"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.isAsync = exports.isValid = exports.isDirty = exports.isAborted = exports.OK = exports.DIRTY = exports.INVALID = exports.ParseStatus = exports.addIssueToContext = exports.EMPTY_PATH = exports.makeIssue = exports.getParsedType = exports.ZodParsedType = void 0; const ZodError_1 = require("../ZodError"); const util_1 = require("./util"); exports.ZodParsedType = util_1.util.arrayToEnum([ "string", "nan", "number", "integer", "float", "boolean", "date", "bigint", "symbol", "function", "undefined", "null", "array", "object", "unknown", "promise", "void", "never", "map", "set", ]); const getParsedType = (data) => { const t = typeof data; switch (t) { case "undefined": return exports.ZodParsedType.undefined; case "string": return exports.ZodParsedType.string; case "number": return isNaN(data) ? exports.ZodParsedType.nan : exports.ZodParsedType.number; case "boolean": return exports.ZodParsedType.boolean; case "function": return exports.ZodParsedType.function; case "bigint": return exports.ZodParsedType.bigint; case "object": if (Array.isArray(data)) { return exports.ZodParsedType.array; } if (data === null) { return exports.ZodParsedType.null; } if (data.then && typeof data.then === "function" && data.catch && typeof data.catch === "function") { return exports.ZodParsedType.promise; } if (typeof Map !== "undefined" && data instanceof Map) { return exports.ZodParsedType.map; } if (typeof Set !== "undefined" && data instanceof Set) { return exports.ZodParsedType.set; } if (typeof Date !== "undefined" && data instanceof Date) { return exports.ZodParsedType.date; } return exports.ZodParsedType.object; default: return exports.ZodParsedType.unknown; } }; exports.getParsedType = getParsedType; const makeIssue = (params) => { const { data, path, errorMaps, issueData } = params; const fullPath = [...path, ...(issueData.path || [])]; const fullIssue = { ...issueData, path: fullPath, }; let errorMessage = ""; const maps = errorMaps .filter((m) => !!m) .slice() .reverse(); for (const map of maps) { errorMessage = map(fullIssue, { data, defaultError: errorMessage }).message; } return { ...issueData, path: fullPath, message: issueData.message || errorMessage, }; }; exports.makeIssue = makeIssue; exports.EMPTY_PATH = []; function addIssueToContext(ctx, issueData) { const issue = (0, exports.makeIssue)({ issueData: issueData, data: ctx.data, path: ctx.path, errorMaps: [ ctx.common.contextualErrorMap, ctx.schemaErrorMap, ZodError_1.overrideErrorMap, ZodError_1.defaultErrorMap, // then global default map ].filter((x) => !!x), }); ctx.common.issues.push(issue); } exports.addIssueToContext = addIssueToContext; class ParseStatus { constructor() { this.value = "valid"; } dirty() { if (this.value === "valid") this.value = "dirty"; } abort() { if (this.value !== "aborted") this.value = "aborted"; } static mergeArray(status, results) { const arrayValue = []; for (const s of results) { if (s.status === "aborted") return exports.INVALID; if (s.status === "dirty") status.dirty(); arrayValue.push(s.value); } return { status: status.value, value: arrayValue }; } static async mergeObjectAsync(status, pairs) { const syncPairs = []; for (const pair of pairs) { syncPairs.push({ key: await pair.key, value: await pair.value, }); } return ParseStatus.mergeObjectSync(status, syncPairs); } static mergeObjectSync(status, pairs) { const finalObject = {}; for (const pair of pairs) { const { key, value } = pair; if (key.status === "aborted") return exports.INVALID; if (value.status === "aborted") return exports.INVALID; if (key.status === "dirty") status.dirty(); if (value.status === "dirty") status.dirty(); if (typeof value.value !== "undefined" || pair.alwaysSet) { finalObject[key.value] = value.value; } } return { status: status.value, value: finalObject }; } } exports.ParseStatus = ParseStatus; exports.INVALID = Object.freeze({ status: "aborted", }); const DIRTY = (value) => ({ status: "dirty", value }); exports.DIRTY = DIRTY; const OK = (value) => ({ status: "valid", value }); exports.OK = OK; const isAborted = (x) => x.status === "aborted"; exports.isAborted = isAborted; const isDirty = (x) => x.status === "dirty"; exports.isDirty = isDirty; const isValid = (x) => x.status === "valid"; exports.isValid = isValid; const isAsync = (x) => typeof Promise !== undefined && x instanceof Promise; exports.isAsync = isAsync;