
40 lines
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# EXCAL-ARIGHTS - configuration file
# @version 1.1.0
# @since 08-26-2022
# @author Jérémi Nihart <contact@endmove.eu>
# @copyright © 2022 EndMove, All rights reserved.
# @link https://git.endmove.eu/EndMove/excal-arights
# Availables Permission
# - AvailabilityOnly
# - LimitedDetails
# - Reviewer
# - Editor
# Permission to use (define the triggered permission by this one)
$Permission = "LimitedDetails"
# Permissions trigger ()
$PermissionsTrigger = @("AvailabilityOnly")
# Name of the calendar folder in the user's calendar
$CalandarFolders = @("Agenda", "Calendar", "Calendrier", "Kalender")
# Alias of account to be skipped (an alias, is the email prefix ahead of the @domain.com)
$IgnoreAlias = @("raoul.nihart", "brecht.marsoul")
# Name of account to be skipped when permission for it's is set into user's calandar (a full name ex: Jeremi Nihart)
$IgnoreUsers = @("Anonymous")
# Email of the Administration account to use
$AdminAccount = "admin@luminussolutions.be"
# Logs file in which log all process
$LogFile = "logs-$Time.log"
# Script name
$ScriptName = "EXCAL-ARIGHTS"