#&#8203;17725]( (Milos Djermanovic) #### Features - [`d54a412`]( feat: Add --inspect-config CLI flag ([#&#8203;18270]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`97ce45b`]( feat: Add `reportUsedIgnorePattern` option to `no-unused-vars` rule ([#&#8203;17662]( (Pearce Ropion) - [`3e9fcea`]( feat: Show config names in error messages ([#&#8203;18256]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`de40874`]( feat: Rule Performance Statistics for flat ESLint ([#&#8203;17850]( (Mara Kiefer) - [`d85c436`]( feat: use-isnan report NaN in `indexOf` and `lastIndexOf` with fromIndex ([#&#8203;18225]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`b8fb572`]( feat: add `reportUnusedFallthroughComment` option to no-fallthrough rule ([#&#8203;18188]( (Kirk Waiblinger) - [`1c173dc`]( feat: add `ignoreClassWithStaticInitBlock` option to `no-unused-vars` ([#&#8203;18170]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`a451b32`]( feat: make `no-misleading-character-class` report more granular errors ([#&#8203;18082]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`c49ed63`]( feat: update complexity rule for optional chaining & default values ([#&#8203;18152]( (Mathias Schreck) - [`11144a2`]( feat: `no-restricted-imports` option added `allowImportNames` ([#&#8203;16196]( (M Pater) - [`74124c2`]( feat: add suggestions to `use-isnan` in `indexOf` & `lastIndexOf` calls ([#&#8203;18063]( (StyleShit) - [`53f0f47`]( feat: Add loadESLint() API method for v9 ([#&#8203;18097]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`2d11d46`]( feat: add suggestions to `use-isnan` in binary expressions ([#&#8203;17996]( (StyleShit) - [`26093c7`]( feat: fix false negatives in `no-this-before-super` ([#&#8203;17762]( (Yosuke Ota) - [`5471e43`]( feat: convert unsafe autofixes to suggestions in `no-implicit-coercion` ([#&#8203;17985]( (Gürgün Dayıoğlu) - [`e3051be`]( feat: emit warning when `.eslintignore` file is detected ([#&#8203;17952]( (Nitin Kumar) - [`a630edd`]( feat: maintain latest ecma version in ESLint ([#&#8203;17958]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`b4e0503`]( feat: add `no-useless-assignment` rule ([#&#8203;17625]( (Yosuke Ota) - [`287c4b7`]( feat: `no-misleading-character-class` granular errors ([#&#8203;17515]( (Josh Goldberg ✨) - [`8792464`]( feat: Enable eslint.config.mjs and eslint.config.cjs ([#&#8203;17909]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`24ce927`]( feat: warn by default for unused disable directives ([#&#8203;17879]( (Bryan Mishkin) #### Bug Fixes - [`610c148`]( fix: Support `using` declarations in no-lone-blocks ([#&#8203;18269]( (Kirk Waiblinger) - [`e508800`]( fix: rule tester ignore irrelevant test case properties ([#&#8203;18235]( (fnx) - [`a129acb`]( fix: flat config name on ignores object ([#&#8203;18258]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`dadc5bf`]( fix: `constructor-super` false positives with loops ([#&#8203;18226]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`ae8103d`]( fix: load plugins in the CLI in flat config mode ([#&#8203;18185]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`e37153f`]( fix: improve error message for invalid rule config ([#&#8203;18147]( (Nitin Kumar) - [`af6e170`]( fix: stop linting files after an error ([#&#8203;18155]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`0cb4914`]( fix: validate options when comment with just severity enables rule ([#&#8203;18133]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`c4d26fd`]( fix: `use-isnan` doesn't report on `SequenceExpression`s ([#&#8203;18059]( (StyleShit) - [`39076fb`]( fix: handle absolute file paths in `RuleTester` ([#&#8203;17989]( (Nitin Kumar) - [`6d11f3d`]( fix: Ensure config keys are printed for config errors ([#&#8203;17980]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`806f708`]( fix: `no-misleading-character-class` edge cases with granular errors ([#&#8203;17970]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`f182114`]( fix: deep merge behavior in flat config ([#&#8203;17906]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`b577e8a`]( fix: allow circular references in config ([#&#8203;17752]( (Francesco Trotta) #### Documentation - [`e151050`]( docs: update get-started to the new `@eslint/create-config` ([#&#8203;18217]( (唯然) - [`94178ad`]( docs: mention about `name` field in flat config ([#&#8203;18252]( (Anthony Fu) - [`1765c24`]( docs: add Troubleshooting page ([#&#8203;18181]( (Josh Goldberg ✨) - [`96607d0`]( docs: version selectors synchronization ([#&#8203;18260]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`651ec91`]( docs: remove `/* eslint-env */` comments from rule examples ([#&#8203;18249]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`950c4f1`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`12f5746`]( docs: add info about dot files and dir in flat config ([#&#8203;18239]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`b93f408`]( docs: update shared settings example ([#&#8203;18251]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`26384d3`]( docs: fix `ecmaVersion` in one example, add checks ([#&#8203;18241]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`7747097`]( docs: Update PR review process ([#&#8203;18233]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`b07d427`]( docs: fix typo ([#&#8203;18246]( (Kirill Gavrilov) - [`778082d`]( docs: add Glossary page ([#&#8203;18187]( (Josh Goldberg ✨) - [`239a7e2`]( docs: Clarify the description of `sort-imports` options ([#&#8203;18198]( (gyeongwoo park) - [`4769c86`]( docs: fix incorrect example in `no-lone-blocks` ([#&#8203;18215]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`5251327`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`1dc8618`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`ba1c1bb`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`337cdf9`]( docs: Explain limitations of RuleTester fix testing ([#&#8203;18175]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`c7abd89`]( docs: Explain Node.js version support ([#&#8203;18176]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`d961eeb`]( docs: show red underlines in examples in rules docs ([#&#8203;18041]( (Yosuke Ota) - [`558274a`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`2908b9b`]( docs: Update release documentation ([#&#8203;18174]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`1f1260e`]( docs: replace HackerOne link with GitHub advisory ([#&#8203;18165]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`e5ef3cd`]( docs: add inline cases condition in `no-fallthrough` ([#&#8203;18158]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`450d0f0`]( docs: fix `ignore` option docs ([#&#8203;18154]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`5fe095c`]( docs: show v8.57.0 as latest version in dropdown ([#&#8203;18142]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`7db5bb2`]( docs: Show prerelease version in dropdown ([#&#8203;18135]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`73a5f06`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`f95cd27`]( docs: Disallow multiple rule configuration comments in the same example ([#&#8203;18116]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`d8068ec`]( docs: Update link for schema examples ([#&#8203;18112]( (Svetlana) - [`f1c7e6f`]( docs: Switch to Ethical Ads ([#&#8203;18090]( (Strek) - [`15c143f`]( docs: JS Foundation -> OpenJS Foundation in PR template ([#&#8203;18092]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`6ea339e`]( docs: add stricter rule test validations to v9 migration guide ([#&#8203;18085]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`3c816f1`]( docs: use relative link from CLI to core concepts ([#&#8203;18083]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`9458735`]( docs: fix malformed `eslint` config comments in rule examples ([#&#8203;18078]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`07a1ada`]( docs: link from `--fix` CLI doc to the relevant core concept ([#&#8203;18080]( (Bryan Mishkin) - [`b844324`]( docs: Update team responsibilities ([#&#8203;18048]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`aadfb60`]( docs: document languageOptions and other v9 changes for context ([#&#8203;18074]( (fnx) - [`857e242`]( docs: tweak explanation for rule properties ([#&#8203;18057]( (Bryan Mishkin) - [`10485e8`]( docs: recommend messageId over message for reporting rule violations ([#&#8203;18050]( (Bryan Mishkin) - [`98b5ab4`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`505fbf4`]( docs: update `no-restricted-imports` rule ([#&#8203;18015]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`c25b4af`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`33d1ab0`]( docs: add more examples to flat config ignores docs ([#&#8203;18020]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`e6eebca`]( docs: Update sort-keys options properties count ([#&#8203;18025]( (LB (Ben Johnston)) - [`1fedfd2`]( docs: Improve flat config ignores docs ([#&#8203;17997]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`38b9b06`]( docs: update valid-typeof rule ([#&#8203;18001]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`b4abfea`]( docs: Update note about ECMAScript support ([#&#8203;17991]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`6788873`]( docs: Update release blog post template ([#&#8203;17994]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`1f37442`]( docs: Add sections on non-npm plugin configuration ([#&#8203;17984]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`96307da`]( docs: migration guide entry for `no-inner-declarations` ([#&#8203;17977]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`40be60e`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) - [`d31c180`]( docs: fix number of code-path events on custom rules page ([#&#8203;17969]( (Richard Hunter) - [`1529ab2`]( docs: reorder entries in v9 migration guide ([#&#8203;17967]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`9507525`]( docs: Explain how to combine configs ([#&#8203;17947]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`7c78576`]( docs: Add more removed `context` methods to migrate to v9 guide ([#&#8203;17951]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`3a877d6`]( docs: Update removed CLI flags migration ([#&#8203;17939]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`4a9cd1e`]( docs: Update Linter API for v9 ([#&#8203;17937]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`2a8eea8`]( docs: update docs for v9.0.0-alpha.0 ([#&#8203;17929]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`7f0ba51`]( docs: show `NEXT` in version selectors ([#&#8203;17911]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`0a7911e`]( docs: add flat config default to v9 migration guide ([#&#8203;17927]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`94f8065`]( docs: Add CLI updates to migrate to v9 guide ([#&#8203;17924]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`16187f2`]( docs: Add exported and string config notes to migrate to v9 guide ([#&#8203;17926]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`3ae50cc`]( docs: Add RuleTester changes to migrate to v9 guide ([#&#8203;17923]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`0831b58`]( docs: add rule changes to v9 migration guide ([#&#8203;17925]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`037abfc`]( docs: update API docs ([#&#8203;17919]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`afc3c03`]( docs: add function-style and `meta.schema` changes to v9 migration guide ([#&#8203;17912]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`1da0723`]( docs: update `eslint:recommended` section in Migrate to v9.x ([#&#8203;17908]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`f55881f`]( docs: remove ([#&#8203;17907]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`63ae191`]( docs: Migrate to v9.0.0 ([#&#8203;17905]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`e708496`]( docs: Switch to flat config by default ([#&#8203;17840]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`fdf0424`]( docs: Update Create a Plugin for flat config ([#&#8203;17826]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`e6a91bd`]( docs: Switch shareable config docs to use flat config ([#&#8203;17827]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`3831fb7`]( docs: updated examples of `max-lines` rule ([#&#8203;17898]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`cd1ac20`]( docs: Update README (GitHub Actions Bot) #### Build Related - [`26010c2`]( Build: changelog update for 9.0.0-rc.0 (Jenkins) - [`b91f9dc`]( build: fix TypeError in prism-eslint-hooks.js ([#&#8203;18209]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`d7ec0d1`]( Build: changelog update for 9.0.0-beta.2 (Jenkins) - [`fd9c0a9`]( Build: changelog update for 9.0.0-beta.1 (Jenkins) - [`c9f2f33`]( build: changelog update for 8.57.0 ([#&#8203;18144]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`1bbc495`]( Build: changelog update for 9.0.0-beta.0 (Jenkins) - [`96f8877`]( Build: changelog update for 9.0.0-alpha.2 (Jenkins) - [`52d5e7a`]( Build: changelog update for 9.0.0-alpha.1 (Jenkins) - [`c2bf27d`]( build: update docs files when publishing prereleases ([#&#8203;17940]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`e91d85d`]( Build: changelog update for 9.0.0-alpha.0 (Jenkins) #### Chores - [`19f9a89`]( chore: Update dependencies for v9.0.0 ([#&#8203;18275]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`7c957f2`]( chore: package.json update for [@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (Jenkins) - [`d73a33c`]( chore: ignore `/docs/v8.x` in link checker ([#&#8203;18274]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`44a81c6`]( chore: upgrade knip ([#&#8203;18272]( (Lars Kappert) - [`e80b60c`]( chore: remove code for testing version selectors ([#&#8203;18266]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`a98babc`]( chore: add npm script to run WebdriverIO test ([#&#8203;18238]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`9b7bd3b`]( chore: update dependency markdownlint to ^0.34.0 ([#&#8203;18237]( (renovate\[bot]) - [`297416d`]( chore: package.json update for eslint-9.0.0-rc.0 ([#&#8203;18223]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`d363c51`]( chore: package.json update for [@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (Jenkins) - [`1b841bb`]( chore: fix some comments ([#&#8203;18213]( (avoidaway) - [`29c3595`]( chore: remove repetitive words ([#&#8203;18193]( (cuithon) - [`acc2e06`]( chore: Introduce Knip ([#&#8203;18005]( (Lars Kappert) - [`7509276`]( chore: upgrade [@&#8203;eslint/js]([@&#8203;9]( ([#&#8203;18180]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`96087b3`]( chore: package.json update for [@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (Jenkins) - [`925afa2`]( chore: Remove some uses of `lodash.merge` ([#&#8203;18179]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`972ef15`]( chore: remove invalid type in [@&#8203;eslint/js]( ([#&#8203;18164]( (Nitin Kumar) - [`32ffdd1`]( chore: upgrade [@&#8203;eslint/js]([@&#8203;9]( ([#&#8203;18146]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`e41425b`]( chore: package.json update for [@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (Jenkins) - [`bb3b9c6`]( chore: upgrade [@&#8203;eslint/eslintrc]([@&#8203;3]( ([#&#8203;18145]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`e462524`]( chore: upgrade eslint-release@3.2.2 ([#&#8203;18138]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`8e13a6b`]( chore: fix spelling mistake in ([#&#8203;18128]( (Will Eastcott) - [`66f52e2`]( chore: remove unused tools rule-types.json, update-rule-types.js ([#&#8203;18125]( (Josh Goldberg ✨) - [`bf0c7ef`]( ci: fix sync-labels value of pr-labeler ([#&#8203;18124]( (Tanuj Kanti) - [`cace6d0`]( ci: add PR labeler action ([#&#8203;18109]( (Nitin Kumar) - [`1a65d3e`]( chore: export `base` config from `eslint-config-eslint` ([#&#8203;18119]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`9aa4df3`]( refactor: remove `globals` dependency ([#&#8203;18115]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`e40d1d7`]( chore: upgrade [@&#8203;eslint/js]([@&#8203;9]( ([#&#8203;18108]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`9870f93`]( chore: package.json update for [@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (Jenkins) - [`2c62e79`]( chore: upgrade [@&#8203;eslint/eslintrc]([@&#8203;3]( ([#&#8203;18107]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`81f0294`]( chore: upgrade espree@10.0.1 ([#&#8203;18106]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`5e2b292`]( chore: upgrade eslint-visitor-keys@4.0.0 ([#&#8203;18105]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`ce838ad`]( chore: replace dependency npm-run-all with npm-run-all2 ^5.0.0 ([#&#8203;18045]( (renovate\[bot]) - [`54df731`]( chore: update dependency markdownlint-cli to ^0.39.0 ([#&#8203;18084]( (renovate\[bot]) - [`8f06a60`]( chore: update dependency shelljs to ^0.8.5 ([#&#8203;18079]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`93ffe30`]( chore: update dependency file-entry-cache to v8 ([#&#8203;17903]( (renovate\[bot]) - [`6ffdcbb`]( chore: upgrade [@&#8203;eslint/js]([@&#8203;9]( ([#&#8203;18038]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`2c12715`]( chore: package.json update for [@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (Jenkins) - [`cc74c4d`]( chore: upgrade espree@10.0.0 ([#&#8203;18037]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`dfb68b6`]( chore: use Node.js 20 for docs sites ([#&#8203;18026]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`8c1b8dd`]( test: add more tests for ignoring files and directories ([#&#8203;18018]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`60b966b`]( chore: update dependency [@&#8203;eslint/js]( to v9.0.0-alpha.1 ([#&#8203;18014]( (renovate\[bot]) - [`c893bc0`]( chore: update `markdownlint` to `v0.33.0` ([#&#8203;17995]( (Nitin Kumar) - [`c5e50ee`]( chore: package.json update for [@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (Jenkins) - [`1bf2520`]( chore: Split Docs CI from core CI ([#&#8203;17897]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`320787e`]( chore: delete relative-module-resolver.js ([#&#8203;17981]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`4926f33`]( refactor: use `Object.hasOwn()` ([#&#8203;17948]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`df200e1`]( refactor: use `` to get last elements ([#&#8203;17949]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`750b8df`]( chore: update dependency glob to v10 ([#&#8203;17917]( (renovate\[bot]) - [`74794f5`]( chore: removed unused eslintrc modules ([#&#8203;17938]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`10ed29c`]( chore: remove unused dependency rimraf ([#&#8203;17934]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`903ee60`]( ci: use `--force` flag when installing eslint ([#&#8203;17921]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`17fedc1`]( chore: upgrade [@&#8203;eslint/js]([@&#8203;9]( ([#&#8203;17928]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`cb89ef3`]( chore: package.json update for [@&#8203;eslint/js]( release (Jenkins) - [`f6f4a45`]( chore: drop structuredClone polyfill for v9 ([#&#8203;17915]( (Kevin Gibbons) - [`412dcbb`]( chore: upgrade eslint-plugin-n@16.6.0 ([#&#8203;17916]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`02a8baf`]( chore: Rename files with underscores ([#&#8203;17910]( (Nicholas C. Zakas) - [`c0f5d91`]( chore: remove creating an unused instance of Linter in tests ([#&#8203;17902]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`3826cdf`]( chore: use jsdoc/no-multi-asterisks with allowWhitespace: true ([#&#8203;17900]( (Percy Ma) - [`a9a17b3`]( chore: fix getting scope in tests ([#&#8203;17899]( (Milos Djermanovic) - [`595a1f6`]( test: ensure that CLI tests run with FlatESLint ([#&#8203;17884]( (Francesco Trotta) - [`c7eca43`]( chore: update dependency markdownlint-cli to ^0.38.0 ([#&#8203;17865]( (renovate\[bot]) - [`cc0c9f7`]( ci: bump github/codeql-action from 2 to 3 ([#&#8203;17873]( (dependabot\[bot]) </details> <details> <summary>prettier/eslint-config-prettier (eslint-config-prettier)</summary> ### [`v10.1.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;309]( [`eb56a5e`]( Thanks [@&#8203;JounQin](! - fix: separate the `/flat` entry for compatibility For flat config users, the previous `"eslint-config-prettier"` entry still works, but `"eslint-config-prettier/flat"` adds a new `name` property for [config-inspector](, we just can't add it for the default entry for compatibility. See also [#&#8203;308]( ```ts // before import eslintConfigPrettier from "eslint-config-prettier"; // after import eslintConfigPrettier from "eslint-config-prettier/flat"; ``` ### [`v10.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Minor Changes - [#&#8203;306]( [`56e2e34`]( Thanks [@&#8203;JounQin](! - feat: migrate to exports field ### [`v10.0.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;294]( [`8dbbd6d`]( Thanks [@&#8203;FloEdelmann](! - feat: add name to config - [#&#8203;280]( [`cba5737`]( Thanks [@&#8203;zanminkian](! - feat: add declaration file ### [`v10.0.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Patch Changes - [#&#8203;299]( [`e750edc`]( Thanks [@&#8203;Fdawgs](! - chore(package): explicitly declare js module type ### [`v10.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( ### eslint-config-prettier #### 10.0.1 #### What's Changed - chore: migrate to changeset for automatically releasing by [@&#8203;JounQin]( in - add support for `@stylistic/eslint-plugin` by [@&#8203;abrahamguo]( in #### New Contributors - [@&#8203;JounQin]( made their first contribution in - [@&#8203;abrahamguo]( made their first contribution in **Full Changelog**: ### [`v10.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Major Changes - [#&#8203;272]( [`5be64be`]( Thanks [@&#8203;abrahamguo](! - add support for [@&#8203;stylistic]( formatting rules </details> <details> <summary>cypress-io/eslint-plugin-cypress (eslint-plugin-cypress)</summary> ### [`v4.2.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - address comments in PR ([64eaba0]( - doc title ([1fbedac]( ##### Features - add rule disallow usage of cypress-xpath ([1ae902a]( ### [`v4.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - **docs:** publish updated readme ([2bc8d5a]( ### [`v4.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - minimum version eslint v9 ([b50181a]( ##### BREAKING CHANGES - Support ESLint v9 and above only Support for ESlint v7 & v8 is removed languageOptions ecmaVersion: 2019 and sourceType: module are removed from eslint-plugin-cypress/flat config globals is updated to 15.11.0 eslint-plugin-n is updated to 17.11.1 ### [`v3.6.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - publish eslint v8 deprecation ([44a7722]( ### [`v3.5.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - add rule no-debug ([033de6e]( ### [`v3.4.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - add `name` to configs (for tooling) ([d2f8406]( ### [`v3.3.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - add flat configurations ([0e434c7]( ### [`v3.2.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - support eslint v9 through [@&#8203;eslint/eslintrc]( ([25e092e]( ### [`v3.1.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - issue with unsafe to chain command that is not an action ([93824e4]( ### [`v3.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - apply no-pause rule recursively ([f725f55]( ### [`v3.0.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **deps:** update semantic-release to 23.0.8 ([b3c2425]( ### [`v3.0.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - convert deprecated context calls ([d3d333a]( ### [`v3.0.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - enable cypress/no-async-before ([b57bf97]( ### [`v3.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### BREAKING CHANGES - Support for ESlint v3, v4, v5 & v6 is removed ([bafb3b6]( - Support ESLint v7 and v8 only (ESLint v9 is not yet supported) </details> <details> <summary>jest-community/eslint-plugin-jest (eslint-plugin-jest)</summary> ### [`v28.11.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - **valid-expect:** allow calling `expect` with no arguments ([#&#8203;1688]( ([ff0349e]( #### [28.10.1]( (2025-01-15) ##### Bug Fixes - **padding-around-test-blocks:** update description ([#&#8203;1691]( ([9cb4ecc]( ### [`v28.10.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **padding-around-test-blocks:** update description ([#&#8203;1691]( ([9cb4ecc]( ### [`v28.10.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - **unbound-method:** ignore functions passed to `jest.mocked` ([#&#8203;1681]( ([d868636]( ### [`v28.9.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - add TypeScript types ([#&#8203;1667]( ([1ce1258]( #### [28.8.3]( (2024-09-04) ##### Bug Fixes - **prefer-importing-jest-globals:** don't add imports in the middle of statements ([#&#8203;1645]( ([9c4197c]( #### [28.8.2]( (2024-09-02) ##### Performance Improvements - **prefer-importing-jest-globals:** stop collecting import specifiers for no reason ([#&#8203;1646]( ([0660242]( #### [28.8.1]( (2024-08-29) ##### Bug Fixes - **prefer-importing-jest-globals:** support typescript-eslint parser ([#&#8203;1639]( ([307f6a7]( ### [`v28.8.3`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **prefer-importing-jest-globals:** don't add imports in the middle of statements ([#&#8203;1645]( ([9c4197c]( ### [`v28.8.2`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Performance Improvements - **prefer-importing-jest-globals:** stop collecting import specifiers for no reason ([#&#8203;1646]( ([0660242]( ### [`v28.8.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **prefer-importing-jest-globals:** support typescript-eslint parser ([#&#8203;1639]( ([307f6a7]( ### [`v28.8.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - import formatting rules from `eslint-plugin-jest-formatting` ([#&#8203;1563]( ([74078ee]( ### [`v28.7.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - allow `[@typescript-eslint](` v8 ([#&#8203;1636]( ([fb43171]( ### [`v28.6.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - **prefer-jest-mocked:** add new rule ([#&#8203;1599]( ([4b6a4f2]( - **valid-expect:** supporting automatically fixing adding async in some cases ([#&#8203;1579]( ([5b9b47e]( ### [`v28.5.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - allow `@typescript-eslint/utils` v7 as a direct dependency ([#&#8203;1567]( ([1476f10]( ### [`v28.4.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - **valid-expect:** supporting automatically fixing missing `await` in some cases ([#&#8203;1574]( ([a407098]( ### [`v28.3.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - prefer importing jest globals for specific types ([#&#8203;1568]( ([c464ae3]( ### [`v28.2.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - support providing aliases for `@jest/globals` package ([#&#8203;1543]( ([744d4f6]( #### [28.1.1]( (2024-04-06) ##### Bug Fixes - **max-expects:** properly reset counter when exiting a test case ([#&#8203;1550]( ([b4b7cbc]( ### [`v28.1.1`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - **max-expects:** properly reset counter when exiting a test case ([#&#8203;1550]( ([b4b7cbc]( ### [`v28.1.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Features - add `prefer-importing-jest-globals` rule ([#&#8203;1490]( ([37478d8](, closes [#&#8203;1101]( ### [`v28.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( ##### Bug Fixes - allow ESLint 9 as peer dependency ([#&#8203;1547]( ([3c5e167]( - drop support for Node 19 ([#&#8203;1548]( ([c87e388]( - **no-large-snapshots:** avoid `instanceof RegExp` check for ESLint v9 compatibility ([#&#8203;1542]( ([af4a9c9]( ##### Features - drop support for `@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin` v5 ([#&#8203;1530]( ([150e355]( - drop support for Node v14 ([#&#8203;1527]( ([df5e580]( - remove `no-if` rule ([#&#8203;1528]( ([f976fc8]( - remove `snapshot` processor and `flat/snapshot` config ([#&#8203;1532]( ([98087f9]( - upgrade `@typescript-eslint/utils` to v6 ([#&#8203;1508]( ([dc6e8cd]( ##### BREAKING CHANGES - Node v19 is no longer supported - removed unneeded `snapshot` processor and `flat/snapshot` config - dropped support for `@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin` v5 - dropped support for Node v14 - removed `no-if` in favor of `no-conditional-in-test` </details> <details> <summary>vuejs/eslint-plugin-vue (eslint-plugin-vue)</summary> ### [`v10.0.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### 💥 Breaking changes - [#&#8203;2630]( Changed Versioning Policy: - Allow minor versions of this plugin to enhance the checks for new features in Vue and Nuxt. - Allow updating deprecated/reserved HTML+SVG element tag names in minor versions, see [#&#8203;2171]( - [#&#8203;2645]( Removed deprecated rules (see [removed rules]( - [#&#8203;2669]( Dropped support for old versions of ESLint and Node.js. New minimum requirements: - Node.js: `^18.18.0 || ^20.9.0 || >=21.1.0` - ESLint: `^8.57.0 || ^9.0.0` - Updated configs: - [#&#8203;2627]( Added [`vue/block-order`]( rule to recommended configs (replaces the removed `vue/component-tags-order` rule). - [#&#8203;2628]( Added [`vue/no-deprecated-delete-set`]( rule to vue3-essential config. - [#&#8203;2629]( Added [`vue/no-deprecated-model-definition`]( rule to vue3-essential config. - [#&#8203;2640]( Added [`vue/no-required-prop-with-default`]( rule to recommended configs. - [#&#8203;2653]( Added [`vue/valid-define-options`]( rule to vue3-essential config. - [#&#8203;2674]( Removed globals from configs. - [#&#8203;2648]( Renamed `.eslintrc` configs (to match `eslint.config.js` config names; see PR for comparison). - [#&#8203;2668]( Changed `.eslintrc` base config so that [vue-eslint-parser]( is only used for `.vue` files. - [#&#8203;2670]( Changed [vue-eslint-parser]( to peer dependency. - [#&#8203;2697]( Upgraded [vue-eslint-parser]( to v10. - This includes, which should make the parser much faster for large TypeScript projects :zap: - [#&#8203;2153]( Added `slots` and `expose` to the default order of [`vue/order-in-components`]( rule. - [#&#8203;2626]( Removed legacy option from [`vue/custom-event-name-casing`]( rule. - [#&#8203;2655]( Removed unused `runOutsideVue` option from [`vue/sort-keys`]( rule. - [#&#8203;2652]( Removed `setup-compiler-macros` environments. #### ✨ Enhancements - [#&#8203;2693]( Improved type resolution for generic types and improved the rules for checking type-only macros. - [#&#8203;2684]( Added [`vue/no-import-compiler-macros`]( rule that disallows importing Vue compiler macros. - [#&#8203;2694]( Added `except` option to [`vue/prefer-true-attribute-shorthand`]( rule. - [#&#8203;2311]( Improved the plugin to check for objects declared with Nuxt3 [`defineNuxtComponent()`]( #### ⚙️ Updates - [#&#8203;2171]( Updated resources. - [#&#8203;2675]( Deprecated Vue 2 only rules. They will be removed in eslint-plugin-vue v11. **Full Changelog**: ### [`v9.33.0`]( [Compare Source]( #### ✨ Enhancements - [#&#8203;2639]( Added [`vue/no-implicit-coercion`]( rule to disallow shorthand type conversions in `<template>`. - [#&#8203;2680]( Improved [`vue/no-ref-as-operand`]( rule to check `emit` payloads. - [#&#8203;2679]( Added `ignoreProps` option to [`vue/prop-name-casing`]( rule. #### 🐛 Bug Fixes - [#&#8203;2636]( Fixed crash in [`vue/prefer-use-template-ref`]( rule when `setup` is an arrow function. - [#&#8203;2682]( Fixed regex matching order in [`vue/no-bare-strings-in-template`]( rule. - [#&#8203;2683]( Fixed false positives for union type prop definitions in [`vue/max-props`]( rule. **Full Changelog**: </details> --- ### Configuration 📅 **Schedule**: Branch creation - At any time (no schedule defined), Automerge - At any time (no schedule defined). 🚦 **Automerge**: Disabled by config. Please merge this manually once you are satisfied. ♻ **Rebasing**: Whenever PR becomes conflicted, or you tick the rebase/retry checkbox. 👻 **Immortal**: This PR will be recreated if closed unmerged. Get [config help]( if that's undesired. --- - [ ] <!-- rebase-check -->If you want to rebase/retry this PR, check this box --- This PR has been generated by [Renovate Bot]( <!--renovate-debug:eyJjcmVhdGVkSW5WZXIiOiIzNy4yOTIuMSIsInVwZGF0ZWRJblZlciI6IjM3LjI5Mi4xIiwidGFyZ2V0QnJhbmNoIjoibWFzdGVyIiwibGFiZWxzIjpbInJlbm92YXRlIl19-->
renovate added 1 commit 2024-12-29 01:14:52 +01:00
chore(deps): update major version dependencies
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
renovate force-pushed renovate/master-major-major-version-dependencies from 6f78b3d885 to 74cc26318c 2025-01-05 01:14:43 +01:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/master-major-major-version-dependencies from 74cc26318c to aa19337223 2025-01-12 01:14:09 +01:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/master-major-major-version-dependencies from aa19337223 to 9ed7673c0d 2025-01-19 01:13:39 +01:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/master-major-major-version-dependencies from 9ed7673c0d to 57acb3416f 2025-01-26 01:22:48 +01:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/master-major-major-version-dependencies from 57acb3416f to 663db42666 2025-02-02 01:25:43 +01:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/master-major-major-version-dependencies from 663db42666 to 5922004532 2025-02-09 01:22:28 +01:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/master-major-major-version-dependencies from 5922004532 to 0445179e44 2025-02-16 01:24:41 +01:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/master-major-major-version-dependencies from 0445179e44 to 7dea56b65c 2025-02-23 01:15:24 +01:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/master-major-major-version-dependencies from 7dea56b65c to b8144bd32b 2025-03-02 01:18:47 +01:00 Compare
renovate force-pushed renovate/master-major-major-version-dependencies from b8144bd32b to 7a34c1891c 2025-03-09 01:18:12 +01:00 Compare
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