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__Current version : *1.0.0*__
## Description
ExCal-ARights is a script to automate the change of permissions on Microsoft Exchange Server calendars. This script allows you to define a list of aliases to ignore, as well as different triggers (permissions triggering a change) and the permission to use. Moreover, any action performed by the ExCal-ARights is logged so that you can confirm and view the changes after application.
## Requierements
To use this script you need the following software and libraries. See the installation section for more information.
* Windows `>= v7` ;
* Windows ExecutionPolicy `== Unrestricted` (default status on windows) ;
* PowerShell `>= v5.2` ;
* PowerShell's `ExchangeOnlineManagement` module `>= v2.0.5` ;
* Administrator account on the Exchange server.
### Installation
To install Windows 11 see the requirement at https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/windows-11-specifications (check minimum version above).
To install powershell 7 use the command below in your Pshell (check minimum version above).
iex "& { $(irm https://aka.ms/install-powershell.ps1) } -UseMSI"
To install the powershell `ExchangeOnlineManagement` module execute the command below in Pshell.
Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement
Windows Policy Tips :
Get-ExecutionPolicy # get the current policy
Get-ExecutionPolicy -List # get the current policies on the all device
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted # set the policy to unrestricted
Set-ExecutionPolicy Restricted # set the policy to restricted
## Use
Clone or download and extract this repository from its archive. Open the `configs.ps1` script and configure it. Then run the `run-script.ps1` file and follow the indications.
After the process you should find a log file with the process details.