--- # This is the pipeline 1 kind: pipeline type: docker name: run_tests # Only trigger on these event trigger: event: - tag # Pipeline steps steps: # Testing - name: Testing image: python:3.10 commands: - pip install -r requirements.txt - python3 run_tests.py - python3 -c "print('The current triggered tag is ${DRONE_TAG}'); print('Start Builder WebPicDownloader for linux.')" # I know it's bad, just a test - pyinstaller --noconfirm --onefile --windowed --icon "./webpicdownloader/assets/logo.ico" --name "WebPicDownloader" --clean --version-file "./app_version_file.txt" --add-data "./webpicdownloader/assets:webpicdownloader/assets/" --exclude-module "auto_py_to_exe" --exclude-module "pyinstaller" --exclude-module "unittest" "./main.py" # Notifying # - name: deploy_&_notify # image: appleboy/drone-discord # settings: # webhook_id: # from_secret: discord_id # webhook_token: # from_secret: discord_token # message: "Release with tag works ! (TAG uuid: {{build.tag}})" # when: # status: # - success