
36 lines
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namespace PHP_PHAR;
use function PHP_PHAR\factory\makePersons;
use function PHP_PHAR\utils\sayHelloToAll;
// load -> Model, Factory, Utils; then run closure
require_once __DIR__ . '/model/Person.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/factory/personFactory.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/utils/func.php';
// Entry point
$persons = makePersons(); // make demo persons
echo "==> To beging I will print the data generated by the Person Factory.\n"; // first print
sayHelloToAll($persons); // display hello message
echo "\n==> Now I will edit some data with magic method...\n"; // edit some data
$persons[0]->lastname = 'New Last Name Very Long LMAO';
$persons[3]->lastname = 'An Other Very Long Last Name';
$persons[4]->lastname = 'An New FirstName';
sayHelloToAll($persons); // display hello message
echo "\n==> Now I will edit the age and show it with magic methods...\n"; // edit age, reboot lastname and display
$persons[0]->lastname = 'Nihart';
echo "BEFORE: " . $persons[0]->getFormattedName() . " & age=" . $persons[0]->age . "\n";
$persons[0]->age = 10;
echo "AFTER: " . $persons[0]->getFormattedName() . " & age=" . $persons[0]->age . "\n";
$persons[0]->age = -20;
echo "AFTER 2 WITH NO EFFECT: " . $persons[0]->getFormattedName() . " & age=" . $persons[0]->age . "\n";