const Discord = require('discord.js'); const config = require('./config.json'); const {SlashCommandBuilder} = require("@discordjs/builders") const friendsCommands = require('./friendsCommands.json') const {GuildEmoji, Emoji, CommandInteraction} = require("discord.js"); const Client = new Discord.Client({ intents: [ Discord.Intents.FLAGS.GUILDS, Discord.Intents.FLAGS.GUILD_MESSAGES, Discord.Intents.FLAGS.GUILD_MESSAGE_REACTIONS, Discord.Intents.FLAGS.GUILD_MEMBERS ] }); const data = new SlashCommandBuilder() .setName("react") .setDescription("Créer un ajout de rôle") .addStringOption(option => option.setName('role') .setDescription('Le rôle à ajouter') .setRequired(true) .addChoice('Lol', 'League_of_Legends') .addChoice('OW', 'OverWatch') .addChoice('SW', 'Summoners_War') ) let embedCommands = new Discord.MessageEmbed().setTitle("Liste des commandes").setColor("#ff0505") .setDescription("Voici mes commandes - (N'oublier pas le '!' )") .setThumbnail("") .setTimestamp() .setFooter("Si vous souhaitez rajouter une commande, n'hésitez pas à contacter mon créateur") Client.on("ready", async () => { fromCommandsToEmbed(friendsCommands.commands) console.log(`Logged in as ${Client.user.tag}!`) // pour tout les serveurs - lent : Client.application.commands.create(data) /*await Client.guilds.cache.get("903598468306702336").commands.create(data) .then(() => { console.log(`Logged in as ${Client.user.tag}!`) }) .catch(r => { console.log("Erreur lors de l'ajout de la commande\n" + r) Client.destroy() })*/ }) Client.login(config.token) /* config prod * { "clientId": "890975056400904242", "guildId": "876543210987654321", "token": "ODkwOTc1MDU2NDAwOTA0MjQy.YU3nLg.T5wCbJ4UuDBanMjVaE-JX-aSELo", "authorId": "307975903999164416" } * */ // dev token OTA1NDMzMzQ5MDgwODc1MDM4.YYKAhA.lX9_YqbkTxlkSfnYPOKa2pl5V8s && "clientId": "905433349080875038", Client.on("interactionCreate", async interaction => { if (interaction.isCommand()) { const {commandName} = interaction if (commandName === "games") { let embed = new Discord.MessageEmbed() .setTitle("Mini-Jeux") .setColor("#ff0505") .setDescription("Voici mes mini-jeux en ligne") .setThumbnail("") .addField("__SUTOM__", "") .addField("__WORlDLE__", "") .addField("__LETTERS__", " ") .setTimestamp() await{embeds: [embed]}) interaction.reply({content: 'Done ! :white_check_mark:', ephemeral: true,}) } else if (commandName === "help") { await{embeds: [embedCommands]}) interaction.reply({content: 'Done ! :white_check_mark:', ephemeral: true,}) } else if (commandName === 'react') { const message = await interaction.reply({content: 'Ajout du role : ' + interaction.options._hoistedOptions[0].value, fetchReply: true}); console.log( interaction.options) message.react('👍') .then(() => message.react('👎')) .catch(error => console.error('One of the emojis failed to react:', error)) const filter = (reaction, user) => { return ['👍', '👎'].includes( && ===; }; message.awaitReactions({filter, max: 1, time: 60000, errors: ['time']}) .then(collected => { const reaction = collected.first(); if ( === '👍') { message.reply('Ajout effectué !'); } else { message.reply('Suppression effectuée !'); } }) .catch(collected => { message.reply('You reacted with neither a thumbs up, nor a thumbs down.'); }); } } }) Client.on('messageCreate', message => { /* console.log(`Message [${message.content}] sent from : ${}#${}`) */ if ( { } else if (message.content === "55857548596523514251458-)Nydalicor" && === config.authorId) { Client.destroy() console.log("Bye Bye") } else if (message.content === "update-)Nydalicor") { Client.destroy() console.log("Reloading... ") Client.login(config.token) console.log("Successfully reloaded") } else if (message.content.indexOf("!") === 0) { let commands = friendsCommands.commands commands.forEach(command => { if (message.content.substring(1, message.content.length) === command.key) send(message, command.value) }) } }) Client.on('messageReactionAdd', async (reaction, user) => { // When a reaction is received, check if the structure is partial if (reaction.partial) { // If the message this reaction belongs to was removed, the fetching might result in an API error which should be handled try { await reaction.fetch(); if ( === '👍') { reaction.reply("J'ajoute ton rôle") } } catch (error) { console.error('Something went wrong when fetching the message:', error); // Return as `` may be undefined/null } } }) function fromCommandsToEmbed(commands) { commands.forEach(command => { addCommandToEmbed(command.key, embedCommands) }) } function addCommandToEmbed(title, embed) { embed.addField(title, "-") } function send(message, str) {; }