# cheat-sheet-lua Here is the IO-Project cheat sheet to quickly learn the "Lua" programming language. I suggest you to consult the documentation of lua for more information on the language, it is available by following [this link](https://www.lua.org/manual/5.3/). ## Table of contents Use this table of contents to travel more easily through this cheat sheet. - [cheat-sheet-lua](#cheat-sheet-lua) - [Table of contents](#table-of-contents) - [Basics](#basics) - [Code comments](#code-comments) - [Variables and loop](#variables-and-loop) - [Functions](#functions) - [Advanced](#advanced) - [Tables, Array, dict..](#tables-array-dict) - [Metatables and metamethods](#metatables-and-metamethods) - [Class-like tables and inheritance.](#class-like-tables-and-inheritance) - [Coroutine](#coroutine) - [Error handling](#error-handling) - [Modules](#modules) ## Basics > We'll now introduce the basics of lua, starting with comments, variables, loops and functions. ### Code comments ````lua -- Two dashes start a one-line comment. --[[ by adding two "[" opening and two "]" closing, you define a multi-line commentary. ;-) --]] ```` ### Variables and loop Introduction to variables, basic conditions, some loops ([examples available here](support/while.lua)) and the equivalent of the ternary operator. ````lua num = 42 -- All numbers are doubles. -- Don't freak out, 64-bit doubles have 52 bits for -- storing exact int values; machine precision is -- not a problem for ints that need < 52 bits. s = 'walternate' -- Immutable strings like in Python. t = "double-quotes are also fine" u = [[ Double brackets start and end multi-line strings]] t = nil -- Undefines t; Lua has garbage collection. -- Blocks are denoted with keywords like do/end: while num < 50 do num = num + 1 -- No ++ or += type operators. end -- If clauses: if num > 40 then print('over 40') elseif s ~= 'walternate' then -- ~= is not equals. -- Equality check is ==; ok for strs. io.write('not over 40\n') -- Defaults to stdout. else -- Variables are global by default. thisIsGlobal = 5 -- Camel case is common. -- How to make a variable local: local line = io.read() -- Reads next stdin line. -- String concatenation uses the .. operator: print('Winter is coming, ' .. line) end -- Undefined variables return nil. -- This is not an error: foo = anUnknownVariable -- Now foo = nil. aBoolValue = false -- Only nil and false are false; 0 and '' are true. if not aBoolValue then print('that was false') end -- 'or' and 'and' are short-circuited. -- This is similar to the a?b:c operator in C/js: ans = aBoolValue and 'yes' or 'no' --> 'no' karlSum = 0 for i = 1, 100 do -- The range includes both ends. karlSum = karlSum + i end -- Use "100, 1, -1" as the range to count down: fredSum = 0 for j = 100, 1, -1 do fredSum = fredSum + j end -- In general, the range is begin, end[, step]. -- Another loop construct: repeat print('the way of the future') num = num - 1 until num == 0 ```` ### Functions Introduction to function definition, recursion with lua and chain assignment followed by closure function. ````lua -- The famous Fibonacci sequence. function fib(n) if n < 2 then return 1 end return fib(n - 2) + fib(n - 1) end -- Closures and anonymous functions are ok: function adder(x) -- The returned function is created when adder is -- called, and remembers the value of x: return function (y) return x + y end end a1 = adder(9) a2 = adder(36) print(a1(16)) --> 25 print(a2(64)) --> 100 -- Returns, func calls, and assignments all work -- with lists that may be mismatched in length. -- Unmatched receivers are nil; -- unmatched senders are discarded. x, y, z = 1, 2, 3, 4 -- Now x = 1, y = 2, z = 3, and 4 is thrown away. function bar(a, b, c) print(a, b, c) return 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42 end x, y = bar('zaphod') --> prints "zaphod nil nil" -- Now x = 4, y = 8, values 15..42 are discarded. print(type(x)) --> number -- 'type()' function allow to detemindthe type of a variable. -- '...' is an elipse parameter, retrievable in context by '...'. function e(...) print(...) end e(2, 4, 8, 6) --> prints "2 4 8 6" -- Functions are first-class, may be local/global. -- (global) These are the same: function f(x) return x * x end f = function (x) return x * x end -- same of javascript definition -- (local) And so are these: local function g(x) return math.sin(x) end local g; g = function (x) return math.sin(x) end -- the 'local g' decl makes g-self-references ok. -- Trig funcs work in radians, by the way. -- Calls with one string param don't need parens: print 'hello' -- Works fine. ```` ## Advanced > Let's move on to more advanced notions. With the notion of table, class, module, coroutine, meta-programming and module. ### Tables, Array, dict.. Tables are the only compound data structure in Lua, they are associative arrays. Similar to php arrays or js objects, they are hash-lookup dicts that can also be used as lists. ````lua -- Using tables as dictionaries / maps: -- Dict literals have string keys by default: t = {key1 = 'value1', key2 = false} -- String keys can use js-like dot notation: print(t.key1) -- Prints 'value1'. t.newKey = {} -- Adds a new key/value pair. t.key2 = nil -- Removes key2 from the table. -- Literal notation for any (non-nil) value as key: u = {['@!#'] = 'qbert', [{}] = 1729, [6.28] = 'tau'} print(u[6.28]) -- prints "tau" -- Key matching is basically by value for numbers -- and strings, but by identity for tables. a = u['@!#'] -- Now a = 'qbert'. b = u[{}] -- We might expect 1729, but it's nil: -- b = nil since the lookup fails. It fails -- because the key we used is not the same object -- as the one used to store the original value. So -- strings & numbers are more portable keys. -- A one-table-param function call needs no parens: function h(x) print(x.key1) end h{key1 = 'Sonmi~451'} -- Prints 'Sonmi~451'. for key, val in pairs(u) do -- Table iteration. print(key, val) end -- _G is a special table of all globals. print(_G['_G'] == _G) -- Prints 'true'. -- Using tables as lists / arrays: -- List literals implicitly set up int keys: v = {'value1', 'value2', 1.21, 'gigawatts'} for i = 1, #v do -- #v is the size of v for lists. print(v[i]) -- Indices start at 1 !! SO CRAZY !! end -- A 'list' is not a real type. v is just a table -- with consecutive integer keys, treated as a list. ```` #### Metatables and metamethods A table can have a metatable that gives the table operator-overloadish behavior. Later we'll see how metatables support js-prototypey behavior. ````lua f1 = {a = 1, b = 2} -- Represents the fraction a/b. f2 = {a = 2, b = 3} -- This would fail: -- s = f1 + f2 metafraction = {} function metafraction.__add(f1, f2) sum = {} sum.b = f1.b * f2.b sum.a = f1.a * f2.b + f2.a * f1.b return sum end setmetatable(f1, metafraction) setmetatable(f2, metafraction) s = f1 + f2 -- call __add(f1, f2) on f1's metatable -- f1, f2 have no key for their metatable, unlike -- prototypes in js, so you must retrieve it as in -- getmetatable(f1). The metatable is a normal table -- with keys that Lua knows about, like __add. -- But the next line fails since s has no metatable: -- t = s + s -- Class-like patterns given in the section below would fix this. -- An __index on a metatable overloads dot lookups: defaultFavs = {animal = 'gru', food = 'donuts'} myFavs = {food = 'pizza'} setmetatable(myFavs, {__index = defaultFavs}) eatenBy = myFavs.animal -- works! thanks, metatable -- Direct table lookups that fail will retry using -- the metatable's __index value, and this recurses. -- An __index value can also be a function(tbl, key) -- for more customized lookups. -- Values of __index, add, .. are called metamethods. -- Main list. Here is a table with the metamethods. -- __add(a, b) for a + b -- __sub(a, b) for a - b -- __mul(a, b) for a * b -- __div(a, b) for a / b -- __mod(a, b) for a % b -- __pow(a, b) for a ^ b -- __unm(a) for -a -- __concat(a, b) for a .. b -- __len(a) for #a -- __eq(a, b) for a == b -- __lt(a, b) for a < b -- __le(a, b) for a <= b -- __index(a, b) for a.b -- __newindex(a, b, c) for a.b = c -- __call(a, ...) for a(...) ```` #### Class-like tables and inheritance. Classes aren't built in, there are different ways to emulate them with tables and metatables. The different ways to define a class in Lua are not easy to understand, so I suggest you to look at the [following document](support/class.lua) implementing 3 types of class definition. The last one being the one I chose (my preferred method). ````lua -- Explanation for this example is below it. Dog = {} -- 1. function Dog:new() -- 2. newObj = {sound = 'woof'} -- 3. self.__index = self -- 4. return setmetatable(newObj, self) -- 5. end function Dog:makeSound() -- 6. print('I say ' .. self.sound) end mrDog = Dog:new() -- 7. mrDog:makeSound() -- 'I say woof' -- 8. -- 1. Dog acts like a class; it's really a table. -- 2. function tablename:fn(...) is the same as -- function tablename.fn(self, ...) -- The : just adds a first arg called self. -- Read 7 & 8 below for how self gets its value. -- 3. newObj will be an instance of class Dog. -- 4. self = the class being instantiated. Often -- self = Dog, but inheritance can change it. -- newObj gets self's functions when we set both -- newObj's metatable and self's __index to self. -- 5. Reminder: setmetatable returns its first arg. -- 6. The : works as in 2, but this time we expect -- self to be an instance instead of a class. -- 7. Same as Dog.new(Dog), so self = Dog in new(). -- 8. Same as mrDog.makeSound(mrDog); self = mrDog. ---------------------------------------------------- -- Inheritance example: LoudDog = Dog:new() -- 1. function LoudDog:makeSound() s = self.sound .. ' ' -- 2. print(s .. s .. s) end seymour = LoudDog:new() -- 3. seymour:makeSound() -- 'woof woof woof' -- 4. -- 1. LoudDog gets Dog's methods and variables. -- 2. self has a 'sound' key from new(), see 3. -- 3. Same as LoudDog.new(LoudDog), and converted to -- Dog.new(LoudDog) as LoudDog has no 'new' key, -- but does have __index = Dog on its metatable. -- Result: seymour's metatable is LoudDog, and -- LoudDog.__index = LoudDog. So seymour.key will -- = seymour.key, LoudDog.key, Dog.key, whichever -- table is the first with the given key. -- 4. The 'makeSound' key is found in LoudDog; this -- is the same as LoudDog.makeSound(seymour). -- If needed, a subclass's new() is like the base's: function LoudDog:new() newObj = {} -- set up newObj self.__index = self return setmetatable(newObj, self) end ```` ### Coroutine Let's turn now to coroutines. Coroutines are functions that can be suspended and resumed at a later time. They are used to implement iterators, generators and event loops and represent a line of execution with its own stack. In other words, they can be compared to threads. ````lua -- Create a coroutine that prints 'Hello' and then stops. coHi = coroutine.create(function () print('Hello') end) print(coHi) -- thread: 0x7f9c0c00a0c0 -- Coroutine status can be 'suspended', 'running' or 'dead'. -- The coroutine is created in the 'suspended' state. -- Resume the coroutine. It will print 'Hello' and stop. coroutine.resume(coHi) -- return 'true' print(coroutine.status(coHi)) -- 'dead' -- We can also pass arguments to the coroutine. -- The arguments of the first resume are passed to the -- function of the coroutine. The following arguments -- are passed to the yield function. routine = coroutine.create(function (a, b, c) print('first print: ', a, b, c) print('yield1: ', coroutine.yield()) print('yield2: ', coroutine.yield('a variable')) return(a+b+c) end) -- will run the coroutine until the first yield. coroutine.resume(routine, 1, 2, 3) -- run the coroutine until the second yield passing -- the arguments 4, 5 and 6 to the 1er yield and -- retrieve the return value of the second yield. print('out routine: ' , coroutine.resume(routine, 4, 5, 6)) -- this will run out the second yield and made the -- adition of 'a+b+c' and kill the coroutine. print(coroutine.resume(routine, 7, 8, 9)) -- 1+2+3 = '6' -- All these steps will print: --[[ first print: 1 2 3 yield1: 4 5 6 out routine: true a variable yield2: 7 8 9 true 6 --]] ```` ### Error handling Lua allows low-level error handling with the `error` function and high-level error handling with the `assert` function. The `error` function raises an error and handles it with the `pcall` or `xpcall` function. The `assert` function checks a condition and raises an error if the condition is not met. ````lua -- Throw an error if the first argument is false -- the second argument is the error message. assert(type(firstvariable) = 'string', 'not a string') -- TODO to continue ```` ### Modules Modules are a way to organize your code. They are a way to group functions and variables together in a single file. You can then use the module in other files by using the `require` function. ````lua -- Suppose the file mod.lua looks like this: local M = {} local function sayMyName() print('Hrunkner') end function M.sayHello() print('Why hello there') sayMyName() end return M -- Return the table M. -- Another file can use mod.lua's functionality: local mod = require('mod') -- Run the file mod.lua. -- require is the standard way to include modules. -- require acts like: (if not cached; see below) local mod = (function () end)() -- It's like mod.lua is a function body, so that -- locals inside mod.lua are invisible outside it. -- This works because mod here = M in mod.lua: mod.sayHello() -- Says hello to Hrunkner. -- This is wrong, sayMyName only exists in mod.lua: mod.sayMyName() -- error -- require's return values are cached so a file is -- run at most once, even when require'd many times. -- Suppose mod2.lua contains "print('Hi!')". local a = require('mod2') -- Prints Hi! local b = require('mod2') -- Doesn't print; a=b. -- dofile is like require without caching: dofile('mod2.lua') --> Hi! dofile('mod2.lua') --> Hi! (runs it again) -- loadfile loads a lua file but doesn't run it yet. f = loadfile('mod2.lua') -- Call f() to run it. -- loadstring is loadfile for strings. g = loadstring('print(343)') -- Returns a function. g() -- Prints out '343', nothing printed before now. ````