# Hi-template [![Donate][link-icon-coffee]][link-paypal-me] [![Website][link-icon-website]][link-website] [link-icon-coffee]: https://img.shields.io/badge/%E2%98%95-Buy%20me%20a%20cup%20of%20coffee-991481.svg [link-paypal-me]: https://www.paypal.me/EndMove/2.5eur [link-icon-website]: https://img.shields.io/badge/%F0%9F%92%BB-My%20Web%20Site-0078D4.svg [link-website]: https://www.endmove.eu/ Hi-template is a Java demo project with tools to facilitate the construction and execution of projects under windows. This project also contains a brief demonstration of how Java works, as well as the structure of a basic project. ## Use ? Simply clone the project on your computer or download the source. Develop your application in `src` by organizing your code and package as you wish. Then finish by editing the root file `MANIFEST.NF` and giving it the name of the main class (the one to run at startup that contains the `main` method or the entry point if you prefer). Then use freely the `java-build-tool` to compile your project into an executable `.jar`, then run your program with the `java-run` script or via `CLI` as shown below: ```batch java -jar built.jar ``` **😎 Thank you for choosing my template !**